Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Merkel in Neujahrsansprache: „Erderwärmung ist real“

Die SED Kanzlerin Merkel ist voellig umnachtet! Merkel muss weg! Und diese Frau hat einen Doktortitel in physikalischer Chemie! Man kann es nicht glauben!

"„Die Erwärmung unserer Erde ist real. Sie ist bedrohlich. Sie und die aus der Erderwärmung erwachsenden Krisen sind von Menschen verursacht.“ Also müsse alles geschehen, um „diese Menschheitsherausforderung zu bewältigen“; noch sei das möglich"

Merkel in Neujahrsansprache: „Erderwärmung ist real“: Neujahrsansprache von Kanzlerin Merkel: „Erderwärmung ist real“

Monday, December 30, 2019

Aksum: A Forgotten Empire

Very recommendable! About the fascinating history of Ethiopia!

The Long Shadow: Europe After World War One (WW1 Documentary) | Timeline

Very recommendable!

Prager University: What Was the Enlightenment?

Highly recommendable!

What Was the Enlightenment? | PragerU: The European Enlightenment of the 18th century introduced the world to modern science, economics, medicine, and political freedom – or so we’re told. But is what we’re told accurate? Political philosopher Yoram Hazony explores this question and offers some surprising answers in this truly enlightening video.

Unsung Heroes: Private Food Inspectors

Recommendable! Anybody who believes that food safety depended on government inspections is pretty foolish! Private businesses themselves have a keen self-interest to make sure that their food is safe and enjoyable!

"In Private Governance, prominent economist Edward Stringham presents case studies of the various forms of private enforcement, self-governance, or self-regulation among private groups or individuals that fill a void that government enforcement cannot."
It is by far not just a void left by government, it goes far beyond. Private assurance of product/service quality or safety, contract fulfillment etc. have been plenty in history!

Unsung Heroes: Private Food Inspectors – AIER: Both mortality and morbidity figures would be much higher if Americans really did leave something as fundamental as food safety to government bureaucrats.

A new high-resolution map of how the brain is wired

Amazing stuff! This could well revolutionize our understanding of the brain! The speed of progress in brain research in recent years has been nothing but breathtaking! This is about a major expansion of the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas.

"Their study, which was published today in the journal Nature, traced thousands of connections between brain areas and lays the groundwork for researchers to better understand how brain circuitry might go awry in diseases and disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.

The publicly available dataset resulting from approximately a thousand new experiments represents the most detailed map of connections in a mammalian brain to date, tracing neural wiring within and between the thalamus and cortex ... The newly acquired dataset captures connections between neurons in the thalamus and the cortex, using special labels to light up five different kinds of neurons that inhabit different layers of the cortex. The mouse brain has approximately 85 million neurons that make roughly 100 billion connections, or synapses."

A new high-resolution map of how the brain is wired Systematic tracing of how neurons connect reveals mammalian brain’s ‘org chart’ of possible information flow

Circulating Fetal Trophoblast Cells Sequenced for Prenatal Testing Study

Good news!

"Using whole-genome sequencing, they detected fetal genetic abnormalities such as trisomies, the presence of an extra chromosome, with high accuracy. This technique could have the potential to replace more invasive tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling, and it appears to be more accurate than a similar procedure that tests cell-free DNA in the mother’s bloodstream."

Circulating Fetal Cells Sequenced for Prenatal Testing Study | The Scientist Magazine®: Trophoblasts, collected from the mother during a blood draw, can determine fetal genetic abnormalities currently diagnosed through amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling.

How Robot Care System uses the cloud to enhance its LEA smart walker

Recommendable! Robots with cloud computing! Don't you wish to reach old age? (just kidding)

"Adopting cloud computing will allow developers to manage data from all LEA robots for machine-learning model training. This information processing will help increase the scale and speed at which their robots can learn from each other and function better for customers.

