Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Suicidal Mass Murder And Medical Confidentiality

Posted: 3/31/2015 Updated: 4/8/2015

Update (1)

Just read this New York Times article “The Mind of Those Who Kill, and Kill Themselves” confirming my suspicion early on that this copilot did it for fame or for a desire of infamy. This clearly suggests that mental illness is not necessarily the main contributor or explanation.


In the wake of the deliberate crash of the GermanWings airplane (flight no 9525) into the French Alps by its copilot (Andreas Lubitz) killing 150 passengers, the debate has also focused on the pros and cons of medical confidentiality.

First of all, let’s put things into perspective: Incidents of suicidal mass murder committed by mentally ill people is rare. As long as we do not have much better diagnostics and medical treatments for mentally ill people prevention of such incidents is difficult.

Second, we observe that this copilot apparently has acted extremely irresponsible (he had a sick notice from his doctor and was not supposed to report to work on that day) and also deceptive. Had this young man, who apparently suffered from suicidal tendencies, been responsible we would have expected him to have acted differently. He and only he probably knew better how serious his condition was. Thus, any relaxation of medical confidentiality is not advisable and would have probably the opposite effects of what was intended.

Third, my theory is that this young man was seeking fame. I find it highly incredulous that the copilot had some kind of mental episode just when the first officer left the cockpit. Apparently, he began to lock the cockpit door instantly! He left no notices and he did not speak into the voice recorder!

Fourth and more importantly, the medical records of the deceased mass murderer should be released and made public so we all can learn more. What medication was he on etc. etc.?

Hillary Clinton Should Be Indicted And Debarred

Posted: 3/31/2015

From what we have learnt so far about her private e-mail and e-mail server during her term as secretary of state and after, Hillary Rodham Clinton as an attorney obviously and repeatedly engaged in obstruction of justice. She knew better.

Perhaps, this would send a message to future would be perpetrators in public service!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Appeasement Lausanne 2015

Posted: 3/30/15 Updated: 3/31/15


Today, I say the following headline “U.S. and European officials are seeking Russian backing to reinstate Iran sanctions ....” on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Deja Vu All Over

What has this desperate attempt by the Obama administration come to? A nuclear deal with Iran, a fanatical dictatorship ruling already over about three or four Middle Eastern countries, at any price? To involve Putin the Terrible is almost comical if it were not so serious.

Reminiscent of the failed appeasement policy by Chamberlain at Munich in 1938.

Reminiscent of the way to cozy negotiations between the terminally ill, socialist U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt and Stalin in Yalta over post war Europe.

Good, common sense political leadership in democratic Western countries has been rare!

A Conditio Sine Qua Non

Iran has been deceptive about its nuclear ambitions for about two decades. Would it not make sense to require Iran to sign a peace treaty with Israel first and to have Iran abandon any terrorist support before allowing Iran to continue its “peaceful” use of nuclear energy?

Antarctica Thinning Gobbledigook

Posted: 3/30/15


Just read this latest alarmism published by Scientific American “Antarctica's Ice Shelves Thin, Threaten Significant Sea Level Rise Giant doorstops of ice are melting away”. I have seen other similar articles in the past two weeks or so.

One could have bet that this kind of alarmism would be produced sooner or later!

Antarctica Ice Surface Is Increasing

As is frequently and conveniently omitted by global warming alarmists (like in the above article), there have been a number of reports over the past 1-2 years or so that this is actually happening.

Now, this contravening fact had to be challenged of course. Thus, articles like the one above can be explained.

However, is it possible that an increasing ice shelf needs to naturally melt as it reaches warmer water? The Antarctic ice shelf can most likely not expand forever or ever further out or can it?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Fed-up With Fedora Linux

Posted: 3/27/2015  Updated: 4/29/15, 4/11/2015

Update 4/29/1515

I forgot to mention that the memory (RAM) management in Fedora truly sucks and I noticed this since I first installed Fedora on my notebook early last year (2014).

I usually have about half a dozen application running at any time. Usually, three instances of Google Chrome browser with total of about 15-20 tabs opened. My 6 GB of RAM is about 90% used up all the time, plus my Swap memory is over 70% used. Responses to keyboard etc. become very sluggish. In this respect, Microsoft Windows is doing a much better job.

