Saturday, November 30, 2019

Uruguay Turns to the Political Right After 15 Years of Leftist Rule!!!


Ronald Reagan On Guns

Very recommendable!

RoboCup Initiative Soccer Objective

I bet it will happen by 2040 or earlier instead of the middle of the century!

"The Dream
We proposed that the ultimate goal of the RoboCup Initiative to be stated as follows:
By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup."

Objective: Objective

Maternal Care Scandal in Britain’s NHS Reveals Human Costs of Socialised Medicine

Socialized healthcare like in the UK or Canada is dangerous to your health.  The scandals revealed so far about e.g. British National Health Service are only the tip of the iceberg! Other scandals probably go unnoticed or a covered up!

Maternal Care Scandal in Britain’s NHS Reveals Human Costs of Socialised Medicine | Mises Wire: If the current Democratic primary has illustrated one thing, it is that the fascination with socialised medicine in the American political conversation continues to double and redouble with each passing year.

Düsseldorf: Arabischer Clan stürmt die Notaufnahme

Zustände wie in einer Bananenrepublik! Anscheinend haben Übergriffe auf medizinisches Personal in Deutschland deutlich zugenommen seit einigen Jahren.

Düsseldorf: Arabischer Clan stürmt die Notaufnahme: Kürzlich stürmten 15 Mitglieder eines arabischen Clans eine Notaufnahme in Düsseldorf. Es herrscht Verdrängungskampf zwischen Zuwanderern...

Distribution of World's First Malaria Vaccine Begins Since April 2019

Good old news!

"Aprogram to vaccinate young children in high-risk areas for malaria begins today (April 23 [2019]) in Malawi, and will soon roll out in Ghana and Kenya, the World Health Organization announced ... malaria, which kills 250,000 children each year in Africa alone"

Distribution of World's First Malaria Vaccine Begins | The Scientist Magazine®: The World Health Organization and its partners will test the public health effect of immunization in parts of Malawi, Ghana, and Kenya.

Adult Humans Can Regenerate Cartilage: Study

Good news!

"We believe that an understanding of this ‘salamander-like’ regenerative capacity in humans, and the critically missing components of this regulatory circuit, could provide the foundation for new approaches to repair joint tissues and possibly whole human limbs,” ... The researchers found that the prevalence of younger proteins was tied to the abundance of a microRNA that blocks the action of a messenger RNA that inhibits the production of new collagen proteins. Similar microRNAs are active in animals that can regrow limbs,"

Adult Humans Can Regenerate Cartilage: Study | The Scientist Magazine®: Collagen inside ankles has more turnover than that in hips, thanks to the action of microRNAs.

Hyundai schont die Ohren seiner Passagiere

Amazing stuff!

Hyundai schont die Ohren seiner Passagiere - Der südkoreanische Autohersteller geht mit Gegenschall gegen unerwünschten Lärm in seinen Fahrzeugen vor. Da das System in Rekordschnelle rechnet, schafft es mehr Geräusche effektiver aus der Welt als seine Vorgänger.

Viel mehr Geld für die ESA: Europa nimmt das Weltall endlich ernst

Das wurde aber auch höchste Zeit, dass mehr Geld in ESA oder Raumforschung ausgegeben wird. Israel und Indien sind dabei die Europäer hinter sich zu lassen!

Viel mehr Geld für die ESA: Europa nimmt das Weltall endlich ernst: Deutschland wird erstmals größter ESA-Beitragszahler vor Frankreich. Neues Geld erhalten Programme von der Erdbeobachtung bis zu einer...

Friday, November 29, 2019

George Orwell: The Uncompromising Visionary


Unser Potemkinsches Bildungssystem

Hoechste Zeit das staatlich Schul(un)wesen weitgehend zu privatisieren! Lasst die Bürger entscheiden, nicht die inkompetenten, lebenslangen Berufspolitiker!

Unser Potemkinsches Bildungssystem – Prometheus: Das Ziel von Bildung sollte eigentlich sein, Menschen dazu zu bringen, ihre Fähigkeiten und Leidenschaften bestmöglich entfalten und ausleben zu können. Ein Zertifikate-Fetisch und die Vergleichbarkeits-Ideologie führen dazu, dass genau das nicht erreicht wird.

Trump administration plans to open national forests in Texas to more oil and gas drilling

Good news! Bravo Trump! Environmental concerns can easily and responsibly be addressed!
Alaska ANWR next? That would be great news!
California offshore drilling? Why not!

Trump administration plans to open national forests in Texas to more oil and gas drilling - Environmentalists and other opponents are fighting Trump administration plans to open more than 1.9 million acres of national forests and grasslands in Texas to more oil and natural gas drilling activity.