In addition, RoboMaker allows Robot Care Systems to create managed robotics simulations, in which developers can test and evaluate how their robots will behave in certain situations. Also, maintaining robots becomes easier in the cloud. The current state of maintenance operations requires on-site visits by human technicians, but with updated cloud-supported fleet management, the group can receive diagnostic alerts and push out bug fixes and software updates remotely ... Amazon Lex and Polly will be used to test and deploy a natural language processing (NLP) voice interface for LEA, giving the device a new way to interact with users. Meanwhile, SageMaker, a machine learning program, will help Lea better identify risk factors for users by improving movement and behavior detection."

How Robot Care System uses the cloud to enhance its LEA smart walker: The LEA smart walker is designed to help people with Parkinson's and other conditions, and it includes intelligence built using the cloud and AWS RoboMaker.

Dax-Studie: Deutsche Unternehmen Abgeschlagen an der Börse

Werden deutsche Unternehmen oder sogar die deutsche Wirtschaft abgehaengt? Sie hinken hinterher im internationalen Vergleich. Mit Klimawahn, Windmuehlen, Dieselfahrverboten oder aehnlichem Unsinn ist man wirtschaftlich im hintertreffen.

Mehr freie Marktwirtschaft und weniger Steuern, staatliche Eingriffe etc. braucht das Land! SED Kanzerlerin Merkel muss weg!

"Nur noch zwei Titel aus dem großen deutschen Börsendindex zählen zu den 100 wertvollsten Aktiengesellschaften der Welt. Auch Europa spielt an der Weltbörse nur noch eine untergeordnete Rollezwölf deutschen Konzerne zusammen, die sich derzeit unter den Top-300 der wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt"

Dax-Studie: Abgeschlagen an der Börse

BEDEUTUNGSVERLUST: Dax-Konzerne geraten an den Weltbörsen ins Abseits

Handelsverband: Bon-Pflicht bedeutet Aufwand und Kosten

Im extrem Hochsteuerland Deutschland ist man hinter jedem Steuer Euro her. Deswegen haben daemliche Politiker beschlossen eine Kassenbon Pflicht ab 1. Januar einzufuehren. Als ob Steuerhinterziehung/-vermeidung wegen mangelnder Bons ein riesiges Problem war! Welcher Unsinn!

Handelsverband: Bon-Pflicht bedeutet Aufwand und Kosten

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Van Halen - Jump

What a narcissist! Can't dance either!

Justice IG: McCain gave ‘Trump dossier’ to FBI after bureau dropped Steele

If true, former senator from Arizona McCain may not rest in peace! As they said McCain was a maverick senator and that is probably an euphemism!

President Trump speaks with Egyptian President El-Sisi about Libya

Not good news! That the West pulled out so prematurely and in haste after the fall of dictator Qaddafi was a huge mistake mostly to blame on France and other European countries!

Unlocking foreign investment will drive Indonesia’s economy


Will Indonesia (country with the largest Muslim population) also finally become an Asian tiger economy? We hope so! Can president Widodo pull it off in his second and last term in office? Doubts remain.

"Disappointingly, Indonesia failed to book an anticipated windfall from the US–China trade dispute as global businesses relocated out of China to protect their supply chains. Vietnam has been the big winner there."

Unlocking foreign investment will drive Indonesia’s economy | The Strategist: President Joko Widodo has expressed frustration to his economic advisers in recent months over Indonesia’s failure to attract a ‘fair share’ of the foreign investment dollars going into Southeast Asia. Even as foreign investment into the ...

Wegweisendes Gerichtsurteil: 886 Niederländer zwingen die Regierung auf dem Rechtsweg zu grösseren Anstrengungen gegen den Klimawandel | NZZ

Wenn politischer Aktivismus von hoechsten Richtern zur Gefahr wird! Warum mischen sich Richter in eine politische Auseinandersetzung ein?

Das ist kein wegweisendes Gerichtsurteil! Voelliger Quatsch! Im Gegenteil!

Wegweisendes Gerichtsurteil: 886 Niederländer zwingen die Regierung auf dem Rechtsweg zu grösseren Anstrengungen gegen den Klimawandel | NZZ: Der niederländischen Klimastiftung Urgenda ist gelungen, woran beispielsweise in der Schweiz die Klima-Seniorinnen vorerst gescheitert sind: Sie hat vor dem höchsten nationalen Gericht einen Sieg gegen die Regierung errungen. Den Haag muss nun bis Ende 2020 den CO2-Aussstoss um 25% im Vergleich zu 1990 verringern.