This is so annoying!!!!

Update 4/11/15

Printer Installation Failed
Just tried to print a document on our HP laser printer for the first time after all these reinstalls of linux (see below). Apparently, linux recognized the proper printer model, but failed to correctly install the necessary driver this time (Message: printing stopped, run hp plug in). This is upsetting because with Fedora Linux 20 and with my earliest installs of Fedora Linux 21 it used to work nicely out of the box with the same printer as it should be. In this day and age there is no excuse for that happening!

Who are these amateur programmers working for Fedora Linux?


It appears both Fedora 20 & 21 (Workstation) have become instable upon installation of updates. I have now done 4-5 full reinstalls of Fedora on my Lenovo notebook over the past several weeks. I do not install many other applications and I do not claim to be a Linux expert.

Everytime, the instability was triggered by operating system updates prompted by the default Software application. Following first several updates, the boot up after installation ended in Linux emergency mode. Now, with Fedora 21 the latest update done yesterday ended in a Kernel panic (In the Windows world aka Blue Screen of Death).

Today, I googled for crashes with Fedora, but did not find much relevant information other than that there is a Fedora project called Fedup to upgrade Fedora (very aptly named project). Unfortunately, the webpages regarding this project were not very intuitive.

Here is a screenshot of yesterday’s Kernel panic:

The second line from the top says “junk in compressed archive”. Do these Fedora developers not test their stuff before they release it? Grrr!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What A Blunder By Lufthansa

Posted: 3/26/2015

I am not familiar with all the details of the German Wing airplane (Flight no. 9525)  that was apparently, according to the latest news, deliberately crashed into the French Alps by the copilot, who was by himself in the cockpit at the time. A perfect mass murder or the infamous 15 minutes of fame!

Why Lufthansa did not follow the U.S. safety procedures, reportedly in place since 9/11, mandating that there are always two persons (e.g. copilot and a crew member) in the cockpit is a mystery. This is particularly true since cockpit doors were more secured since 9/11 to prevent terrorists from entering the cockpit.

This quite a lapse for Lufthansa since Germans are so famous for thinking of any precautions etc. What if the copilot had become unconscious while the pilot is outside of the cockpit and the cockpit door is secured from the inside?

As an investigator I would also investigate the pilot as the timing of his cockpit exit could be suspicious. He just happened to leave the cockpit when it was approaching this remote area of the French Alps. Apparently, the copilot did not waste time to descend the plane.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Blood Biopsy For Early Cancer Detection

Posted: 3/20/2015


Recently read Liquid Biopsy Fast DNA-sequencing machines are leading to simple blood tests for cancer.  I strongly believe liquid biopsy as described in this article has huge potential.

This is another blog post in a series on the topic of Cancer Is History!

China Is Leading

I am convinced that countries like China and India will make lots of valuable contributions in coming decades to science & technology.

China is also facing enormous pressure to fight cancer. E.g. according to the above article “Of all the people worldwide who die of cancer each year, some 27 percent are Chinese.” And the numbers of Chinese people affected by cancer is increasing.

No wonder that the article covers a Chinese researcher, Dennis Lo, who for nearly 20 years pursues “a technique called the “liquid biopsy,” which is meant to detect liver and other cancers very early—even before symptoms arise—by sequencing the DNA in a few drops of a person’s blood.

He is well known for having been the first to show that a fetus sheds bits of its DNA into the bloodstream of its mother. That finding, first made in 1997, has in recent years led to a much safer, simpler screening test for Down syndrome. By now more than one million pregnant women have been tested.

Adolf Hitler Was Super Wealthy

Posted: 3/20/2015


Recently watched this documentary Hitler's Riches. It provides hard to come by evidence about the income and wealth of Hitler during his lifetime. It also suggests that Adolf Hitler systematically built his fortune. I was not aware of this until I watched this documentary.

This documentary also extensively covers his last will written just hours before he committed suicide.

Mein Kampf Was A Bestseller

His book was translated and sold in multiple languages and it was given away to every German couple at the wedding.

His images and photographs of him (Hitler also had a personal photographer) were sold like merchandise.


