Friday, December 31, 2021

Deng Xiaoping: Making China Great Again

Very recommendable! Deng Xiaoping is probably one of the most influential humans of the 2nd half of the 20th century! Why did he not introduce democracy in China? According to this video he feared another civil war given his experience of the history of China earlier in the 20th century. Was this just the excuse of an authoritarian or is his experience so overwhelming?

How Biden's Agenda Is Causing Inflation

Very recommendable! Well done! Since 2008 interest rates are at about zero, federal government debt and federal expenditures have tremendously increased. Raising interest rates will be necessary, but it will cause serious pain especially given the increase in interest payments on federal debt. The concomitant asset price inflation was not even mentioned in this video (e.g. housing price bubble).

Peter Schweizer: Harry Reid 'Enriched Himself and His Family,' Used 'Fear' to 'Control and Persuade'

Never liked Harry Reid! He was awful as U.S. Senate Majority Leader from 2007-2015!

Now I learn e.g. that his three sons were active as lobbyists in Nevada and Washington DC and usually way overpaid like Biden's son!

Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Harry Reid 'Enriched Himself and His Family,' Used 'Fear' to 'Control and Persuade'

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed

Absolutely shocking number! How reliable the source for these data is, i.e. Worldometer, is not known to me.

"As of noon on December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide. ...
Totaling all the deaths in the world from causes other than abortion reveals a figure of 58.7 million, meaning that abortions accounted for ... over 42 percent of all human deaths in 2021.
By comparison, worldwide deaths from coronavirus in 2021 totaled around 3.5 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). ..."

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed

Wie Indien und die Amish die Corona-Pandemie beendeten

Sehr empfehlenswert! Zum Klimawahn hat sich in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland der Coronawahn gesellt! Ein Wahn bleibt nicht alleine!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"Der Westen hat sich von einer Gesellschaft, in der Risiken normal waren, zu einer Antirisikogesellschaft entwickelt. 2018 war die damalige Grippe ähnlich ansteckend. Die vielen Grippetoten fanden in den Medien auf den letzten Seiten Erwähnung. Seit eineinhalb Jahren hat sich die Lage gedreht: keine Nachrichten ohne Corona, keine Zeitung ohne diesen täglichen Schwerpunkt. Natürlich ist Corona sehr ansteckend, aber von geringer Mortalität. Eine ernsthafte Gefahr stellt Corona vor allem für die kleine Gruppe Hochbetagter dar.

Aufgrund apokalyptischer Weissagungen über den Verlauf der Pandemie wurden elementare Grundrechte eingeschränkt, darunter allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrechte, die Bewegungs-, die Versammlungs- und die Religionsfreiheit. Die von den Medien angefachte Angst ließ die massiven psychosozialen und ökonomischen Kosten dieser Maßnahmen verblassen. In den Hintergrund tritt, dass die Corona-Maßnahmen und die Berichterstattung der Medien zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der psychischen Erkrankungen geführt haben. Die Zahl der Selbstmorde steigt. Unternehmen vor der Pleite. Wenn Künstler und Theaterleute protestieren, werden sie diffamiert und abgewertet. 
In einem ähnelt Deutschland Indien: Es gibt hier inzwischen auch die Kaste der Unberührbaren, die Dalits, das sind die Ungeimpften. Auch ihnen wird verwehrt, Geschäfte zu besuchen, und sie sind am unteren Ende der sozialen Skala. ..."

Wie Indien und die Amish die Corona-Pandemie beendeten

Elf deutsche Lebenslügen

Sehr empfehlenswert!

Elf deutsche Lebenslügen Es ist nicht nur ein Problem schwieriger Zeitgenossen: Selbstbild und Fremdbild fallen auch im gesellschaftlichen Rahmen auseinander. Und mancher Realitätsverlust ist so dramatisch, dass er zum Nährboden für gravierende Fehlentwicklungen wird.

Vera Lengsfeld Im Interview: „Der Umgang mit den Demonstranten ist eine unfassbare Arroganz der Macht“

Empfehlenswert! Bravo an die Demonstranten! Würde ich in Deutschland wohnen würde ich sicherlich an solchen Demonstrationen gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen teilnehmen!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

„Der Umgang mit den Demonstranten ist eine unfassbare Arroganz der Macht“ Die breite Protestbewegung gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen in zahlreichen deutschen Städten ist in dieser Breite ein Novum. Manche tun die Demonstranten als Spinner ab, manche sehen das neue 1989 kommen. Vera Lengsfeld gehörte zur Bürgerrechtsbewegung der DDR und beobachtet heute die Proteste genau.

Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Özdemir lässt Verbot von Lebensmittelverkauf unter Produktionskosten prüfen

Was für ein Idiot und verbohrter Ideologe! Wenn man den Bock zum Gärtner macht! Der Mann hat noch nie was von Ludwig Erhard (und seinen Zeitgenossen) und freier Marktwirtschaft gehört! 

Die Mauer fiel und der Sozialismus breitete sich in ganz Deutschland aus und Deutschland wurde zu einer Bananenrepublik!

"Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir prüft, den Verkauf von Lebensmitteln zu einem Preis unterhalb der Herstellungskosten zu untersagen. „Die großen Player dürfen nicht mehr länger die Preise diktieren und Margen optimieren“, sagte der Grünen-Politiker dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland
Für alle in der Lebensmittelkette brauche es faire Bedingungen. „Wir wollen dafür unter anderem die kartellrechtliche Missbrauchsaufsicht und die Fusionskontrolle im Bundeskartellamt stärken, weiter gegen unlautere Handelspraktiken vorgehen und prüfen, ob der Verkauf von Lebensmitteln unter Produktionskosten unterbunden werden kann.“ ...
Özdemir hatte vor einigen Tagen erklärt, es dürfe keine Ramschpreise für Lebensmittel mehr geben. Sie trieben Bauernhöfe in den Ruin, verhinderten mehr Tierwohl, beförderten das Artensterben und belasteten das Klima. Lebensmittel dürften kein Luxusgut werden, ihr Preis müsse „die ökologische Wahrheit“ aber stärker ausdrücken."

Özdemir lässt Verbot von Lebensmittelverkauf unter Produktionskosten prüfen Für seine Äußerung zu „Ramschpreisen“ hat Landwirtschaftsminister Özdemir viel Kritik erhalten. Jetzt plant er Einschränkungen für Supermärkte.