Ultracold environment offers a first look at a chemical reaction

Amazing stuff! This could be a breakthrough!

"In such intense cold — 500 nanokelvin, or just a few millionths of a degree above absolute zero — the molecules slowed to such sluggish speeds that Ni and her team saw something no one has ever seen before: the moment when two molecules meet to form two new molecules. In essence, they captured a chemical reaction in its most critical and elusive act."

"In her previous work, Ni used colder and colder temperatures to forge molecules from atoms that would otherwise never react. Cooled to such extremes, atoms and molecules slow to a quantum crawl, their lowest possible energy state. There, Ni can manipulate molecular interactions with utmost precision. But even she could only see the start of her reactions: Two molecules go in, but then what? What happened in the middle and the end was a black hole only theories could try to explain."

"Chemical reactions occur in just a thousandth of a billionth of a second, better known in the scientific world as a picosecond"

"the phase when bonds break and form — in essence, how one molecule turns into another"

Ultracold environment offers a first look at a chemical reaction – Harvard Gazette: Harvard researchers have performed the coldest reaction in the known universe by capturing a chemical reaction in its most critical and elusive act.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

What 'Blue Zones' Can Teach Us About Getting Healthy In 2020

I listened to this on NPR and learned among other things that matriarchal societies in so called blue zones coincide with men to live longer lives. Perhaps, men should turn over responsibilities, dangerous jobs, war fighting etc. to women so men can live longer lives (food for thought).

What 'Blue Zones' Can Teach Us About Getting Healthy In 2020 | Here & Now: People living in "Blue Zones" are some of the oldest groups of people in the world.

Russland stellt wohl Hyperschall-Rakete „Avangard“ in Dienst

Putin der Schreckliche hatte die Hyperschall Rakete vor einiger Zeit bereits angekuendigt! Wir werden sehen, ob diese neue Waffe die Machtbalance verschiebt. Neben Russland sind wohl auch Iran und China aktiv dabei ihre eigenen Hyperschall Waffen zu entwickeln.

Russland stellt wohl Hyperschall-Rakete „Avangard“ in Dienst

4 Things That Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws

Very recommendable! Indeed compulsory schooling should be eliminated! Privatize K12 education! The Internet alone provides so much educational materials for free that are sufficient.

4 Things That Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws - Foundation for Economic Education: Stripping the state of its power to define, control, and monitor something as beautifully broad as education would have a large and lasting impact on re-empowering families, encouraging educational entrepreneurs, and creating more choice and opportunity for all learners.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Making History: Hong Kong Protest An “Existential Threat” to Communist China

Very recommendable! Stand with the peaceful protesters of Hong Kong!

Michael Yon has seen the spark in the eyes of the protesters to carry on their protests! Protesters change their tactics/strategy every week!

AWS DeepComposer

Contemporary music has been so boring for decades! Will artificial intelligence usher in a new era of music? Hope so!

AWS DeepComposer

Grandmother Orcas Help Young Whales Survive and Thrive: Study

Recommendable! More research in the animal world confirms the important role of grandmothers. Unfortunately, we learn nothing or little about grandpas in this study!

Grandmother Orcas Help Young Whales Survive and Thrive: Study | The Scientist Magazine®: Post-menopausal orcas tied to an increase in calf survival by providing food, care, and guidance.

Thinking beyond the gas tax, Utah launches fee per miles driven for alternative-fuel cars

Nice try! Utah becomes the second state in the U.S. to implement a vehicle miles traveled or road usage tax/fee/charge.

In the beginning it is only voluntary and limited to electrical car drivers. Sooner rather than later politicians will make it mandatory and apply it to all or most drivers.