I have yet to think about what the import of this documentary is or why the Smithsonian Channel thought it was relevant to release this documentary at this time for what purpose.

Perhaps, I leave it with a question: Was Hitler besides, his monstrous ideology and belligerence, just a business savvy person or was he also full of avarice. I tend to agree with latter.

Is Russia’s Putin a possible parallel to Hitler in this respect! Putin is also reported to have amassed riches (see e.g. this PBS Frontline video).

English For Trippers: The patient patient

Posted: 3/20/2015

These days I overheard colleagues of mine making fun of following two expressions:
  • Thanks for your patients! (a doctor may say)
  • Thanks for your patience! (a typical customer representative would say)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hot Recent Science & Technology Articles (8)

Posted: 3/18/2015

http://phys.org/news/2015-03-einstein-scientists-spacetime-foam.html (Is space-time foam just another long debunked Phlogiston or Aether theory?)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

English For Trippers: Chubby not choppy, but chummy

Posted: 3/10/2015

This morning teasingly called my wife chubby. This evening I confused chubby with chummy when my wife asked me whether I called her choppy this morning.

Breakthrough Clue To Cancer Drug Failure

Posted: 3/10/2015


Just read “Team Finds Clues to Cancer Drug Failure”. This article is not terribly specific as to the significance of the discovery, but if confirmed or improved upon this could be big news.

Transporter Proteins Change Shape

“Now scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have published a pair of studies showing how the primary protein responsible for multidrug chemotherapy resistance changes shape and reacts to therapeutic drugs.”

“The researchers found that when certain ligands bind to P-gp, they trigger local conformational changes in the transporter. Binding also increased the rate of ATP hydrolysis, which provides mechanical energy and may be the first step in the binding pocket closing process.
The team also found that ligands could bind to different areas of the transporter, leaving nearby slots open for other molecules.”

I am not an expert, but this sounds like these researchers are on to something to make cancer history. :-)

Will The U.S. Congress Finally Privatize Amtrak!

Posted: 3/10/2015


Salient quotes:
  1. “Amtrak has cost the government over $45 billion in subsidies over the last 44 years, allowing it to finance the upkeep of unprofitable routes, overstaffed trains, and the mismanagement of its food services.”
  2. “The operating loss is unlikely to continue to decline due to the losses in Amtrak’s long-distance routes, which bleed about $600 million annually. After factoring in depreciation and other expenses, Amtrak lost a total of $1.1 billion in 2014.”

Amtrak is one of those god send examples of how bad government is in running any business!

Since Amtrak is a government run business it is allowed to persistently violate federal laws like ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) according to the above article.

Amtrak is run for people like former U.S. Senator current U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden who used to take the Amtrak from his home in Delaware to commute to Washington DC.

In The Name Of Limited And Small Government

Privatize Amtrak immediately or let it finally go bankrupt!

Extraterrestrial Life Unlike We Know It

Posted: 3/10/2015


Just read “Titan Could Host Life "Not As We Know It" Saturn's moon Titan is too cold for cell membranes to form as they do on Earth. But researchers have come up with a cell membrane that could exist on Titan.”. Here is another article about it from Scientific American.  Finally, some scientists come to their senses that extraterrestrial life may not be anything like we know it.

I have previously blogged here about extraterrestrial life e.g. here.

A Hypothetical

To quote from above article: “Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has a thick atmosphere. Clouds. Complex organic molecules. NASA has called it "one of the most Earth-like worlds we have found to date." … "It's awfully cold down there. It's about 94 degrees Kelvin. … one of the most basic biological structures, the cell membrane, can't exist. Because to form, the oily membranes depend on the presence of liquid water.  … Titan does have plenty of liquid … but it's liquid methane. …. computer models to determine whether any molecules on Titan might mimic the membrane-forming compounds here on Earth. Based on a catalogue of organics observed by NASA's Cassini mission, they found a candidate: acrylonitrile. Its internal electrical charge distribution would allow it to self-assemble into membranes, just like phospholipids do here on Earth. It's similarly flexible and stable. And there's a lot of it on Titan.”

Caveat: Potential membranes are not living cells or anything resembling life.