Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Afghanistan’s Former Female Troops, Once Hailed by the West, Fear for Their Lives

When a demented and senile 78 years old lifetime career politician and chronic liar for decades, the 46th President of the U.S., who is probably also seriously compromised as far as his or his family’s dealings with Russia and China are concerned, orders a hastily and poorly planned retreat from Afghanistan! As if Vietnam was no lesson to the 46th President!

"Before the fall of the Afghan republic, there were around 6,300 women on the payroll of the armed forces and the police, around 2% of the total personnel. Now, these women are among the most vulnerable groups left behind, with no clear pathway to leave the country despite the risk they face from both the Taliban and, often, their own families for violating the Afghan society’s conservative norms. Only Afghan female police and soldiers who worked in special circumstances with the U.S. may qualify for a referral to enter the U.S. as refugees. Many have fled their homes and are living in hiding, fearing retribution from the Taliban. The Taliban have promised a general amnesty to all soldiers and police after seizing power Aug. 15, but many former service members have been assassinated since then."

Afghanistan’s Former Female Troops, Once Hailed by the West, Fear for Their Lives - WSJ ‘They have relocated musicians, soccer players and artists, and their lives were not at risk as much as ours,’ a former Afghan Air Force officer says of Western governments

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