There are many things wrong with such taxes (including the current gas tax):
  1. It deviates from the ability to pay principle of taxation
  2. It is a highly regressive tax, affecting lower income people more than others
  3. It is a highly specialized and targeted tax as opposed to broad based tax affecting most citizens
  4. It affects long distance commuters more than other commuters
  5. Those who benefit from others road usage will most likely not have to pay much taxes (e.g. online shoppers)

Thinking beyond the gas tax, Utah launches fee per miles driven for alternative-fuel cars - The Salt Lake Tribune

Heil will Gründungen von Betriebsräten erleichtern

Die schleichende und fortschreitende Enteignung von Privateigentum geht munter weiter in Deutschland seit 1948! Das Betriebsverfassungsgesetz ist z.B. schon ein viel zu weitgehender Eingriff.

Wenn Arbeitnehmer selbst bestimmen wollen, dann sollen sie doch bitte Genossenschaften oder eigene Unternehmen gruenden!

Heil will Gründungen von Betriebsräten erleichtern: Der Arbeitsminister will die Rechte von Beschäftigten stärken. Eine schnellere und unbürokratischere Wahl der Arbeitnehmervertreter soll...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Recall issued for exploding Sriracha bottles

Is this a late or early April fools prank or is this just happening down under? :-)

AVE: Spain's high speed NIGHTMARE

Recommendable! Politicians and their many boondoggles!

Titan Of Trucks

Posted: 12/26/2019

It takes a professional bareback rider!

Israeli-Japanese Venture Launches World's First Agency Offering Autonomous Robots-For-Hire

Amazing stuff! A glimpse at the future of robotics!

Israeli-Japanese Venture Launches World's First Agency Offering Autonomous Robots-For-Hire | Technology News: MusashiAI is a collaboration between Israeli robotics company SixAI and Japan's Musashi Seimitsu, an affiliate company of Honda Motor Corporation. | NoCamels

Billion-Dollar Ideas: Of 30 Israeli-Founded Unicorns, 13 Joined The Club In 2019

Very impressive! 

Why do not the Arab neighboring countries (Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt) follow the lead of Israel's prosperous economy?

"While Israelis make up 0.11 percent of the global population, with just approximately 9 million people, Israeli founders are behind a staggering 5.62 percent of existing unicorns today (private companies valued at $1 billion or more).

As of December 2019, out of over 500 unicorns currently out there, according to a list compiled by Techcrunch – a number almost counter-intuitive to the term meant to illustrate a statistical rarity – 30 were founded by Israelis, at least 13 of which became unicorns over the past year."

Billion-Dollar Ideas: Of 30 Israeli-Founded Unicorns, 13 Joined The Club In 2019 | News Brief

NATO Faces a Fresh Quandary as Turkey Tips Toward Russia

Why is Turkey still a NATO member? This is a Cold War relic! For as long as Erdogan remains the authoritarian leader of Turkey, its NATO membership should have been at least be suspended! Military bases like Incirlik are not indispensable!

NATO Faces a Fresh Quandary as Turkey Tips Toward Russia - WSJ: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to evict U.S. bases if the Trump administration imposes new sanctions, putting the alliance on edge.

State Support Helped Fuel Huawei’s Global Rise

Huawei, a state/dictatorship run enterprise! Bravo Trump to confront this!

"China’s tech champion got as much as $75 billion in tax breaks, financing and cheap resources as it became the world’s top telecom vendor"

State Support Helped Fuel Huawei’s Global Rise - WSJ: Tens of billions of dollars in financial assistance from the Chinese government helped propel Huawei to the top of global telecommunications, a scale of support that dwarfed what its tech rivals got from their governments.

English For Trippers (8)

Posted: 12/26/2019

Danger in anger
Anger is one letter short of danger

Is this a coincidence or an accident of the English language that both words are so similar?

Or is there a deeper wisdom or philosophy in the choice of words?

The illusion of a rules-based global order


"Perhaps no country has taken more advantage of this state of affairs than China.

Consider China’s dam projects in the Mekong River, which flows from the Chinese-controlled Tibetan Plateau to the South China Sea, through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. By building 11 mega-dams near the border of the Tibetan Plateau, just before the river crosses into Southeast Asia, China has irreparably damaged the river system and wreaked broader environmental havoc, including saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta that has caused the delta to retreat.

Today, the Mekong is running at its lowest level in 100 years, and droughts are intensifying in downriver countries. This gives China powerful leverage over its neighbours.