Siemens-Chef Roland Busch fordert „respektvollen Umgang“ mit China

Das ist ein deutscher Spitzenmanager im Jahr 2021/22? Der ist einer Bananenrepublik würdig! Der Mann ist etwas grotesk oder er weiß nicht wovon er spricht! Mit solchen ungeeigneten und unbedarften Personen an der Spitze der deutschen Wirtschaft kann man nur noch beten.

"Siemens-Chef Roland Busch hat angesichts des technologischen Wandels eine „massive“ Umverteilung der Kosten gefordert. „Es kann nicht sein, dass die Energiewende vor allem die Leute mit niedrigem Einkommen belastet“, sagte er der „Süddeutschen Zeitung“."
An Stelle die unsinnige Energiewende in Frage zu Stellen verlangt er mehr staatliche Umverteilung weil die Energiewende teuer wird. Wie idiotisch!

"Der Bahnverkehr werde im Jahr 2030 ein Fünftel mehr Kapazität haben. Trotzdem würden Züge keine Verspätung mehr haben – „weil wir die Digitalisierung vorangetriebenen haben werden und wissen, was in den Zügen passiert, bevor sie kaputtgehen“."
Wer weiß, ob es die Bahn in 2030-40 immer noch gibt! Frachtzüge haben vielleicht mehr Zukunft als Personenzüge!

"Auch im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel setzt der Siemens-Chef auf technologische Lösungen. Jeder Entwickler werde auf seinem Bildschirm sehen können, welchen CO2-Abdruck sein Modell habe, und einen Vorschlag bekommen, wie er diesen reduzieren könne."
Wie blöd und naiv ist dieser Mann! So klingt ein Fanatiker der Climate Change Religion!

"Die Kohlekraftwerke würden „weitgehend“ runtergefahren sein."
Nicht in China und anderen Ländern, du Idiot!

"Mit Blick auf China forderte Busch einen „respektvollen Umgang“. China sei zu Recht ein sehr selbstbewusstes Land. „Es hat in 20 Jahren eine Milliarde Menschen aus der Armut gebracht und einen veritablen Mittelstand etabliert". ...
"Wenn Exportverbote erlassen werden, könnten diese dazu führen, dass wir keine Solarzellen aus China mehr kaufen können - dann ist die Energiewende an dieser Stelle zu Ende."..."
Herr Busch ist der "Vorsitzende des Asien-Pazifik-Ausschusses der deutschen Wirtschaft ". Was fuer ein dummes Zeug schwaetzt dieser Mann. Das China unter Xi Jinping die Reformen unter Deng Xiaoping verlassen haben und das Xi Jinping sich zum totalitären lebenslangen Diktator hat machen lassen ist ihm wohl nicht bekannt.

Siemens-Chef fordert „respektvollen Umgang“ mit China

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Lewis & Clark: Explorers of the New Frontier

Very recommendable! Amazing how Lewis & Clark were dealing with the many Native tribes on their way. The also had a black American on their team, who fascinated the Natives. And then there was the Native woman Sacagawea, who was of great help to the expedition.

The Birth Of Czech National Music | Classical Music Destinations With Simon Callow

Very recommendable! 

'You're Damn Right I Overruled Them': Florida Governor DeSantis Railed Against Lockdowns And Mandates

Are we looking at the 2024 U.S. presidential candidate!

The EPA’s Mileage Standards Are a Stealth Electric-Vehicle Mandate

Big Government and socialism at work in the name of the Global Warming hoax and the Climate Change religion! This will only make cars more expensive etc.! 

These unamerican Big Government fuel efficiency standards should be scrapped!

Why does the federal government not invest more in nuclear fusion or room temperature superconductivity instead of issuing stupid socialist regulations!

"Under the guise of regulating greenhouse-gas emissions, the Environmental Protection Agency recently announced new, more stringent fuel-efficiency standards for passenger cars and light-duty trucks. The new standards affect vehicles starting with the 2023 model year, and 2026 vehicles will be required to achieve a fleetwide average of 55 miles per gallon, an increase of more than 35% from the current 40 mpg standard for 2021. The EPA intends to impose even more stringent standards for 2027 models and beyond.

Auto makers say the new standards can’t be met without more government subsidies for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The EPA projects that an auto maker can meet the 2026 standards if electric vehicles make up about 17% of its sales. ..."

The EPA’s Mileage Standards Are a Stealth Electric-Vehicle Mandate | Manhattan Institute How else can auto makers meet the requirement of a 55 mpg fleetwide average by model year 2026?

Aging in Mice Linked to Misexpression of Class of Genes

Good news! Coming closer to a fountain of youth! This article also covers previous research on the subject of misexpression!

"... A study published December 15 in Science Advances suggests a possible answer, linking the increased activity of genes lacking long stretches of C and G bases with degeneration and aging.
As cells age, the architecture of chromatin, which packages DNA, unravels. ...
Specifically, the researchers focused on stretches of C and G bases called CpG islands (CGI). CGI are present in the promoters of around 60 percent of mammalian genes, termed CGI+ genes, but absent in the remaining 40 percent, called CGI- genes.

These CGI- genes typically lie silent in a densely-packed form of chromatin known as heterochromatin. Heterochromatin attaches to the nuclear lamina, which lines the inner nuclear membrane. As cells age, the nuclear lamina weakens and frees the heterochromatin, which loosens, allowing previously silenced genes to be expressed.  ...
The researchers also investigated whether CGI- genes are connected to what’s known as cellular identity. Cells making up the heart, muscles, kidneys, or other organs usually express different genes to carry out their functions. As cells age, they also lose this cellular identity, and the researchers wondered if misexpression of CGI- genes could help explain why. Analyzing aged mouse kidneys, ... saw that genes typically expressed in the spleen, intestine, eye, and liver start to be expressed in aged kidneys—and the majority of these genes were CGI- genes."

From the abstract:
"Cellular aging is characterized by disruption of the nuclear lamina and its associated heterochromatin. How these structural changes within the nucleus contribute to age-related degeneration of the organism is unclear. Genes lacking CpG islands (CGI− genes) generally associate with heterochromatin when they are inactive. Here, we show that the expression of these genes is globally activated in aged cells and tissues. This CGI− gene misexpression is a common feature of normal and pathological aging in mice and humans. We report evidence that CGI− gene up-regulation is directly responsible for age-related physiological deterioration, notably for increased secretion of inflammatory mediators."

Aging in Mice Linked to Misexpression of Class of Genes | The Scientist Magazine® Genes lacking a particular structure known as CpG islands tend to go haywire in older cells, a study finds, potentially contributing to key facets of aging. But it’s not yet clear if the relationship is causal.