Wie der Islam die Renaissance schuf

Empfehlenswert! Aber etwas einseitig zugunsten des Morgenlandes! Die Muslime hätten größere Teile Europas im 8. Jahrhundert erobert und besetzt wären sie nicht von z.B. Charles Martell in Frankreich gestoppt worden. Etwas was diese Dokumentation leider nicht erwähnt. Auch die zweimalige Belagerung von Wien bleibt unerwähnt! Aber die bösen Kreuzritter werden, wie üblich, beschuldigt!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Secret Life Of Chaos: Chaos Theory (Jim Al-Khalili)

Very recommendable! From the angle of chaos theory, e.g. any computer model that is being used to predict global climate in 100 years or further out is totally ridiculous! The UN IPCC is a fraud!

Unfortunately, the sound quality of the video is very uneven! Low narrator voice is overpowered by loud background noise (e.g. music)

TO LOVE SOMEBODY by Janis Joplin

Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You - 1974

Until now I had no Idea that Dolly Parton sang this song too! However, I much prefer the Whitney Houston version of it!

‘Rocky’ shock for China makes Trump Hong Kong hero

Could this become the rallying cry like Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down!" Can Xi Jinping face Rocky (the Hong Kong David)?

This make my Thanksgiving Day! Bravo Trump!

‘Rocky’ shock for China makes Trump Hong Kong hero: Hours after Trump signed two bills to support human rights in Hong Kong, pro-democracy protesters in the beleaguered city held a “Thanksgiving Rally” to commend him for taking the action.

Paul Pelosi, Jr. faces allegations of abuse, fraud

How wonderful! The high echelons of the Dimocratic Party are rife with  corruption! The Clintons, the Bidens, and now the Pelosis! Drain the Swamp of Washington DC!

There has never been a better time to start a small space agency

Good news!

"With every passing year, more and more countries are launching their own space agencies to participate in a growing space economy ...

The big picture: No fewer than 13 countries have established brand-new space agencies in just the past decade, the majority of them in the last five years. For example, Portugal plans to convert the island Santa Maria into one of the world’s busiest spaceports. ... The space market is already worth an estimated $325 billion, according to the US Chamber of Commerce."

The Download Your daily dose of what's up in emerging technology

The Masakhane project wants machine translation and AI to transform Africa

Good news! Africa is catching up in AI and machine learning! This is by far not the only project helping African scientists and researchers to advance in AI!

The Masakhane project wants machine translation and AI to transform Africa | VentureBeat: Masakhane is an open source project being undertaken by young African technologists to translate African languages using neural machine translation.

Weizmann Institute develops CO2-consuming bacteria

Very beneficial for humanity that Jews/Israelis believe in only one God and it is not climate change! Jews believe in "Do not worship idols (e.g. climate change)!". Christians believe in the Apocalypse, Jews in the coming of the Messiah! Which one do you prefer?

This research most likely has also implications for artificial photosynthesis!

"Scientists at the Weizmann Institute have developed bacteria nourished only from carbon dioxide. The bacteria build their entire biomass from carbon in the air. ... The bacteria ... were weaned completely from sugar, and now subsist entirely on a diet of CO2, which they obtain from their surroundings, so that they live off the air and build their entire mass from carbon in the atmosphere. ... The researchers ... decided to try applying the no-sugar challenge to E. coli bacteria. First, they mapped the genes essential to the process of fixating carbon and attached several of them to the genome of the bacteria in their laboratory. In addition, in order to replace the role of solar energy in photosynthesis, they inserted a gene into the bacteria that enabled them to derive energy from an available material called formate. The scientists sequenced the genome of the bacteria weaned from sugar in order to identify the mutations that changed their nutritional habits. Unexpectedly, they found relatively few genetic changes - a few changes involving synchronization of the carbon fixation process, a few changes involving transcription - regulating how existing genes are turned on and off, and several more changes whose role was unclear"

"So, Ron Milo, a synthetic biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and his colleagues decided to see whether they could transform E. coli [heterotroph] into an autotroph. ... hey inserted the gene for an enzyme that enabled the microbe to eat formate, one of the simplest carbon-containing compounds, and one other strains of E. coli can’t eat. The microbes could then transform the formate into ATP, an energy-rich molecule that cells can use. That diet gave the microbe the energy it needed to use the second batch of three new enzymes it received—all of which enabled it to convert CO2 into sugars and other organic molecules. The researchers also deleted several enzymes the bacterium normally uses for metabolism, forcing it to depend on the new diet to grow."