China’s actions in the South China Sea may be even more brazen. This month marks the sixth anniversary of the country’s launch of a massive land-reclamation program in the highly strategic corridor, which connects the Indian and Pacific oceans. By constructing and militarising artificial islands, China has redrawn the region’s geopolitical map without firing a shot—or incurring any international costs."

Then there is the forced annexation of Crimea by Russia ...

The illusion of a rules-based global order | The Strategist: When the Cold War ended, many pundits anticipated a new era in which geoeconomics would determine geopolitics. As economic integration progressed, they predicted, the rules-based order would take root globally. Countries would comply with international ...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Recommendable! Far too long governments dominated space exploration!  Had the private sector got involved in the space race decades earlier, humanity would have advanced much more! The private sector is cheaper, better, and much faster in developing innovations etc.!

바버렛츠 The Barberettes - Be My Baby (Cover of The Ronettes)

Something refreshing coming out of South Korea. Beats boring Western pop music (all rap or moody)! Doo wop (sounds almost Korean?) by the time slip girls!

Next-generation architectures bridge gap between neural and symbolic representations with neural symbols

Very recommendable! Very promising new research direction!

Next-generation architectures bridge gap between neural and symbolic representations with neural symbols - Microsoft Research: AI has largely moved from symbol-based systems to artificial neural network–based models. TP-Transformer and TP-N2F show how a neurosymbolic approach that merges the two via neural symbols can enhance performance and interpretability.

Samsung S10 Annoyances

Posted: 12/25/2019 Updated: 12/26/2019

In late July of 2019, I bought the Samsung S10. Before that, I have used a Samsung S7 for about three years.

List of annoyances:

  1. The transfer of apps, configurations etc. from my S7 to S10 was not smooth nor complete. E.g. my hotspot setting was very restrictive (only allowed devices can use it). However, on my S10 anybody could latch on to my hotspot despite transfer without any notice. It took a while before I discovered this omission.
  2. The shutter of the camera is very slow. Compared with my S7, I have never had so many blurred pictures. How many seconds or fractions thereof you have to wait before you can shoot the next picture? A friend of mine confirmed this annoyance as well. Recently, I was helping a family to have a picture taken in front of a Christmas tree. This family also confirmed that the shutter was too slow.
  3. The slider on the right hand side of the display is very hard to read. So when I am reading a long email or webpage it is not easy to figure out where in the email or webpage you are or how much longer it is
  4. Bixby is much too intrusive and the button on the left hand side below the two volume buttons is a serious design flaw. I use Google and I don’t need Bixby!
  5. The speaker phone functionality is inconsistent. It constantly switches between two different sounding modes depending on how you hold the phone.

Is Optimization the Right Language to Understand Deep Learning? - Sanjeev Arora

Very recommendable! Sanjeev Arora raises some good questions about the state of deep learning.

(19) Is Optimization the Right Language to Understand Deep Learning? - Sanjeev Arora - YouTube

Grafik: Gibt es überhaupt noch Zinsen?

Der helle Wahnsinn einer unverantwortlichen und ruecksichtslosen staatlichen Zinspolitik! Diese hat Ende 2000 in den USA angefangen.
Wer sind die groessten Schuldner und Vorteilnehmer? Politiker jeder coleur!

Grafik: Gibt es überhaupt noch Zinsen?

Bitte auf Bilder herunterladen klicken.

U.S. Federal Funds Rate from 1954-2019

Law & Order in Medieval England

Very recommendable!

In my opinion one of the most interesting feature of this article:
"One of the things that I find fascinating about medieval English law is the transition from a criminal justice system in the 12th century that relied on trial by ordeal, to a system dependent upon juries to issue final felony verdicts by the early 13th century. That’s a world that came into being after the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215, when the Catholic Church withdrew priests from administering trial by ordeal. England was then forced to choose another method of proof."

The above referred to Council was very special and comprehensive in its regulations and did indeed decree in "Canon 18: Clerics may neither pronounce nor execute a sentence of death. Nor may they act as judges in extreme criminal cases, or take part in matters connected with judicial tests and ordeals. This last prohibition, since it removed the one thing that gave the ordeal its value, was the beginning of the end of Trial by ordeal."