Computational Screen of 250,000 bacterial and archaeal genomes Reveals Tweaks to Genetic Code

Amazing stuff! This research is like the proverbial looking for the needle in a haystack!

"... In addition to finding five new alternate genetic codes, the team also verified seven others that had been discovered one-by-one in the past, bringing the total number of known exceptions in bacteria to 12. ...
developed an algorithm called Codetta—named after the Rosetta Stone—that can screen an organism’s genome and predict which amino acids its codons will add into a given protein. The algorithm quickly screens a genome and compares it to the organism’s proteins in a database called Pfam. If enough variations from the standard code appear in a consistent manner, Codetta flags the organism as potentially using an alternate amino acid for a particular codon ...
Exceptions to the standard genetic code have been found in single-celled eukaryotes such as yeast, but experts expect alternate codes to be rare in more complex eukaryotic organisms. ..."

From the abstract:
"The genetic code has been proposed to be a ‘frozen accident,’ but the discovery of alternative genetic codes over the past four decades has shown that it can evolve to some degree. Since most examples were found anecdotally, it is difficult to draw general conclusions about the evolutionary trajectories of codon reassignment and why some codons are affected more frequently. To fill in the diversity of genetic codes, we developed Codetta, a computational method to predict the amino acid decoding of each codon from nucleotide sequence data. We surveyed the genetic code usage of over 250,000 bacterial and archaeal genome sequences in GenBank and discovered five new reassignments of arginine codons (AGG, CGA, and CGG), representing the first sense codon changes in bacteria. In a clade of uncultivated Bacilli, the reassignment of AGG to become the dominant methionine codon likely evolved by a change in the amino acid charging of an arginine tRNA. The reassignments of CGA and/or CGG were found in genomes with low GC content, an evolutionary force that likely helped drive these codons to low frequency and enable their reassignment."

Screen of 250,000 Species Reveals Tweaks to Genetic Code | The Scientist Magazine® A massive screen of bacterial and archaeal genomes revealed five previously unknown instances where an organism uses an alternate code to translate genetic blueprints into proteins.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Four Japanese rules to live past 100 on the island of Okinawa

Very recommendable! Socialize and exercise with people of all ages. Dancing together extends life. Be kind.

Frog skin cells turned themselves into living machines

Amazing stuff!

"Using blobs of skin cells from frog embryos, scientists have grown creatures unlike anything else on Earth, a new study reports. These microscopic “living machines” can swim, sweep up debris and heal themselves after a gash. ...
In a way, the bots were self-made. Scientists removed small clumps of skin stem cells from frog embryos, to see what these cells would do on their own. Separated from their usual spots in a growing frog embryo, the cells organized themselves into balls and grew. About three days later, the clusters, called xenobots, began to swim.

Normally, hairlike structures called cilia on frog skin repel pathogens and spread mucus around. But on the xenobots, cilia allowed them to motor around. ...
Xenobots have no nerve cells and no brains. Yet xenobots — each about half a millimeter wide — can swim through very thin tubes and traverse curvy mazes. When put into an arena littered with small particles of iron oxide, the xenobots can sweep the debris into piles. Xenobots can even heal themselves; after being cut, the bots zipper themselves back into their spherical shapes.

Scientists are still working out the basics of xenobot life. The creatures can live for about 10 days without food. When fed sugar, xenobots can live longer (though they don’t keep growing). “We’ve grown them for over four months in the lab,” ... “They do really interesting things if you grow them,” including forming strange balloon-like shapes. ..."

From the abstract:
"Robot swarms have, to date, been constructed from artificial materials. Motile biological constructs have been created from muscle cells grown on precisely shaped scaffolds. However, the exploitation of emergent self-organization and functional plasticity into a self-directed living machine has remained a major challenge. We report here a method for generation of in vitro biological robots from frog (Xenopus laevis) cells. These xenobots exhibit coordinated locomotion via cilia present on their surface. These cilia arise through normal tissue patterning and do not require complicated construction methods or genomic editing, making production amenable to high-throughput projects. The biological robots arise by cellular self-organization and do not require scaffolds or microprinting; the amphibian cells are highly amenable to surgical, genetic, chemical, and optical stimulation during the self-assembly process. We show that the xenobots can navigate aqueous environments in diverse ways, heal after damage, and show emergent group behaviors. We constructed a computational model to predict useful collective behaviors that can be elicited from a xenobot swarm. In addition, we provide proof of principle for a writable molecular memory using a photoconvertible protein that can record exposure to a specific wavelength of light. Together, these results introduce a platform that can be used to study many aspects of self-assembly, swarm behavior, and synthetic bioengineering, as well as provide versatile, soft-body living machines for numerous practical applications in biomedicine and the environment."

Frog skin cells turned themselves into living machines | Science News Newly created ‘xenobots’ swim and move particles around in their environment

Small clusters of skin cells taken from frog embryos grow into larger spheres, called xenobots (pictured), that can swim, move particles and heal themselves.

Afghanistan’s Former Female Troops, Once Hailed by the West, Fear for Their Lives

When a demented and senile 78 years old lifetime career politician and chronic liar for decades, the 46th President of the U.S., who is probably also seriously compromised as far as his or his family’s dealings with Russia and China are concerned, orders a hastily and poorly planned retreat from Afghanistan! As if Vietnam was no lesson to the 46th President!

"Before the fall of the Afghan republic, there were around 6,300 women on the payroll of the armed forces and the police, around 2% of the total personnel. Now, these women are among the most vulnerable groups left behind, with no clear pathway to leave the country despite the risk they face from both the Taliban and, often, their own families for violating the Afghan society’s conservative norms. Only Afghan female police and soldiers who worked in special circumstances with the U.S. may qualify for a referral to enter the U.S. as refugees. Many have fled their homes and are living in hiding, fearing retribution from the Taliban. The Taliban have promised a general amnesty to all soldiers and police after seizing power Aug. 15, but many former service members have been assassinated since then."

Afghanistan’s Former Female Troops, Once Hailed by the West, Fear for Their Lives - WSJ ‘They have relocated musicians, soccer players and artists, and their lives were not at risk as much as ours,’ a former Afghan Air Force officer says of Western governments

Sick? Semper Tyrannus

Recommendable! A critique of Western countries engaging in broad dictatorial measures to deal with a fairly harmless pandemic for two years now!

The motivations by Western politicians are dubious like Zero Covid-19 or eradication of Covid-19 or is it the largely absurd fight against climate change.

