Thursday, September 26, 2019

One Of The Powers Of AI: Discovery

Posted: 9/26/2019

Today, I read one of the latest, very impressive OpenAI blog posts (S1) and dawned on me again that probably one of the most powerful features of AI is discovery of new/novel/unexpected ways of doing things. As humanity continues its journey into AI we will find all sorts of surprising discoveries presented by AI.

Here is a salient excerpt from this blog post:
“We’ve observed agents discovering progressively more complex tool use while playing a simple game of hide-and-seek. Through training in our new simulated hide-and-seek environment, agents build a series of six distinct strategies and counterstrategies, some of which we did not know our environment supported. The self-supervised emergent complexity in this simple environment further suggests that multi-agent co-adaptation may one day produce extremely complex and intelligent behavior.” (S1; emphasis added)

Many areas of scientific and mathematical research are already benefiting enormously from this power to discover, e.g. chemistry (synthesis of new materials, medicines etc.).

We are only at the beginning of this exciting journey!  

Sources (S):

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Finally Some Legal Action Against Snowden

Posted: 9/21/2019

The Trump Administration has to be applauded and praised for taking action against this arrogant, fugitive, dangerous and irresponsible traitor Edward Snowden. It is about time that something is done! 

“Exiled former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden has been hit with a civil lawsuit from the Justice Department over the publication of his new book, titled, "Permanent Record," and the feds want to seize all the money the notorious [traitor]'s memoir rakes in.” (S1; emphasis added)

If you need one proof that Putin the Terrible is what he is then it is his government granting asylum (whether officially or de facto) to this traitor. Had Snowden been a traitor of Russian secrets, he would be long dead!

Sources (S):

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Something I Like About Benny Gantz

Posted: 9/18/2019

I immediately admit that I do not know much about the serious challenger of Prime Minister Netanyahu, i.e. Benny Gantz.

There is something I like about Benny Gantz:
"In February 2019, an Israeli-American woman accused Gantz of exposing himself to her 40 years earlier, causing her traumatic disorders. ... Gantz denied all allegations, claiming that such an incident never took place, and that the allegations were politically motivated. ... Gantz has since sued the woman for defamation." (S1; emphasis added; I presume the Wikipedia content is correct)

Gantz sued this most likely phony accuser! Two thumbs up for that! Hope Gantz will prevail in court! 

Finally, a man is standing up to these phony accusations and exposes sexual harassment allegations for what they often are: thinly veiled weapons wielded by women against men!

Who is this lunatic, very possibly politically motivated woman? 40 years ago, seriously? That is way beyond any statute of limitations. Any witnesses have possibly died in the meantime or surely do not remember anymore. Has this been deliberately launched to trigger other women to come forward with more phony allegations or, much hoped for, finally some real allegations?

The laws governing sexual harassment allegations need to be urgently reformed as they are way too much in favor of the accuser!

P.S. Does this story of a several decades old sexual harassment accusation by a woman not sound so familiar? Remember U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. President Trump

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Debunking The Lasting Myth Of Poverty In The Early Industrial Revolution

Posted: 9/18/2019

I have had serious doubts for many years regarding the still predominant narrative about the severe poverty and worker exploitation during the early phase of the Industrial Revolution as it happened in Great Britain. Charles Dickens famous stories and Karl Marx and his sugar daddy Friedrich Engels stoked the narrative early on.

“Were there no poor people before that? (There were, obviously.) There are a number of possible answers – an increase in the concentration of poverty with growing urbanization and industrialization, which made poverty more visible; the rising standard of living, which made poverty seem less “normal”; or ... a more visible contrast between wealthy owners and poorer workers” (S1; emphasis added)

I may add:
  1. Yes, perhaps the contrast between wealthy owners and poor workers became more visible. Perhaps, there were suddenly many more affluent and wealthy citizens around, while in previous centuries wealth was more invisible and highly concentrated with the nobility and upper echelons of clergy. 
  2. Many of the nouveau rich were self made and came from humble beginnings
  3. I would bet there were relatively fewer poor people during this time than in the centuries before if you adjust e.g. for population growth
  4. Above all, poverty is such a strong relative phenomenon depending on time, location, culture and much more. E.g. a person in Western countries, who is in our time considered to be poor, would have been seen as a well off person just a few decades ago. Like beauty, poverty is to some extent more in the eye of the beholder. Greed and envy do the rest!

Sources (S):

Monday, September 16, 2019

Howdy Modi

Posted: 9/16/2019

Indian media are celebrating President Trump with highest praises (S1, S3). The alliance of the 21st century appears to be emerging. President Bush Jr. already made great advances and paved the road (e.g. “the game-changing civil nuclear cooperation agreement that he pushed through between 2005 and 2008” S2)! 

Unprecedented support for India by President Trump! Largest event ever for a foreign head of state! A totally unscripted gesture by President Trump! Trump again has redefined protocol!

Perhaps a famous quote from the end of the movie Casablanca is appropriate here:
As they walk away into the fog, Rick (Humphrey Bogart) says, "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Sources (S):

A Smart Pharma Purdue Bankruptcy

Posted: 9/16/2019  Updated: 9/18/2019 

The company was up against two thousand lawsuits; was accused of triggering a nationwide epidemic of opioid addiction crisis; was pursued by government shakedowns of this business and so on.