Besides that the Council regulated a lot of dubious things like "Canon 67: Jews may not charge extortionate interest.
Canon 68: Jews and Muslims shall wear a special dress to enable them to be distinguished from Christians so that no Christian shall come to marry them ignorant of who they are.
Canon 69: Declares Jews disqualified from holding public offices, incorporating into ecclesiastical law a decree of the Holy Christian Empire.
Canon 70: Takes measures to prevent converted Jews from returning to their former belief."

Law & Order in Medieval England - Harvard Law Today: In a Q&A, Elizabeth Papp Kamali ’07 discusses her new book, trial by ordeal, medieval juries and "felonies committed feloniously."

Liver-like cell screen could offer better carcinogen safety tests for new chemicals

Very recommendable!

"... lab is now working on further validating the test, which makes use of human liver-like cells that metabolize chemicals very similarly to real human liver cells and produce a distinctive signal when DNA damage occurs."

"Human liver cells are notoriously difficult to grow outside the body, but the MIT team was able to incorporate a type of liver-like cell called HepaRG, developed by a company in France, into the new test. These cells produce many of the same metabolic enzymes found in normal human liver cells, and like human liver cells, they can generate potentially harmful intermediates that create bulky lesions. "

"“A lot of chemicals actually are inert until they get metabolized by the liver,” ... “In the liver you have a lot of metabolizing enzymes, which modify the chemicals so that they become more easily excreted by the body. But this process sometimes produces intermediates that can turn out to be more toxic than the original chemical.”"

"Currently, tests for the cancer-causing potential of chemicals involve exposing mice to the chemical and then waiting to see whether they develop cancer, which takes about two years."

"Bevin Engelward, a professor of biological engineering at MIT and the senior author of the study. “It can take decades between the time you’re exposed to a carcinogen and the time you get cancer, so we really need predictive tests. We need to prevent cancer in the first place.”"

This is an odd or rather absurd statement coming from this professor. How can you prove after several decades that the cancer was caused by perhaps an only one time exposure to a carcinogen?

"It’s estimated that there are approximately 80,000 industrial chemicals currently in use, in products such as clothing, cleaning solutions, carpets, and furniture. For the vast majority of these chemicals, scientists have little or no information about their potential to cause cancer."

The article does not fail to reiterate what has been known for decades. Scaremongering & demagoguery that is good for attracting funding.

Screen could offer better safety tests for new chemicals | MIT News: MIT biological engineers have come up with a new screening method that can test new chemicals for their cancer-causing potential much faster than existing methods.

Largest study of its kind reveals that many psychiatric disorders arise from common genes

Good news!

"To identify these multi-purpose [pleiotropic] gene variants, the researchers used a technique called genome-wide association to analyze genetic data from 494,162 healthy control subjects and 232,964 people diagnosed with at least one of eight common psychiatric disorders. The analysis identified 109 gene variants that affect the risk for more than one psychiatric disorder.

Certain disorders shared many variants, allowing the researchers to divide the conditions into three groups of genetically-related conditions: disorders characterized by compulsive behaviors (anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder and, to a lesser extent, Tourette syndrome); mood and psychotic disorders (bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia); and early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and Tourette syndrome). The researchers also found evidence that genes associated with multiple disorders show increased expression beginning in the second trimester of pregnancy and appear to play an important role in brain development"

Largest study of its kind reveals that many psychiatric disorders arise from common genes

Main campus entrance

Innovative ‘biplane’ design could lead to next generation of wind turbines

This does not change the fact that wind mill farms are an environmental disaster, an economic waste, and foolishness beyond comprehension! Wind energy: a most quixotic lunacy!

Innovative ‘biplane’ design could lead to next generation of wind turbines | UCLA: Thanks to an advance by UCLA engineers, the two-wing structure could soon be used to make windmills that harvest energy more efficiently.

Wind turbine with biplane blade



"Since arriving on Mars just over a year ago, InSight has detected 322 marsquakes. They are the first quakes ever detected on Mars, and the first on any body other than Earth or the Moon. Scientists aim to use them to probe the Martian interior, including ... layers of crust, mantle, and core.

