Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mammal Brain Much More Active Than Previously Measured

Posted: 3/11/2017

This discovery is truly stunning after decades of intense brain research, scientists only now discover that neuron dendrites are much more active than was previously accepted for a long time as fact.

To quote from the article (emphasis added): “But the UCLA team discovered that dendrites are not just passive conduits. … But the new study demonstrated that dendrites generate their own spikes 10 times more often than the somas. … The researchers also found that dendrites generate large fluctuations in voltage in addition to the spikes; the spikes are binary, all-or-nothing events. The somas generated only all-or-nothing spikes, much like digital computers do. In addition to producing similar spikes, the dendrites also generated large, slowly varying voltages that were even bigger than the spikes, which suggests that the dendrites execute analog computation.”

This belated discovery could have huge implications!

Post Scriptum

This sort of confirms my belief:
Global Warming (a.k.a. Climate change) is a hoax and a pseudo science! Relying on climate models that project climate in 100 years, when we cannot even predict weather accurately for more than 24 hours

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