Weizmann Institute develops CO2-consuming bacteria - Globes: The bacteria could help reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

This microbe no longer needs to eat food to grow, thanks to a bit of genetic engineering

Maas wirbt für nukleare Abrüstung

Dank der SED Kanzlerin Merkel hat nun Deutschland drei Idioten in Folge als Außenminister gehabt (Heiko Maas, Sigmar Gabriel, und Frank-Walter Steinmeier)! Merkel muss weg! Ihr Rücktritt ist schon seit Jahren überfällig!

Wie naiv und einfältig ist die Forderung der Abschaffung von Atomwaffen! So lange noch totalitäre, kriegsschürende Diktaturen unseren  Planeten beehren sind solche Forderungen ziemlich doof!

Maas wirbt für nukleare Abrüstung Der deutsche Außenminister gedenkt in Hiroshima der Opfer des Atombombenabwurfs vor 74 Jahren und wirbt für eine Welt ohne Atomwaffen.: ("Impressum

Das Deutschland-Portal „“ ist ein Service der FAZIT Communication GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Auswärtigen Amt, Berlin")

Why we should be far more afraid of climate tipping points

Climate tipping points? Demagoguery and scaremongering! There is no scientific basis for this nonsense! Gripped by medieval superstition!

“Scientists argue we may cross the point of no return for some ecosystems in a little more than a decade, reports James Temple.

The issue: For decades, scientists have warned that global warming could surpass dangerous tipping points, propelling rain forests, ice sheets, and coral reefs into effectively irreversible death spirals. A commentary in Nature this week warns we may now be rapidly approaching the thresholds that could set some of these events into motion.

Even worse: The phenomena may be more interlinked than once believed, raising the possibility of a “global cascade of tipping points that led to a new, less habitable, ‘hothouse’ climate state,” the authors write. Research suggests we may doom the Greenland ice sheets with as little as 1.5˚C of warming, a level the planet could reach by 2030 (temperatures have already climbed about 1˚C).

"The Greenland ice sheet is melting at an accelerating rate. It could add a further 7 m to sea level over thousands of years if it passes a particular threshold. ... But that timescale is still under our control. The rate of melting depends on the magnitude of warming above the tipping point. At 1.5 °C, it could take 10,000 years to unfold; above 2 °C it could take less than 1,000 years"

Too bad! Greenland is called green land, because the Vikings settled on this lush green island from about 900-1300 AD during the Medieval Warm Period until the Little Ice Age set in! 

The best computer models cannot even predict the weather accurately for more than 24 hours. Thus, climate predictions of a hundred years or even a 1000 years from now are completely ridiculous and total garbage! The complexity of weather and climate models is very similar!

Communists Working in U.S. Steal Billions in Taxpayer-Funded Scientific Research

Recommendable! Learning the lessons of the Cold War again!

Communists Working in U.S. Steal Billions in Taxpayer-Funded Scientific Research | Judicial Watch: Billions of dollars in scientific research funded by American taxpayers has been stolen by China right under our noses and the U.S. government has no plan to stop the ongoing theft of the highly valued intellectual property. In the meantime the publicly-funded work is helping the Communist nation meet its goal of becoming a world …

Trump's Declaration on Israeli Communities in Judea and Samaria

Recommendable! Unfortunately, the article does not explain the United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 (adopted on 23 December 2016) very well. That the outgoing Obama administration abstained from voting against it is one of many of President Obama's terrible foreign policy legacy! This resolution adopted a lot of very controversial language aimed at Israel!

Trump's Declaration on Israeli Communities in Judea and Samaria | Frontpage Mag

Will 5G Be Bad For Our Health?

How many more times will humanity be exposed to these exaggerated kind of warnings and fearmongering regarding radio wave transmissions?

We have now more than 100 years of comprehensive experience with wireless transmissions of radio waves! The first wireless radio broadcast occurred in 1906. First TV broadcast in the late 1920s. Microwave radio transmission fears were prominent in the 1960s and 70s. Hand-held radio transceivers (predecessors of wireless mobile phones) are in use since the 1940s. And so on ...

Will 5G Be Bad For Our Health? IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum

The European Parliament declares climate emergency | News | European Parliament

Obsessed with climate religion and climate hysteria, a significant majority of EU parliamentarians declared a so called climate emergency!

"1) Commission must ensure all proposals are aligned with 1.5 °C target
2) EU should cut emissions by 55% by 2030 to become climate neutral by 2050
3) Calls to reduce global emissions from shipping and aviation"

The 1.5 degree Celsius target is totally arbitrary. It is based on flawed, manipulated and highly selected data! Not to mention that 1.5 degrees is a global average (whatever that means) that is within the margin of error for such a metric!

The members of the EU Parliament are calling for socialist central planning like we have observed in the 70 years of the former USSR! Horrible!