Just a little fact on the side, we have recently reached 9 billion administered vaccinations worldwide! This is absolutely breathtaking! More vaccinations than humans live on this planet! The disease is well under control! It is high time to return to fairly normal life like before the pandemic!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

".... Government leaders have tipped their hands. Covid-19 has given them access to powers that they are loath to lose. Alarmingly, people in the world’s freest societies (using the prepandemic 2019 “Freedom in the World” report by Freedom House) — notably in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand — have allowed totalitarian restrictions so long as they were euphemized as safety measures. Without the gloss, they include house arrest, dehumanizing dress codes, movement papers for work, shopping, and travel, and apartheid. The establishment of concentration camps for dissenters in Australia is a grievous late development.
Against this backdrop, SARS-CoV-2 transitioning to an endemic virus continues to play into their hands, as long as people stay afraid, and the media seem inclined to keep them afraid. Already familiar with cranking up hurricane fear with “named” winter storms, they glommed on to the WHO practice of naming the variants according to the Greek alphabet (incidentally, WHO skipped “Xi” to go directly to “Omicron,” for some unknown reason). But mutating is the evolution of a pandemic into a manageable virus. And while governments pursue “Zero Covid” policies and make people think it could be done if only everyone complied, only one human virus has ever been fully eradicated (smallpox). ..."

Sick? Semper Tyrannus – AIER

Video shows woman wearing mask on her chin attacking elderly man mid-flight for not wearing a mask

Gender equality and Me Too on display! Men better watch out! You might be next!

Fight over masks on Delta flight shows Karen attack man - TheBlaze

Deutsche Wirtschaft - Ausgebremst von der staatlichen Bürokratie

Kein neues Problem! Ist seit einigen Jahrzehnten bekant und bedauert! Aber seitdem sich Deutschland in eine Bananenrepublik verwandelt hat (etwa mit der SED Kanzlerin Merkel), die vom Klima- und Coronawahn eingenommen ist, leidet die Wirtschaft noch mehr!

Das kann unter Rot-Grün eigentlich nur schlimmer werden. 

Deutsche Wirtschaft - Ausgebremst | Cicero Online Zähe Verfahren, langsame Ämter: Deutschlands Zukunftsfähigkeit leidet unter einer ausufernden Bürokratie. Das kostet Zeit, Geld und schwächt den Standort. Wie lässt sich das ändern?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Elder Abuse Spreads, Stoked by the Pandemic

Definitely one of many good reasons to return to fairly normal life like before the Covid-19 pandemic!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"Older Americans are falling victim to fraud, physical violence and neglect as family isolation and staffing shortages erode safeguards. Elder-abuse cases, which have been on the rise for years, are expected to continue climbing even after the pandemic ends due in part to the aging U.S. population and the shortage of trained and licensed caregivers. Stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures left older adults isolated and at times sheltering with abusers, either family or caregivers who used the risk of Covid-19 as a weapon—threatening to send them to a nursing home, for instance, or to cough on them if they didn’t give them money. The number of elder-fraud victims increased 55% between 2019 and 2020, the latest data available, according to an FBI report."

Elder Abuse Spreads, Stoked by the Pandemic - WSJ Older Americans are falling victim to fraud, physical violence and neglect as family isolation and staffing shortages erode safeguards

Bettany Hughes: The Rise And Fall Of Ancient Sparta

Very recommendable! I watched this series at least twice now!

AfD: So geht effektiver Grenzschutz - DANKE, POLEN!

Das die Bundesregierung noch unter der SED Kanzlerin Merkel den Polen nicht sofort und direkt personell und materiell beigestanden ist, ist ein unglaublicher Skandal! Wieder mal die Bananenrepublik Deutschland auf frischer Tat ertappt!
Bravo Poland! Bravo AfD das in diesem Video deutlich zu machen!

Prager University: Elon Musk: The Government Is The Ultimate Monopoly

Very recommendable! This short video is mostly narrated by Dennis Prager himself and not Elon Musk, but this does not subtract from the message!

Russian authorities shut down leading human rights group

Putin the Terrible at work!

Japan's ancient secret to better cognitive memory, the Abacus

Amazing stuff!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Only Israel votes at UN to oppose Middle East nuclear-free zone

What a shame on Western countries especially Germany!

"Israel was the only country to oppose the UN General Assembly call for a Middle East nuclear-free zone, in a resolution approved 178-1 on Monday [12/6/2021?] with [only] two abstentions, the United States and Cameroon.
Iran, which the international community fears is on its way to becoming a nuclear threshold state, supported the text. ...
The GA approved a second resolution 157-6 with 24 abstentions on “the risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.” ... This text, unlike the first one, specifically calls on Israel to sign the non-proliferation treaty and to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA inspection. ..."

Only Israel votes at UN to oppose ME nuclear-free zone - The Jerusalem Post The UNGA asked that countries in the region "place all their nuclear activities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards."

Nature: How the coronavirus infects cells

Very recommendable! A long and detailed Nature article with great illustrations and animations!

Keep in mind: Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"The next steps of infection are murkier. “There are a lot more black boxes once you are inside the cell,” ... “There’s more uncertainty, and competing hypotheses.” ..."

How the coronavirus infects cells — and why Delta is so dangerous

Australia needs new early warning capability to counter threat from China’s new missiles

Recommendable! Australia is starting to take the bully in neighborhood very seriously!

One can only hope the the Communist Party of China or the Chinese people will get rid of the self anointed usurper, imperialist, and hegemon, the communist dictator for life Xi Jinping sooner than later!

"... A first step would be to invest in new types of sensors that can be deployed on Australian satellites. Ultimately, we should deploy additional satellites dedicated to the surveillance mission. This would enhance Australia’s ability to detect and respond to long-range missile threats under Defence’s AIR 6500 program and expand our regional role through the Quad and AUKUS to burden-share with and support key allies. There’s a strong case for Australia to undertake this role now. The Chinese missile threat is growing rapidly, as their strategic and regional nuclear forces expand. The US Department of Defense’s recently released report on China’s military power notes: ‘The accelerating pace of the PRC’s nuclear expansion may enable the PRC to have up to 700 deliverable nuclear warheads by 2027. The PRC likely intends to have at least 1,000 warheads by 2030, exceeding the pace and size the DoD projected in 2020.’ These warheads are to be delivered through an increasingly sophisticated triad comprising an expanded intercontinental ballistic missile force, a modernised submarine-based ballistic missile force, and a bomber component employing air-launched ballistic missiles. A report by the US–China Economic and Security Review Commission suggests that China’s nuclear build-up ‘could also be intended to support a new strategy of limited nuclear first use … [which] would enable Chinese leaders to leverage their nuclear forces to accomplish Chinese political objectives beyond survival, such as coercing another state or deterring US intervention in a war over Taiwan’. ..."

