Saturday, December 25, 2021

A special thanks to movie theaters open on Christmas Day

On a day when almost any other business is closed, movie theaters are open on Christmas Day! I knew for many years that movie theaters are open during Christmas holidays in Western countries, but I rarely visit movie theaters and definitely not on such a holiday.

Today (12/25/2021), I saw at least four people in a wheel chair and their companions visit a Harkins movie theater in the Phoenix metro area. By wheel chair bound, I mean most likely permanently wheel chair bound not temporarily.

One of these parties was a mother in about her 40s with her young, but presumably adult daughter waiting in a seating area nearby the Harkins movie theater. Not only was the daughter wheel chair bound, but she also suffered from a severe speech impediment and jerky movements. Her mother dressed her up in very nice looking clothing and she was wearing some modest, but appealing makeup. She looked very adorable. She seemed to enjoy herself as far as I could tell. She asked whether there was any Internet access in the movie theater area. Once she got on the Internet with her smartphone, she remarked the Internet access was a bit slow with a big smile.

When I saw the two again a while later, the daughter was still not quite ready to visit the movie theater as I learnt from her mother. So both of them continued to wait for a later show. I hope they went to see a movie or they will try again another day ...

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