When politicians declare an emergency that is not related to war, a major natural catastrophe or the outbreak of a highly contagious and deadly disease, then the citizens should be on high alert! The Global Warming Hoax does not qualify!

The European Parliament declares climate emergency | News | European Parliament: EU should commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the UN Conference, says Parliament.

Straßburg: Europaparlament ruft „Klimanotstand“ für Europa aus

Die irren und wirren Europäer, besessen von Klimareligion und Klimapanik! Die Welt schaut schmunzelnd zu!

Straßburg: Europaparlament ruft „Klimanotstand“ für Europa aus: Mit großer Mehrheit hat das Europaparlament den „Klimanotstand“ für Europa ausgerufen. Die Resolution ist allerdings nicht mehr als ein...

The European Parliament declares climate emergency

Ashoka, der indische Krieger Buddhas

Sehr empfehlenswert! Wer Indien verstehen will kommt an Ashoka nicht vorbei!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing (Official Video)

R.I.P. Whitney Houston

Michael Jackson - Don’t Stop 'Til You Get Enough (Official Video)

Down memory lane! Don't stop!

Does Bill Gates Pay His Fair Share in Taxes?

Recommendable! The top 1% or the top 10% of income earners pay much more than their  fair share in federal income taxes 

Sri Lanka Turns to the Nationalist Right!!!

Recommendable! Explains some recent religious ties between India and Sri Lanka and more

China’s completed ‘artificial sun’ to start operation in 2020 - China’s HL-2M nuclear fusion device burns with the power of 13 suns

Will China achieve what the West and the former USSR, now Russia could not in six decades? Something to watch!

China’s completed ‘artificial sun’ to start operation in 2020 - China’s HL-2M nuclear fusion device burns with the power of 13 suns | Abacus: China’s HL-2M nuclear fusion device burns with the power of 13 suns

A girl’s TikTok “makeup” video went viral for discussing the Uighur crisis

Labels: human ingenuity, censorship, Chinese communist party

Posted: 11/27/2019

Human ingenuity beats/trumps totalitarian censorship anytime! Kudos to this 17 year old heroine!

“A smart bit of bait-and-switch that got past the moderators shows how the app is growing up. But it also raises questions about censorship on the Chinese-owned platform.

What happened?: 17-year-old Feroza Aziz snuck political commentary about Uighur detentions into a purported makeup video. She started by talking about eyelash curling, spent about 30 seconds telling viewers to find out “what’s happening in China, how they’re getting concentration camps, throwing innocent Muslims in there” then goes back to talking about eyelashes again in the final seconds.

Why all the subterfuge?: Aziz bookending a video with eyelash-curling tips was designed to circumvent TikTok’s strict moderation.

Has Aziz been banned?: Unclear. Aziz’s TikTok page is still up, but the video has been taken down. She alleged in a tweet that her account had been shut down for a month because of the Uighur video. TikTok says the ban was for an earlier video.

Bigger picture: It all shows how the app is growing up and fast becoming a major political tool. But it will also fuel fears over Chinese censorship seeping into the West. Read the full story.”

Sources (S):

Sex Promotes Lasting Memories in Female Flies

Amazing stuff! Not exactly what you may think! However, analogous research on mammals, primates, and humans is still outstanding. So sex is perhaps after all much more than just about procreation and bonding.  

Sex Promotes Lasting Memories in Female Flies | The Scientist Magazine®: A protein present in the ejaculate of male fruit flies activates long-term memory formation in the brains of their female partners.

Zwischen USA und China: Deutschland wird sich entscheiden müssen

Wieder ein so dämlicher Artikel eines führenden Mitglieds der deutschen Presse! Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger hat schon öfters so dummes Zeug abgegeben. Daher ist die einzige Entscheidung hier für die Leitung der FAZ, ob sie diesen Herrn nicht endlich in die Redaktion für Lokales versetzen möchte.

Zwischen USA und China: Deutschland wird sich entscheiden müssen: Trumps Botschafter Grenell beschwert sich, dass die Bundesregierung die Vereinigten Staaten mit der chinesischen Kommunisten-Diktatur...

EU-Kommission: Hälfte des EU-Haushalts für den Klimaschutz

Die polyglotte, aber völlig inkompetente Berufspolitikerin Von der Leyen lässt wieder mal grüßen! Das die Frau EU Kommissions-Präsidentin werden konnte ist so blamabel für Deutschland!

Habe zu Von der Leyen zuvor hier und hier gebloggt!

EU-Kommission: Hälfte des EU-Haushalts für den Klimaschutz: Einem internen Papier der EU-Kommission zufolge könnte bis zum Jahr 2030 mehr als die Hälfte des EU-Haushalts in den Klimaschutz fließen....