Australia needs new early warning capability to counter threat from China’s new missiles | The Strategist

Brain tumours spread by exploiting fundamental physics of viscoelasticity

Good news! Another step towards cancer is history!

"New research in Germany shows that changes to the mechanical properties of cells can cause a brain tumor to become malignant. [Researchers] have shown that a brain tumor is a unique material and its spread is driven by physics as well as biomechanics. Using research conducted on tumors in living patients, they suggest that small changes to the elasticity of cells produce collective effects that impact the prognosis of a tumor. ...
... pioneered the use of low frequency vibrations combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the progression of diseases such as cancer. This technique is called magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). ... the inventors of the optical stretcher, which was also used in this study. An optical stretcher is an optical trap that uses two laser beams to deform single cells and measure their viscoelastic properties. ...
In 2019, the [researchers] discovered, using MRE, that glioblastoma, the deadliest form of brain cancer, is softer and less viscous than a benign brain tumour. Glioblastomas are almost impossible to remove because they grow by spreading tiny “fingers” into the surrounding tissue. The researchers realized that this growth could be driven by pure physics because “viscous fingers” are a well-known effect that arises when a low viscosity liquid is injected into another fluid. ...
it was the stretchiness and elasticity of the cells that was correlated with the fluidity of the tissue. For a tumor to “flow” into the surrounding tissue, the cells must squeeze past each other, and the researchers believe that this makes elasticity, rather than viscosity, the mediator of tissue fluidity. They also observed that the tumor cells had a much wider range of mechanical properties than would be expected in a healthy sample. This is consistent with what is known about cancer, which breaks down regulation processes in cells. ..."

From the abstract:
"... OS [optical stretcher] experiments measured cellular creep deformation in response to laser-induced step stresses. We used a Kelvin-Voigt model to deduce two parameters related to cellular stiffness (μKV) and cellular viscosity (ηKV) from OS measurements in a time regimen that overlaps with that of MRE. We found that single-cell μKV was correlated with |G*| (R = 0.962, p < 0.001) and G'' (R = 0.883, p = 0.004) but not G' of the bulk tissue. These results suggest that single-cell stiffness affects tissue viscosity in brain tumors.  ..."

Brain tumours spread by exploiting fundamental physics – Physics World

This Australian duck says 'You bloody fool' and can imitate other sounds

Amazing stuff! This almost certainly gives Walt Disney's Donald Duck a whole new meaning. What did Walt know about ducks that we did not? 😄

"... found more evidence that musk ducks (Biziura lobata) can mimic sounds from nature, as well as those made by humans. ... Vocal learning refers to imitating sounds or producing completely new vocalizations, depending on the species involved. Central to this ability seems to be auditory feedback during development. ..."

From the abstract:
"Acquiring vocalizations by learning them from other individuals is only known from a limited number of animal groups. For birds, oscine and some suboscine songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds demonstrate this ability. Here, we provide evidence for vocal learning in a member of a basal clade of the avian phylogeny: the Australian musk duck (Biziura lobata). A hand-reared individual imitated a slamming door and a human voice, and a female-reared individual imitated Pacific black duck quacks. These sounds have been described before, but were never analysed in any detail and went so far unnoticed by researchers of vocal learning. The imitations were produced during the males' advertising display. The hand-reared male used at least three different vocalizations in the display context, with each one produced in the same stereotyped and repetitive structure as the normal display sounds. Sounds of different origins could be combined in one vocalization and at least some of the imitations were memorized at an early age, well before they were produced later in life. Together with earlier observations of vocal differences between populations and deviant vocalizations in captive-reared individuals, these observations demonstrate the presence of advanced vocal learning at a level comparable to that of songbirds and parrots. ..."

This Australian duck says 'You bloody fool' and can imitate other sounds -- and scientists couldn't be more fascinated This rare display of acquired vocalization could help scientists unravel the origin of speech and language in humans.

Vocal imitations and production learning by Australian musk ducks (Biziura lobata) (open access)

Donald Duck as he first appeared in The Wise Little Hen (1934)

China Rising: ‘Tremble and obey’, Xi Jinping’s ‘era of biding time’ is over (Part 1)

Very recommendable! The Communist Party of China is already exerting coercive pressure on Australian businesses!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes: If You Don't Know Me by Now

Enjoy! With Teddy Pendergrass. All the things we have been through ... Oh don't get so excited ... we all got our own funny moves ... what good is a love affair ... you will never, never know me

How touch can make or break your relationship

Recommendable! Don't be out of touch! 😄

A special thanks to movie theaters open on Christmas Day

On a day when almost any other business is closed, movie theaters are open on Christmas Day! I knew for many years that movie theaters are open during Christmas holidays in Western countries, but I rarely visit movie theaters and definitely not on such a holiday.

Today (12/25/2021), I saw at least four people in a wheel chair and their companions visit a Harkins movie theater in the Phoenix metro area. By wheel chair bound, I mean most likely permanently wheel chair bound not temporarily.

One of these parties was a mother in about her 40s with her young, but presumably adult daughter waiting in a seating area nearby the Harkins movie theater. Not only was the daughter wheel chair bound, but she also suffered from a severe speech impediment and jerky movements. Her mother dressed her up in very nice looking clothing and she was wearing some modest, but appealing makeup. She looked very adorable. She seemed to enjoy herself as far as I could tell. She asked whether there was any Internet access in the movie theater area. Once she got on the Internet with her smartphone, she remarked the Internet access was a bit slow with a big smile.

When I saw the two again a while later, the daughter was still not quite ready to visit the movie theater as I learnt from her mother. So both of them continued to wait for a later show. I hope they went to see a movie or they will try again another day ...

Lessons from Digital India

Very recommendable! An amazing success story!

India, a sleeping giant awakens! India is catching up rapidly! What is truly amazing is how many Indian female professionals are involved and excelling in this digital technology and IT progress.

