Thursday, September 05, 2024

Einstein Papers Project's Newest Volume: Einstein Wrestles with Politics and Physics, 1929–1930


At this pace, the Einstein Papers project will not be finished before the year 2100.

"The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein provides a rare opportunity for readers to move through Einstein's life at a leisurely pace, perusing all his writings, from his informal correspondence to his most carefully argued scientific theories. Volume 17, which covers the period from June 1929 to November 1930, was published by Princeton University Press on September 3, 2024.

Since 1987 the Einstein Papers Project, based at Caltech, has been releasing a volume of Einstein's correspondence and papers approximately every three years. Each volume documents, translates, and in many cases recovers previously lost writings, acting as a snapshot not only of Einstein's life at the time, but of all the scientific and political discussions swirling around him. ...

Volume 17 finds Einstein living mainly in Berlin, though traveling throughout Europe to attend conferences and receive honorary degrees. ...

this was "a watershed event for him, a time when he yet again seriously considered either leaving academia altogether—as he had done in the 1920s during vicious attacks in Germany against his person and his theory of relativity—or emigrating, as he would eventually do in 1933." ...

He continued his passionate work promoting pacifism and speaking out on behalf of Europe's Jewish population. Amidst all this, Einstein acquired a sailboat in early June 1929 and continued to listen to and perform music.

Volume 17 includes nine published scientific papers as well as unpublished papers and calculations Einstein developed in search of a unified field theory. "One nice discovery," Kormos-Buchwald says, "was a notebook containing ideas and elaborations of the teleparallel theory ...

Einstein was using an specialized form of geometry, telleparallelism, to try to bring together electromagnetism and gravitation in a single unified field theory. ...  "Eventually Einstein's 'Unified Field Theory Based on a Riemannian Metric and Distant Parallelism' became his most comprehensive and self-contained exposition on the teleparallel approach, which he later abandoned,"  ...

the most challenging documents in the volume were related to Einstein's pacifist activism after the outbreak of violence in British-ruled Palestine in 1929. ...the eruption of intercommunal violence between Palestinian Arabs and Jews in that period was unfortunately only a portent of the decades of intense bloodshed that has occurred in the region hence and is still ongoing ...

"Einstein also continued to persevere in one of his earliest political involvements: his efforts to promote peace and international cooperation that had started a decade earlier,"... "He encouraged disarmament, conscientious objection, and apolitical pacifism.  ... Only a few years later, Einstein abandoned unconditional pacifism, regarding Germany's threat to the world as too great. ..."

Einstein Papers Project vol. 17 -

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