Protest in Berlin: Aufstand der Bauern

Völlig überzogene Umweltvorschriften treiben die Bauern in Deutschland zum Protest wie schon lange nicht mehr! Die meisten Politiker und Beamten haben von Ackerbau und Viehzucht keine Ahnung! Insbesondere, die Tochter eines Winzers, vormals Weinkönigin, die gegenwärtige Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerin (Julia Klöckner), hat wohl einiges vergessen!

Schlechte Wahlergebnisse für die CDU sind daher hausgemacht!

Protest in Berlin: Aufstand der Bauern: Viele Landwirte fühlen sich von den Verordnungen und Gesetzen der Politik gegängelt. Vor allem für die CDU ist ihr Protest heikel.

FBI Lawyer Referred for Criminal Prosecution

Good news! Much bigger and much more sophisticated than Watergate!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Indira Gandhi: Leading India for Fifteen Years

Recommendable! What a controversial politician she was! The forced sterilization of millions of Indian men is perhaps one of her greatest failures besides her pursuing socialism in India!

Hong Kong Protest, US China Trade War & China’s Inevitable “Disintegrati...

Very recommendable! Did you know that Nixon had a Chinese girl friend about half his age before he visited China? Did you know that the communist Zhou Enlai called Chiang Kai-shek on the phone in Taiwan to find out what Kissinger was up to? Did you know a close consultant of Gorbachev became the first curator of the KGB archive and as his first step he made five copies of this entire archive and sent it to five different continents? According to Waldron, Kissinger made a huge foreign policy mistake to warm up to China!

Did you know that Mao sold secrets to the Japanese invaders because the communist party needed money?

Kim Kardashian says husband Kanye West, a new Christian, and her experience at the White House prompted her to quit her overtly sexual look

Are we going to witness a reversal in cultural trends? Can you believe that now the wife of Kanye West also comes out to preach more modesty? Will she be setting a new fashion trend? Is the pendulum of mores and values in society swinging of again!

Kim Kardashian, the sex symbol of recent years! Look at the advertisement pictures featured by store chains like Sephora, MAC, and Morphe, mostly clones of Kim Kardashian! Can you keep up with Kim Kardashian? Or is this only just a new marketing ploy! We'll see!

Kim Kardashian says husband Kanye West, a new Christian, and her experience at the White House prompted her to quit her overtly sexual look - TheBlaze: She's turning over a new leaf

South China Sea of troubles

Very recommendable!

The rivalry between totalitarian communist China and the U.S. has the potential to become the next flashpoint for military conflict. This is a very serious matter! New and stronger alliances between the U.S. and countries, bordering the South China Sea and concerned about China's more assertive hegemony, may evolve!

South China Sea of troubles: WASHINGTON, DC IF 2019 WAS the year that strategic competition between China and America upended their trading relationship, 2020 will be the year of intensifying security competition. In both Beijing and Washington patience is waning and calls for action are escalating, making more direct and potentially dangerous encounters likelier. The world should pay more attention to one potential flashpoint in particular: the South China Sea.In 2020 America will sail its ships through the Taiwan Strait once a month, and even send a major warship on a port visit.

19 more galaxies mysteriously missing dark matter have been found | Science News

Amazing stuff! Dark matter matters! Mysteries of the universe!

19 more galaxies mysteriously missing dark matter have been found | Science News: The finding reveals a population of dwarf galaxies that defy common wisdom about how these star systems form and evolve.

Coated seeds may enable agriculture on marginal lands

Good news! The agricultural revolution continues! Much more land will be arable!

"A team of engineers has coated seeds with silk that has been treated with [nitrogen-fixing bacteria] that naturally produce a nitrogen fertilizer, to help the germinating plants develop. Tests have shown that these seeds can grow successfully in soils that are too salty to allow untreated seeds to develop normally.  ... biofertilizers that can be used to increase the amount of nutrients in the soil,” he says. These fertilizers use microbes that live symbiotically with certain plants and convert nitrogen from the air into a form that can be readily taken up by the plants ...  adding a particular nutrient to the mix, a kind of sugar known as trehalose, which some organisms use to survive under low-water conditions. The silk, bacteria, and trehalose were all suspended in water, and the researchers simply soaked the seeds in the solution for a few seconds to produce an even coating. ... In practice, such coatings could be applied to the seeds by either dipping or spray coating, the researchers say. Either process can be done at ordinary ambient temperature and pressure. “The process is fast, easy, and it might be scalable” to allow for larger farms and unskilled growers to make use of it, ... These rhizobacteria normally provide fertilizer to legume crops such as common beans and chickpeas, and those have been the focus of the research so far, but it may be possible to adapt them to work with other kinds of crops as well ... As a next step, the researchers are working on developing new coatings that could not only protect seeds from saline soil, but also make them more resistant to drought, using coatings that absorb water from the soil."