"Over the past five years, India has experienced an unusually rapid expansion of digital connectivity and access to services. This has had a positive impact on the inclusiveness of economic growth; on efficiency and productivity in retail, supply chains, and finance; and on entrepreneurial activity.
India’s engagement with digital technology dates to the late 1980s. Major investments in computer science and education were made under Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s administration (1984-89). And with the expansion of internet access in the 1990s, India became home to many major outsourcing companies in IT administration, business processes, and customer service. ...
Then, in 2010, when much of the country’s existing service offerings were still in 2G and 3G, IBSL, a small telecoms company, purchased spectrum in an auction that included rights to much faster 4G frequency bands. IBSL was then acquired by billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s energy conglomerate, Reliance Industries, which thus gained the 4G spectrum rights.
Over the next five years, the resulting new subsidiary, Reliance Jio, invested heavily in building the fiber-optic infrastructure to support broadband access and a national mobile-internet system. During this period, Reliance Jio was granted the right to use the same spectrum for voice services, in addition to data, allowing it to introduce highly affordable smartphones with extremely low-cost data plans. Reliance Jio mobile phones and voice and data services were launched in 2016.
The result was explosive growth in the number of Jio subscribers (which reached 400 million in 2020) and smartphone users across the country. Data costs in India went from being among the highest in the world to the lowest – from roughly $3.50 per gigabyte before Jio to less than $0.30 cents per GB after its entry and expansion. ..."

Lessons from Digital India by Michael Spence - Project Syndicate Over the past five years, India’s mobile-internet and digital-services ecosystem has grown rapidly, owing to the pioneering efforts of large private-sector players. Although this industry-led growth is somewhat unusual, it offers a model that could benefit other developing countries.

This Modern Day easy to use Miriam's Well From Israeli Startup Alumor Will Provide Cheap, & Clean Water For the Developing World

I thought, this is a fitting Christmas Story! Merry Christmas 2021!

"... Figures from World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 suggest 2.1 billion people lack drinking water, 1.4 billion of which need an efficient and sustainable solution, like a household water treatment device, to purify their water to the point of use. The WHO states for those families that need these household water treatment systems, the systems need to be cheap and sterilize water to a high level. The water purification tech should ensure that all bacteria and viruses are killed.
Present solutions are either costly, ineffective, or just simply slow and cumbersome to use ..."

"The Miriam’s Well is a household device and is designed to operate without need for running water, electricity grid, or maintenance. The machine cleans dirty polluted water such that it is ready for drinking. The technology is a two stage process incorporating advanced UV-C technology."

"... Miriam’s Well is meant to be used in a village setting where one person would house the product and residents would come to a specific location for clean water. The village design would be sold for about $50 as a social good (not for profit) The company is currently in contact with various NGOs and governments that will be partners in distribution. ..."

This Modern Day Miriam's Well From Israeli Startup Alumor Will Provide Clean Water For The Masses

Our Crowd Becomes First Israeli VC Firm To Operate In Abu Dhabi Global Market

Good news! Blessed are the peace makers! The Abraham Accords keep on giving!

"Israel’s most active venture firm, OurCrowd, announced its approval and licensing by Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) today, becoming the first-ever Israeli venture capital firm to obtain ADGM licensed status.
OurCrowd Management (Arabia) Limited (OurCrowd Arabia) will operate as a fund manager regulated by the ADGM’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority."

Our Crowd Becomes First Israeli VC Firm To Operate In Abu Dhabi Global Market 

Buch: Unter mysteriösen Umständen, die politischen Morde der Stasi

Habe leider keine Zeit zu pruefen, was dran ist an den Behauptungen in diesem Buch. Habe auch das Buch nicht gekauft und nicht nach Rezensionen gesucht.

Jedoch, wissen wir das die Stasi der DDR in einigen Verbrechen verwickelt war. Warum auch nicht Morde von Regimegegnern. Putin der Schreckliche (ehemals KGB Offizier) z.B. hat es ja vorgemacht.

"Der 8. November 1987 war ein Schicksalstag im Leben von Freya Klier. Es war der Tag, an dem die Stasi versuchte, sie und ihren Mann Stephan Krawczyk zu ermorden. Jahrzehnte nach diesem Vorfall trat ihr ehemaliger Vernehmer aus der Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hohenschönhausen mit beiden in Kontakt und bestätigte den Verdacht, den sie schon lange gehegt hatten. Doch sie waren kein Einzelfall. In diesem Buch lässt Freya Klier viele Zeitzeugen und Betroffene zu Wort kommen, die ein bislang totgeschwiegenes Kapitel der DDR-Geschichte beleuchten: die systematischen Mordversuche eines Staates an unliebsam gewordenen Bürgern. Nicht zuletzt der Fall Nawalny zeigt, wie lebendig dieser Fortbestand in manchen postsozialistischen Ländern noch heute ist."

Der EU-Emissionshandel sollte nicht die EU-Kommission finanzieren

Politiker können nie genug Steuergelder auftreiben! Sie suchen ständig und emsig nach neuen Steuerquellen! Leider bieten westliche Demokratien nur wenig Schutz vor gierigen Politikern. Z.B. der Prozess ausgabefreudige Politiker durch mehr sparsame Politiker zu ersetzen ist langwierig und nicht immer erfolgreich.

Der Klimawahn ist eine hervorragende Täuschung oder ein Vorwand, um von den Bürgern mehr Geld auszupressen!

Der EU-Emissionshandel sollte nicht die EU-Kommission finanzieren Die EU-Staaten haben eine Pandorabüchse geöffnet – jetzt sucht die Kommission nach neuen Wegen, den Bürgern und Unternehmen das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Der europäische Emissionshandel ist das erfolgreichste Instrument im Kampf gegen die Klimaerwärmung. (????) Jetzt strebt die EU-Kommission danach, ihn zur Erschliessung eigener Geldquellen zu missbrauchen. Damit diskreditiert sie ihre eigene Klimapolitik.

China and Kazakhstan: The modern silk road

Very recommendable! Mind boggling!

Friday, December 24, 2021

The History Of Scotland(From Ashes to Greatness) | Thomas Sowell

Very recommendable! About the people, who resisted the Romans! For some odd reason, Mr. Sowell did not mention the astonishing Scottish enlightenment although he mentioned many of its greatest thinkers.

Kernkraft: Es geht vorwärts mit den Mini-KKW in Europa

Good news! Die Bananenrepublik Deutschland verschläft mal wieder den Trend! Windkraft und Sonnenenergie in Deutschland ist was für Gartenzwerge!

