Monday, March 27, 2017

Perfect And Legal Cover Up For A Car License Plate!

Posted: 3/27/2017

Today, I saw the perfect and legal (perhaps debatable) cover up for a license plate on a pickup truck in front of me at the traffic light. Truly a bane for those annoying traffic cameras that have mushroomed everywhere in the Phoenix area.

Unfortunately, my photo shot is quite amateurish!

I have argued here, why I think that speed limits in the U.S. are unconstitutional and should be abolished or replaced by speed recommendations!

Can Smartphones Beat Adolescent Drug Addiction?

Posted: 3/27/2017

Just read this article from Harvard University Medical School:

Is it indeed possible that the ubiquitous and enormously versatile smartphones can distract or captivate many of our children and teenagers so much that they refrain from trying addictive drugs?

This might indeed be a distinct possibility!

Friday, March 24, 2017

The GOP ObamaCare Disaster

Posted: 3/24/2017

First, I did not follow the reports about the twists and turns of the RyanCare act (American Health Care Act to replace and repeal ObamaCare) and defeat in the U.S. Congress very closely.

Some takeaways:
  1. Paul Ryan seems seems more and more to be an inept leader of the Republicans in the U.S. Congress. He should be replaced as soon as possible
  2. Perhaps the GOP should have chosen first only to repeal ObamaCare instead of attempting to replace and repeal
  3. Instead of attempting a rather comprehensive repeal for which apparently there were not enough votes, the House Republicans should have tried to implement a couple of sensible replace reforms of health care such as the same tax benefits for individuals buying health insurance as employers; the free sale of health insurance across state borders; telemedicine and so forth to get started

One can only hope that the Republicans will do much better the second time around! Let’s pray!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Active Censorship And Punishment By Facebook

Posted: 3/13/2017

This morning, I was logged out of my Facebook account. After I logged in again, I was told by Facebook that I violated some terms of usage regarding one of  my comments. I have posted hundreds if not thousands of comments on Facebook. This is the first time, I was censored by Facebook!

My account has been blocked for 24 hours. I was given no opportunity to have my side of the story heard.

The content of my comment was neither violence provoking, hatred, nor any anti minority insults etc.

Screenshot from 2017-03-13 19-41-25.png

I almost have to suspect that someone felt offended or wanted to get even with me and had my comment reported!

I think, this is pretty nasty! Facebook stop this nonsense!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Why Was I Not Taught Memory Enhancing Techniques In School?

Posted: 3/11/2017


Memory Palace Or Method Of Loci

In the second article we learn that one of the oldest techniques of memorization (a system of mnemonics) is referred to as memory palace or method of loci dating back to the  the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos (556 – 468 BC).

Chinese And Indians

I have noticed that Indians as well as Chinese people seem to have quite a capability to deal with or memorize intricate details with ease.

In the case of Chinese, I wonder whether this characteristic is somewhat related to their complicated written language of glyphs. Like one word in Chinese can be represented by dozens of glyphs.

On Government Run Public Education

Throughout my life I have noticed on my own various tricks and techniques how to increase your memorization capabilities by reading or hearing about it. However, it escaped me that it can be trained quite well and successfully, even fairly fast within weeks as the above article suggests.

We need to privatize public schooling of our children! Urgently! More school choice please!

Of course in government run public education the ruling elites do not want future adults to remember to well how awful our politicians are and what many foolish mistakes they make. Creeping and expanding socialism in Western democracies would not be possible and much more!

Mammal Brain Much More Active Than Previously Measured

Posted: 3/11/2017

This discovery is truly stunning after decades of intense brain research, scientists only now discover that neuron dendrites are much more active than was previously accepted for a long time as fact.

To quote from the article (emphasis added): “But the UCLA team discovered that dendrites are not just passive conduits. … But the new study demonstrated that dendrites generate their own spikes 10 times more often than the somas. … The researchers also found that dendrites generate large fluctuations in voltage in addition to the spikes; the spikes are binary, all-or-nothing events. The somas generated only all-or-nothing spikes, much like digital computers do. In addition to producing similar spikes, the dendrites also generated large, slowly varying voltages that were even bigger than the spikes, which suggests that the dendrites execute analog computation.”

This belated discovery could have huge implications!

Post Scriptum

This sort of confirms my belief:
Global Warming (a.k.a. Climate change) is a hoax and a pseudo science! Relying on climate models that project climate in 100 years, when we cannot even predict weather accurately for more than 24 hours