Coated seeds may enable agriculture on marginal lands | MIT News: Seed coatings developed at MIT could enable agriculture on marginal lands where the soil is too salty to support the growth of untreated seeds.

Chinese espionage in Australia—the big picture

Very recommendable! Deeply concerning! Planting moles takes a long time, sometimes decades! Important lessons of the Cold War!

Chinese espionage in Australia—the big picture | The Strategist: Melbourne car dealer Nick Zhao may or may not have been approached by Chinese state operatives offering $1 million for the Liberal Party member to run for parliament. He’s dead and a coronial inquiry is ...

Google fires activist Rebecca Rivers and 3 others

Good news! Bravo Google! So this so called activist may have used company resources to organize this (extreme leftist) political protest among colleagues perhaps during her work time?

"Rivers, a software engineer who worked at Google offices in Boulder, Colorado, created and circulated a petition among Google employees calling for the company to stay away from contracts with federal agencies putting kids in cages like Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)" 
Kids in cages is a far leftist propaganda to stir up emotions!

"... but one employee was placed on leave for allegedly accessing and sharing need-to-know documents, and another placed on administrative leave for viewing and tracking calendars of members of Community Platforms, HR, and Comms teams
You wonder at what people this was aimed at? Conservatives?

Google fires activist Rebecca Rivers and 3 others | VentureBeat: Google terminated 4 employees today including Rebecca Rivers, who opposed Google taking contracts from federal agencies that detain migrant children.

Poker um Entschädigungen für Kraftwerk-Betreiber

Eine Milliarde Euro als Entschädigung angeboten. Wahrscheinlich wird diese Entschädigung für den unsinnigen, erzwungenen Kohleausstieg noch höher ausfallen! Was für eine unnötige Geldverschwendung!

“Ziel ist es, die Verstromung von Kohle in Deutschland bis spätestens 2038 „schrittweise und möglichst stetig auf null“ zu drücken.”
Die DDR gibt es nicht mehr! Aber die sozialistische Planwirtschaft ist mit der SED Kanzlerin Merkel eingekehrt!

Poker um Entschädigungen für Kraftwerk-Betreiber

Svenja Schulze: Wie der Klimawandel Deutschland trifft

Mit Statistik lässt sich so schön lügen! Die deutschen Bürger werden von der Bundesregierung verarscht wie es kaum noch besser geht!

“Im Mittel war die Lufttemperatur 2018 um 1,5 Grad Celsius höher als 1881, wie Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze (SPD) am Dienstag in Berlin sagte. … „Es ist nicht auszudenken, was es bedeuten würde, wenn sich das in dieser Geschwindigkeit wirklich fortsetzen würde.“”

Wie kann so eine blöde (Trick)Betrügerin Bundesumweltministerin sein? SED Kanzlerin Merkel muss gehen. Ihr Rücktritt ist seit einigen Jahren überfällig! 
Die Auswahl eines einzigen Vergleichsjahres (hier 1881) ist einer der ältesten und faulsten Tricks wie man mit Statistik Lügen kann! Wenn es um Klima geht sind einzelne Jahresvergleiche sowieso nur Schrott!

“Wenn die Weltbevölkerung so weiterlebe wie aktuell, drohe die Temperatur bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts um 3,4 bis 3,9 statt wie angestrebt um nur 1,5 Grad gegenüber dem vorindustriellen Niveau zu steigen, heißt es in der Studie.” 
Das ist alles blanker Unsinn! Reine Demagogie und Panikmache! In der sog. “Vorindustriellen” Zeit lebten die Menschen in der Little Ice Age (ca 1350 - 1850 AD)! Von daher ist so ein Ziel schwachsinnig! Die Klimamodelle, die diese Prognosen generieren, sind manipuliert und sie sind überhaupt nicht in der Lage das komplizierte Phänomen Klima correct abzubilden.

Svenja Schulze: Wie der Klimawandel Deutschland trifft

Navajos reach deal to turn vented methane in southern Utah into hydrogen

Recommendable! From Navajo Code Talkers to cutting edge environmental technologies!

Navajos reach deal to turn vented methane in southern Utah into hydrogen - The Salt Lake Tribune

Everything and Nothing: What is Nothing?

Very recommendable! Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Albert Abraham Michelson, Edward Morley ...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Gerd Held: Zwischen Hysterie und Hybris – Unzeitgemäße Gedanken zur „Klima-Rettung“

Höchst empfehlenswert! 