"... Doch jetzt ist eine neue Generation an Atomkraftwerken in Entwicklung, die diesem negativen Bild entgegenstehen könnte: sogenannte Small Modular Reactors (SMR). SMR sind kleine modulare Anlagen, die in Serie entstehen, nur einen Bruchteil der Leistung von grösseren AKW haben und zu attraktiven Preisen aufgestellt werden sollen. ...
Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat vor kurzem angekündigt, in seinem Land bis 2030 eine Reihe von SMR aufzustellen. Frankreich wendet eine Milliarde Euro für die Entwicklung neuer AKW-Projekte auf. Das Geld fließt maßgeblich in den Bau kleiner Reaktoren von EDF.

Auch Großbritannien mischt mit. Es fördert ein Mini-AKW-Projekt des britischen Konzerns Rolls-Royce mit umgerechnet 258 Millionen Franken. Bis Mitte des nächsten Jahrzehnts will das Land 10 bis 16 SMR aufstellen. Wenn es gut läuft, soll die Technologie auch exportiert werden. ..."

Kernkraft: Es geht vorwärts mit den Mini-KKW in Europa | EIKE - Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie Bereits haben Frankreich und Grossbritannien den Bau kleiner modularer Reaktoren angekündigt. Nun will auch Rumänien mithilfe der USA solche Anlagen aufstellen: Die ersten dieser Werke sollen schon in sieben Jahren in Betrieb gehen.

Coal power’s sharp rebound is taking it to a new record in 2021, threatening net zero goals

Only Western countries are delusional about plentiful and cheap coal as a source for power generation! It is high time to correct the Western elites pushing this nonsense of net zero etc.

"The amount of electricity generated worldwide from coal is surging towards a new annual record in 2021, undermining efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and potentially putting global coal demand on course for an all-time high next year, the International Energy Agency said in its latest annual market report.

After falling in 2019 and 2020, global power generation from coal is expected to jump by 9% in 2021 to an all-time high of 10,350 terawatt-hours, according to the IEA’s Coal 2021 report, which was released today. The rebound is being driven by this year’s rapid economic recovery, which has pushed up electricity demand much faster than low-carbon supplies can keep up. The steep rise in natural gas prices has also increased demand for coal power by making it more cost-competitive.   ..."

Coal power’s sharp rebound is taking it to a new record in 2021, threatening net zero goals - News - IEA Rapid economic recovery is driving global coal power generation to a record this year and overall coal demand to a potential all-time high as soon as 2022, underlining urgent need for policy action

Why not celebrate Christmas in Saudi Arabia

The Wall Street Journal found a curious Christmas story this year! 😄
For Saudi Arabia to become a modern modern country will take more years, but progress is being made. Younger Saudis probably would move faster.

"The oil-rich kingdom has long banned the public practice of religions other than Islam, but with social restrictions gradually easing, Christmas trees, panettone fruitcakes and Starbucks Holiday Blend coffees can increasingly be found in Saudi Arabia.

Christmas is the latest non-Muslim holiday to gain some ground in the kingdom, after Halloween, Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve. Mohammad Abdullah, a salesman at a florist shop in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, said the religious police used to harass him for selling anything remotely linked to Christmas, but they haven’t done so in the past two years. “We haven’t had any issues so far,” he said. “But we have orders from top management that if any government official comes in and asks us to remove any item, to do so right away.” .."

Do They Know It’s Christmas Time in Saudi Arabia? Increasingly, Yes - WSJ In a kingdom that has long banned the public practice of religions other than Islam, holiday sales are testing the limits of new social openness

Ansturm auf die Klimaschutz-Milliarden

Was für eine massive Verschwendung von Steuergeldern! Die Folgen des Klimawahns!

Ungerecht obendrein, weil besser Verdienende mehr Gelegenheit haben davon zu profitieren! Auch in den USA wurden und werden ähnliche Fehler gemacht! Sonst wäre z.B. Tesla längst nicht so ein "Erfolg".

"... Ein Beispiel ist die Kaufprämie für Elektroautos. Die Zahl der Anträge stieg 2021 um mehr als das Doppelte auf mehr als 585.000, teilte das Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) mit. Ausgezahlt hat die Behörde mehr als 3 Milliarden Euro an Fördermitteln. Dies entspreche dem 4,7-Fachen der ausgezahlten Summe des vergangenen Jahres. Insgesamt wurden seit Beginn der Förderung im Jahr 2016 rund eine Million Anträge gestellt. ..."

Ansturm auf die Klimaschutz-Milliarden Ob Kaufprämien für Elektroautos, Zuschüsse zu neuen Heizungen oder Fördermittel für Batteriefabriken: Die Programme erfreuen sich reger Nachfrage. Für den Steuerzahler geht das ins Geld.

NFL adopts new COVID protocols after data suggest that asymptomatic players aren't transmitting the virus even if they test positive

There are some interesting developments regarding the Covid-19 pandemic coming out of professional sports. Unfortunately, I did not have the time to catch up with it. However, I have e.g. seen similar reports about e.g. European top soccer teams etc.

Apparently, when so much money is at stake whether a top athlete is able to compete or not and how the infected athlete might potentially impact the rest of the team, those involved look closer at the pandemic and what it means.

These reports about professional sports seem to confirm as well that SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is in reality a relative harmless disease. Most young adults have little to fear. 

It is long overdue (since at least the beginning of 2021) to return to a fairly normal life like before the pandemic!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

NFL adopts new COVID protocols after data suggest that asymptomatic players aren't transmitting the virus even if they test positive - TheBlaze

The Human Freedom Index 2021 | Fraser Institute

The 2021 edition of the Fraser Institute's Human Freedom Index has just been released! Individual freedom is still rare around the world, which makes it all the more precious for those who enjoy it!

Too bad the Fraser Institute did not update their website featuring this index. The most recent year is 2019. 

The spreadsheet with tables and figures that comes with this 2021 edition of this report is also not updated. Most recent year again 2019.

Such outdatedness prevented me from quickly comparing how Hong Kong fared over the last few years since the Communist Party of China breached  the 1997 Basic Law handover of HK by the British to the CPC by annexing HK a few years ago.

The Human Freedom Index 2021 | Fraser Institute

Albrecht Dürer's influence

Very recommendable! I have heretofore before not fully realized what an amazing and influential artist Albrecht Dürer was! However, I was always in awe when seeing his great works.

Post-Soviet Estonia: From collective farms to digital powerhouse

Recommendable! The Baltic countries are exciting!

Blood, concrete, and dynamite: Building the Hoover Dam

Very recommendable!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Quanta Magazine: 2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science

Very recommendable!

Klimaschau: 100.000 Klimaflüchtlinge in Burundi. Stimmt das?