Why don’t we blame those customers of Purdue Pharma when they were consuming too much  Oxycontin and became addicted? Many of these customers were not innocent or ignorant, they were irresponsible! To call them victims, is outrageous is most cases!

Did the states involved here follow the playbook of the other great government shakedown of businesses, i.e. Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement of 1998 (S2)? I would not be the least surprised!

I guess, the company, facing such an onslaught, made the right decision to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection! Bravo!

Sources (S):

Finally A Mutual Defense Treaty Between U.S. And Israel?

Posted: 9/16/2019  Updated: 9/19/2019

Update As Of 9/19/2019

Just read this piece A Defense Treaty With Israel Would Be a Huge Mistake (The National Interest, 9/16/19)) by Michael Rubin.

I am a great fan of Mr. Rubin. He is very smart, usually well informed, and I largely agree with most of his commentaries. However, in this case he errs fundamentally! He correctly identifies and fully acknowledges the many benefits of the American Israeli partnership since 1948.

As I understand his main arguments are as follows (emphasis added):
  1. It is unlikely, however, Israel could have launched either attack [2007 airstrike on Syria’s undeclared nuclear site; Israel’s 1981 strike on the Osirak nuclear reactor] —and countless other operations about which the American public has never heard—had it had a mutual defense treaty with the United States. Nor is such a treaty necessary for Israel’s defense”
  2. Israel has also survived for decades absent it when countries with which it now has peace like Egypt and Jordan, or de facto peace like Saudi Arabia and the other Arab Gulf states, were hellbent on its destruction. It survived both the Six-day War and the Yom Kippur War.”
  3. “Why not formalize the informal, however? The answer is simple: A formal defense treaty between Jerusalem and Washington would tie Israel’s hands.”
  4. Even if U.S. authorities approved any operationa process which could cost valuable hours or days—the notoriously leaky culture of the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence community makes trust in U.S. discretion increasingly impossible.”

I think, Mr Rubin here lacks some serious imagination. Not it would not tie Israel’s hands if the defense treaty is carefully crafted! Israel could largely be trusted to do military strikes on its own. It has proven again and again that Israel’s strikes were well measured and very reasonable! I would also imagine that an ally like Israel would be extremely cautious to go alone or choose to seek the consent of its ally first! That Israel survived the onslaught of its many enemies for decades is a very weak non sequitur argument!

About the leaky Pentagon or intelligence services, it is high time that any leaks are prosecuted immediately and much more harshly than in the past! Cases like the very dangerous and irresponsible Bradley Edward Manning or Edward Snowden should end up in front of a firing squad after found guilty of treason!

Original Post

Since the Arab and Muslim/Iran countries are not willing to sign peace treaties with Israel since 1948, this might be a good option. Arab/Muslim/Iran countries have harassed Israel for decades politically and militarily (e.g. boycotts, sanctions against countries or companies that do business with Israel etc.). 

Israel has been under constant siege by its Arab/Muslim/Iranian neighbors since 1948. Israel is surrounded by roughly 60-100 million potential enemies.

Therefore, a mutual defense agreement between the most powerful nation on earth and David makes a whole lot of sense. It only confirms the status quo that has existed for several decades.  Israel is a highly advanced country with a very prosperous economy and with a superior intelligence service, all of which have and will continue to benefit the U.S. in many ways.

President Trump has already demonstrated his guts when it comes to Israel by defying and smashing the too convenient so called conventional wisdom of international diplomacy. Will Trump go further ...

Sources (S):
Trump says he’s willing to consider a mutual defense treaty with Israel (9/15/19)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Deep Fake Deep Scare

Posted: 9/14/2019  Updated: 10/8/2019

Update Of 10/8/2019

According to this MIT Technology Review article
Forget fake news—nearly all deepfakes are being made for porn about 96% of identified deep fakes on the Internet are porn related based on a report from DeepTrace.

However, it just takes one or a few well done deep fake political propaganda videos released at the right time to have a potentially serious impact on public opinion at least temporarily. Just remember the infamous 1964 Daisy Ad during U.S. Senator Goldwater’s presidential election campaign.

Original Post

A new hysteria is in the making and gaining momentum: The enormous threat of Deep Fakes for democracy and society! I am already peeing in my pants just thinking about it (caution: irony, satire)!

This is a whole lot of baloney and hot air! How stupid do these incessant, busybody scaremongers think We The People are? We The People will quickly learn how to deal with this issue! It is, of course without any question, important to warn about deep fakes and to thoroughly research the issue!

Otherwise, almost als always, follow the money trail! Fear & sex sells

I have to thank Andrew Ng for bringing this issue to my attention (S2).

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Face Recognition For Chimpanzees Is Coming

Posted: 9/14/2019

This will certainly drive animal rights activists nuts & bananas! Don't these poor chimpanzees have any privacy (caution: irony)!

I have to thank Andrew Ng for bringing this research paper to my attention (S2).

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