Most of the marsquakes are tiny, much smaller than anything that would be felt on Earth. But a couple have been big enough — up to nearly magnitude 4 — for scientists to be able to trace them back to their source."

‘Marsquakes’ reveal red planet’s hidden geology: NASA’s Mars InSight lander has detected more than 300 quakes and traced some back to their source.

Vermögensteuer: Zur Kritik von Unternehmer Hasso Plattner

Merkel muss weg! Im extrem Hochsteuerland Deutschland noch mehr Steuern?

Vermögensteuer: Zur Kritik von Unternehmer Hasso Plattner: Die Kritik an der geplanten Vermögensteuer wächst. Mit Hasso Plattner wendet sich einer der erfolgreichsten Unternehmer des Landes gegen...

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Mormon Rebellion

Very recommendable!

MiFID II: Im Würgegriff von Brüssel

Der helle Wahnsinn des uebergreifenden staatlichen Paternalismus! Der unmuendige Buerger muss vom Staat bevormundet werden!

Die schleichende Verstaatlichung des Finanzsektors!

Brexit war richtig auch aus diesem Grund!

MiFID II: Im Würgegriff von Brüssel – Prometheus

Beschluss im Bundesrat: Kohlendioxid bekommt 2021 einen Preis

Olaf Scholz, was fuer ein wahnsinniger Bundesfinanzminister:
„Wir verändern die Art und Weise, wie wir wirtschaften, grundlegend.“ Ein Machbarkeits Diktator!

Beschluss im Bundesrat: Kohlendioxid bekommt 2021 einen Preis

Northern launch site could transform Australia’s role in space

Recommendable! Australia is entering the space race!

Northern launch site could transform Australia’s role in space | The Strategist: The Australian continent is in an excellent position when it comes to launching payloads into space, because its north is so close to the equator. Only Kourou in French Guiana—the European Space Agency’s main launch ...

Researchers discover process that may explain how Type 2 diabetes develops

Good news!

"... A central question in diabetes research is why cells of the pancreas, known as beta cells, initially over-secrete insulin. ... The team found that in beta cells from obese, pre-diabetic animals, a protein known as Cyclophilin D, or CypD, induced a phenomenon known as “proton leak,” and that this leak promoted insulin secretion in the absence of elevated glucose. ..."

Researchers discover process that may explain how Type 2 diabetes develops | UCLA

China plans 5G coverage for all prefecture-level cities by end of 2020

If achieved, this is mind boggling gigantic! Very ambitious! There are less than 300 prefecture-level cities in China. Presumably, none of these cities has less than 1 million population.

China plans 5G coverage for all prefecture-level cities by end of 2020 | VentureBeat: China will expand its national 5G rollout throughout 2020 by deepening coverage across more cities and rural areas, as well as lowering customer prices.

Monday, December 23, 2019

A Closer Look At China's Iron And Steel Production

Very recommendable! Have you ever heard of an entire steel melting plant being disassembled, shipped thousands of miles and reassembled? Or scrap metal fishing in a harbor area? What a job at a blast furnace!

Glenn Beck: On the Ukraine Scandal, the Culture War & How His Views on T...

Recommendable! I think Glenn Beck and Rudy Giuliani have done a great job uncovering the Deep State and its involvement in the Ukraine

Sunday, December 22, 2019

HAENDEL : Lascia ch'io pianga, par Patricia Petibon.

Handel then used the tune for the aria "Lascia la spina, cogli la rosa", or "Leave the Thorn, Take the Rose", for the character Piacere in part 2 of his 1707 oratorio Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno (which was much later, in 1737, revised as Il trionfo del Tempo e della Verità)

„Weihnachtsamnestie“: Gnade für Hunderte Strafgefangene

Im Land der Kuschelstrafen und Kuscheljustiz ist das wohl der reine Hohn!

„Weihnachtsamnestie“: Gnade für Hunderte Strafgefangene


The King!

Trump TRASHES 'The Green New Deal' at TPUSA Summit

This is so much better than any Saturday Night Live! Bravo Trump you nailed it!

Why is ABU DHABI the great ARABIC POWER?