Held u.a. Benutzt ein tolles Zitat von Nietzsche aus Jenseits von Gut und Böse!
So you want to live 'according to nature?' Oh, you noble Stoics, what a fraud is in this phrase! Imagine something like nature, profligate without measure, indifferent without measure, without purpose and regard, without mercy and justice, fertile and barren and uncertain at the same time, think of indifference itself as power — how could you live according to this indifference? Living — isn't that wanting specifically to be something other than this nature? Isn't living assessing, preferring, being unfair, being limited, wanting to be different? And assuming your imperative to 'live according to nature' basically amounts to 'living according to life' — well how could you not? Why make a principle out of what you yourselves are and must be?”

It is very strange to me that Wikquote ( does not have the original German quote for this not even the German language version of this article)

The life of a female wartime pilot Eleanor Wadsworth

Very recommendable! What a lady!

"101 year old Eleanor Wadsworth is Britain’s last surviving female Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) pilot"

The Spitfire was "power in the sky"! "It almost feels like the aircraft is attached to you ... it is a wonderful sensation"

A beauty in the sky!

Adam Schiff, Democrats under fire for contradictions over Ukraine

The tables are finally turning! What a Shiffwreck! The Dimocratic Party better sober up quickly!

Report: John Brennan hand-picked whistleblower for White House

If true and confirmed, then this is incredible! The presumed "whistleblower" was involved with the Muslim Brotherhood at Yale University! He was on trips with Biden to the Ukraine. He was selected and groomed by Brennan!

This is so much bigger and more sophisticated than Watergate ever was!

Robert Hooke: The Leonardo of England

Highly recommendable! Indeed, Robert Hooke is seriously underrated! The title of this video is no exaggeration!

Machine Learning for Scent: Learning Generalizable Perceptual Representations of Small Molecules

Amazing stuff! Machine learnable olfaction! Did you take a shower today?

[1910.10685] Machine Learning for Scent: Learning Generalizable Perceptual Representations of Small Molecules: Predicting the relationship between a molecule's structure and its odor
remains a difficult, decades-old task. This problem, termed quantitative
structure-odor relationship (QSOR) modeling, is an important challenge in
chemistry, impacting human nutrition, manufacture of synthetic fragrance, the
environment, and sensory neuroscience. We propose the use of graph neural
networks for QSOR, and show they significantly out-perform prior methods on a
novel data set labeled by olfactory experts. Additional analysis shows that the
learned embeddings from graph neural networks capture a meaningful odor space
representation of the underlying relationship between structure and odor, as
demonstrated by strong performance on two challenging transfer learning tasks.
Machine learning has already had a large impact on the senses of sight and
sound. Based on these early results with graph neural networks for molecular
properties, we hope machine learning can eventually do for olfaction what it
has already done for vision and hearing.

Judaic-Greco-Roman-Christian-Islamic Western Civilization

Posted: 11/25/2019

Why is Western civilization exceptional? It is the influence all five major civilizations had on Western civilization. Many intellectuals drop some of the five civilizations, but that only indicates how poorly they understand history or that they have an agenda!

I put intentionally the Judaic influence first, because it is the oldest of them and it is the only one besides Christianity still going strong today. The Hebrew calendar is currently in the year 5780.

I also included Islam here although Islam never really conquered (militarily or otherwise) Europe, but Islam was peripherally successful (e.g. Spain, Balkans). Western civilization also never adopted Islamic culture as much as the other ones. 

Nothing here is meant to diminish the gigantic achievements of other great civilizations like in Asia, China, or India. On the contrary, they also had an immense influence on Western civilization.

US-Botschafter Grenell empört über Peter Altmaiers Aussage

Peter Altmaier hat wieder mal deutlich bewiesen was für ein sau dummer Politiker er ist! 

SED Kanzlerin Merkel muss weg! Ihr Rücktritt ist seit mehreren Jahren überfällig!

US-Botschafter Grenell empört über Peter Altmaiers Aussage

Wirtschaftsprogramm: Grünen fordern mehr Verbote für den Markt

Die Grüne Partei hat sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte zur National Sozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiter Partei (Nazis) unserer Zeit entwickelt! Die Grünen Politiker sehnen sich nach totalitärer Macht und Kontrolle! Fürchterlich! Schrecklich!

Wirtschaftsprogramm: Grünen fordern mehr Verbote für den Markt

The Days Of Xi Jinping Are Counted

The general secretary of the Communist Party of China made a huge mistake when he chose to abandon the term limits set up by the wise Deng Xiaoping to become a dictator for life in 2018!

For several months now, David (Hong Kong) has challenged Goliath Xi Jinping by mass protests culminating in yesterday’s local elections!

The leakage of the so called China Cables about one of the 21st century’s most chilling situations: the surveillance and mass detention of ethnic minorities in western China, is a serious blow against Xi Jinping.

