Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Breakthrough Clue To Cancer Drug Failure

Posted: 3/10/2015


Just read “Team Finds Clues to Cancer Drug Failure”. This article is not terribly specific as to the significance of the discovery, but if confirmed or improved upon this could be big news.

Transporter Proteins Change Shape

“Now scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have published a pair of studies showing how the primary protein responsible for multidrug chemotherapy resistance changes shape and reacts to therapeutic drugs.”

“The researchers found that when certain ligands bind to P-gp, they trigger local conformational changes in the transporter. Binding also increased the rate of ATP hydrolysis, which provides mechanical energy and may be the first step in the binding pocket closing process.
The team also found that ligands could bind to different areas of the transporter, leaving nearby slots open for other molecules.”

I am not an expert, but this sounds like these researchers are on to something to make cancer history. :-)

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