Empfehlenswert! Wenn dämliche Journalisten nicht recherchieren wollen oder können, dann war das Klima schuld! Auch der AMOC wird behandelt!

FOIA emails: Francis Collins told Anthony Fauci to takedown Great Barrington Declaration

At least Mr. Collins "voluntarily" stepped down! Why he was not fired is remarkable some time ago? Why the clown, charlatan, and obsessive 81 year old Anthony Fauci is still in office is more than strange!

"Newly exposed emails show outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins commanding Dr. Anthony Fauci to carry out a "quick and devastating" takedown of a statement by public health experts calling for "focused protection" of the most vulnerable populations. Emails show that Fauci would indeed attack the declaration. ..."

The Great Barrington Declaration of 10/4/2020: "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection."

FOIA emails: Francis Collins told Anthony Fauci to takedown Great Barrington Declaration. - TheBlaze

Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Charles Lieber Admits to Taking Tens of Thousands of Dollars From China

The many ways, the Communist Party of China infiltrates open and free Western societies! What a career tumble from stellar scientist to criminal supporting a communist totalitarian regime!

"... Lieber was named the leading chemist in the world for the decade 2000–2010 by Thomson Reuters, based on the impact of his scientific publications. He is known for his contributions to the synthesis, assembly and characterization of nanoscale materials and nanodevices, the application of nanoelectronic devices in biology, and as a mentor to numerous leaders in nanoscience.

Lieber, a professor at Harvard University, has published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has edited and contributed to many books on nanoscience. Until 2020 he was the chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and held a joint appointment in that department and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as the Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor. He is the principal inventor on over fifty issued US patents and applications, and joined nanotechnology company Nanosys as a scientific co-founder in 2001 and Vista Therapeutics in 2007. In 2012, Lieber was awarded the Israeli Wolf Prize in Chemistry in a special ceremony held at the Israeli Knesset (Israeli Parliament).

In December 2021, Lieber was convicted of six felonies, including two counts of making false statements to the FBI and investigators from the Department of Defense and National Institutes of Health regarding his participation in the Chinese government's Thousand Talents Program, as well as four counts of filing false tax returns. ..." (Wikipedia)

Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Admits to Taking Tens of Thousands of Dollars From China The former chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry Department accused of hiding Chinese ties had admitted to taking tens of thousands of dollars from China, video footage presented in federal court on Dec. 17 shows.

New Technology is One Step Closer to Targeted Gene Therapy

Good news!

"A major challenge, however, has been creating the right "delivery vehicles" that can carry genes and molecules into the cells that need treatment, while avoiding the cells that do not.

Now, a team led by Caltech researchers has developed a gene-delivery system that can specifically target brain cells while avoiding the liver. This is important because a gene therapy intended to treat a disorder in the brain, for example, could also have the side effect of creating a toxic immune response in the liver, hence the desire to find delivery vehicles that only go to their intended target. The findings were shown in both mouse and marmoset models, an important step towards translating the technology into humans. ...
The key to this technology is the use of adeno-associated viruses, or AAVs, which have long been considered promising candidates for use as delivery vehicles. Over millions of years of evolution, viruses have evolved efficient ways to gain access into human cells, and for decades researchers have been developing methods to harness viruses' Trojan-Horse-like abilities for human benefit.

AAVs are made up of two major components: an outer shell, called a capsid, that is built from proteins; and the genetic material encased inside the capsid. To use recombinant AAVs for gene therapy, researchers remove the virus's genetic material from the capsid and replace it with the desired cargo, such as a particular gene or coding information for small therapeutic molecules.

"Recombinant AAVs are stripped of the ability to replicate, which leaves a powerful tool that is biologically designed to gain entrance into cells," ... 

The shape and composition of the capsid is a critical part of how the AAV enters into a cell. Researchers in the Gradinaru lab have been working for almost a decade on engineering AAV capsids that cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and to develop methods to select for and against certain traits, resulting in viral vectors more specific to certain cell types within the brain. ..."

From the abstract:
"Genetic intervention is increasingly being explored as a therapeutic option for debilitating disorders of the central nervous system. The safety and efficacy of gene therapies rely upon expressing a transgene in affected cells while minimizing off-target expression. Here we show organ-specific targeting of adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids after intravenous delivery, which we achieved by employing a Cre-transgenic-based screening platform and sequential engineering of AAV-PHP.eB between the surface-exposed AA452 and AA460 of VP3. From this selection, we identified capsid variants that were enriched in the brain and targeted away from the liver in C57BL/6J mice. This tropism extends to marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), enabling robust, non-invasive gene delivery to the marmoset brain after intravenous administration. Notably, the capsids identified result in distinct transgene expression profiles within the brain, with one exhibiting high specificity to neurons. The ability to cross the blood–brain barrier with neuronal specificity in rodents and non-human primates enables new avenues for basic research and therapeutic possibilities unattainable with naturally occurring serotypes."

New Technology is One Step Closer to Targeted Gene Therapy | Broad and robust transgene expression across brain regions of marmoset is shown after systemic delivery with engineered capsid. Gene therapy is a powerful developing technology that has the potential to address myriad diseases. For example, Huntington's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, is caused by a mutation in a single gene, and if researchers could go into specific cells and correct that defect, theoretically those cells could regain normal function.

Why College Degrees Are Losing Their Value

This is not a new phenomenon, the inflation of college degrees or credential inflation! It has become very apparent for the past 1-2 decades.
Way too many young adults have college degrees now and are overeducated for the job market! This phenomenon has also been observable in other Western countries.
This article does not even cover the subject of indebtedness of fresh graduates.

"... In 1940, 4.2 million Americans were 4-year college graduates. Today, 99.5 million Americans have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. These numbers demonstrate the sharp increase in the number of Americans earning college degrees.

Today, nearly 40 percent of all Americans hold a 4-year degree. Considering the vast increase in college attendance and completion, it’s fair to question if a college degree has retained its “purchasing power” on the job market. Much of the evidence seems to suggest that it has not. ...
Many jobs that previously required no more than a high school diploma are now only accepting applicants with bachelor’s degrees. This shift in credential preferences among employers has now made the 4-year degree the unofficial minimum standard for educational requirements. ...
Approximately 41 percent of all recent graduates are working jobs that do not require a college degree. It is shocking when you consider that 17 percent of hotel clerks and 23.5 percent of amusement park attendants hold 4-year degrees. ..."

Why College Degrees Are Losing Their Value - Foundation for Economic Education The signaling function of college degrees may have been distorted by the phenomenon known as credential inflation.