Champagne flows as landslide democratic win puts pressure on Hong Kong leader

Stand with the courageous citizens of Hong Kong! The world is witnessing history in the making! A landslide victory for democracy! The legacy of the British empire strikes back!

"Results showed upset wins for democrats against heavyweight pro-Beijing opponents ... Almost three million people voted, a record turnout of more than 71%"

"Eine klare Mehrheit der Hongkonger steht hinter der Demokratiebewegung. Das ist die wichtigste Botschaft der Kommunalwahl vom Sonntag bei der die prodemokratischen Kandidaten einen überwältigenden Sieg errungen haben. Sie kontrollieren künftig 17 der 18 Distrikträte und mehr als 80 Prozent der Sitze. Die Behauptung der Regierung, dass es in Hongkong eine schweigende Mehrheit gebe, die die seit Monaten anhaltenden Proteste ablehne, ist damit widerlegt. Regierungschefin Carrie Lam, und mit ihr auch Peking, steht nun unter erhöhtem Druck, auf die Forderungen der Protestbewegung zu reagieren."

Champagne flows as landslide democratic win puts pressure on Hong Kong leader - Reuters: Almost three million people voted, a record turnout of more than 71%

WAHL IN HONGKONG: Schallende Ohrfeige für Peking (Hong Kong election results a resounding slap in the face of Beijing)

American Presidents: The Best and the Worst (Lawrence Reed - Acton Insti...

Very recommendable! Lawrence Reed is a great narrator! Indeed, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the worst, the most socialist president of all! Woodrow Wilson was also one of the worst ever U.S. presidents! Reed only briefly mentioned Theodore Roosevelt, but he also belongs among the worst!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Carl Jung: "The world hangs on a thin thread...."

A senile Carl Jung on display! He and his daughter gripped by paranoia! The daughter needed a psychologist for herself! What does this say about her father? Don't they say that psychologists are their own best patients (or in other words: who needs a psychologist the most? A psychologist)?

Supreme Court issues notice to all parties, 'No immediate floor test for...

Indian news sure sound chaotic and tumultuous! "Supreme suspense!"What the heck is the issue exactly about? For a western viewer it is difficult to discern! :-)

Aretha Franklin - (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman [1967]

A tribute to Aretha Franklin! Later Chaka Khan followed with I'm every woman!

Saint-Saëns "Danse macabre" for two pianos, op.40

Macabre, but recommendable!

Why the Second Amendment? ... by Newt Gingrich

Very recommendable!

Is a NEW IRAQ being BORN?

Recommendable! Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting for control over Iraq. One of the interesting tidbits: Oil industry in Iraq has been rebuilt and Iraq is pumping out and selling cheap oil in disregard of OPEC quotas.

Humpback whales recovered from near-extinction in the South Atlantic

Perhaps, after all, the so called sixth mass extinction event is not much more than demagoguery and scaremongering!

Humpback whales recovered from near-extinction in the South Atlantic | Science News: A new count shows the population off Brazil went from about 450 in the 1950s to some 25,000 today.

My Experience With New Fedora 31

At the end of October, I upgraded Fedora 30 to 31 without any problems. The upgrade was smooth and went very well! Bravo for that!

I can now also say with some certainty that Fedora 30 was a real garbage version of Fedora. I blogged about it here.

Almost all the very strange phenomena that I had to suffer through with Fedora seem to be gone. These phenomena were of such a kind that you wondered whether my newly purchased Dell Inspiron notebook (hardware) was to blame. No more frequent (sometimes three times a day) freezes of the operating system; no more weird black rectangles appearing in random locations on the screen; no more time varying sensitivity of the touchpad.

I am quite relieved that the ordeal with Fedora 30 is over!

Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time

Amazing stuff!

"Doctors have placed humans in suspended animation for the first time, as part of a trial in the US that aims to make it possible to fix traumatic injuries that would otherwise cause death. ... The technique, officially called emergency preservation and resuscitation (EPR), is being carried out on people who arrive at the University of Maryland Medical Centre in Baltimore with an acute trauma – such as a gunshot or stab wound – and have had a cardiac arrest. Their heart will have stopped beating and they will have lost more than half their blood. There are only minutes to operate, with a less than 5 per cent chance that they would normally survive.
EPR involves rapidly cooling a person to around 10 to 15°C by replacing all of their blood with ice-cold saline. The patient’s brain activity almost completely stops. They are then disconnected from the cooling system and their body – which would otherwise be classified as dead – is moved to the operating theatre.
A surgical team then has 2 hours to fix the person’s injuries before they are warmed up and their heart restarted."

Exclusive: Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time | New Scientist: At least one person has been placed in a form of suspended animation during a trial that aims to help people survive traumatic injuries like a gunshot or stab wound