Very recommendable! $1.3 sovereign wealth fund! Spartans of the desert!

Peter the Great: Founder of the Russian Empire

Very recommendable!

Through the Fire by Chaka Khan

For a chance to be with you I gladly risk it all even through the fire!

The Invention of Hispanics: What It Says About the Politics of Race

Very recommendable!

The Invention of Hispanics: What It Says About the Politics of Race | The Heritage Foundation: America’s surging politics of victimhood and identitarian division did not emerge organically or inevitably, as many believe. Nor are these practices the result of irrepressible demands by minorities for recognition, or for redress of past wrongs, as we are constantly told. Those explanations are myths, spread by the activists, intellectuals, and philanthropists who set out deliberately, beginning at mid-century, to redefine our country. Their goal was mass mobilization for political ends, and one of their earliest targets was the Mexican-American community.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alexander Fleming: The Father of Antibiotics

Very recommendable! Amazing how many different researchers and institutions across at least two continents were involved in developing the first effective antibiotics.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Die deutsche Hanse eine heimliche Supermacht doku deutsch - Reportage Te...

Sehr empfehlenswert! Man muss allerdings einige Marxistische Spitzfindigkeiten und dämliche Anglizismen (denglisch) subtrahieren!

Freie Bürger, freie Städte, freie Marktwirtschaft!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kopernikanische Revolution und moderne Naturwissenschaft

Sehr empfehlenswert! Viel ueber Tycho Brahe u.v.m.

BREXIT STORM! Anti EU REVOLT is Spreading Across Europe!!!


Mautbetreiber fordern 560 Millionen Euro Schadenersatz

Was ist das wieder für ein riesiger Murks dank der SED Kanzlerin Merkel! Der Einfluss des Europäischen Gerichtshofs auf nationale Entscheidungen ist viel zu groß! Subsidiaritätsprinzip und Föderalismus wurden vom EuGH mit Füssen getreten! Brexit macht dahingegen viel Sinn!

Mautbetreiber fordern 560 Millionen Euro Schadenersatz. Das Scheitern der Pkw-Maut könnte für die Steuerzahler teuer werden. Die Betreiber fordern 560 Millionen Euro vom Bund. Verkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer widerspricht: Die Betreiber hätten die Verträge „vorsätzlich und treuwidrig verletzt“

Generative Teaching Networks: Accelerating Neural Architecture Search by Learning to Generate Synthetic Training Data

If confirmed, then this is very promising and impressive research coming out of Uber. This new approach may speed up building and optimizing neural networks with less computational resources.

It is truly fascinating how much private companies (e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Salesforce, Google; Chinese companies etc.) and their many excellent researchers have contributed to the exponential and rapid progress and democratization of AI.

Generative Teaching Networks: Accelerating Neural Architecture Search by Learning to Generate Synthetic Training Data | Uber Engineering Blog

Nearly 6000-year-old chewing gum reveals life of ancient girl

Absolutely amazing stuff!

"More than 5700 years ago, a girl spat out a wad of chewing gum at what is now an archaeological site in Denmark. Today, researchers report in Nature Communications that they have sequenced a full genome from that gum, the first time they have extracted so much information from anything other than ancient bones or teeth. Although no human remains have been found at the site of Syltholm, archaeologists found a wad of gum from birch pitch. She left traces of her most recent meal in the gum—she had been chewing hazelnuts and duck. But her oral microbiome also revealed that life could be hard—she had the Epstein-Barr virus and probably had suffered from mononucleosis in her life"

Nearly 6000-year-old chewing gum reveals life of ancient girl | Science | AAAS: Made of birch pitch, the gum was found at an archaeological site in Denmark

Why the Hammer and Sickle Should Be Treated Like the Swastika

Great headline! Yes, the 20th century will go down in history as the century of industrial and systematic mass murder and genocide based on totalitarian ideologies!

Why the Hammer and Sickle Should Be Treated Like the Swastika - Foundation for Economic Education: To continue advocating communism despite its dismal track record is neither well-intentioned nor misguided; it is a deliberate attempt to push a provably dangerous ideology.

The Accidental Genius of the Electoral College

Very recommendable! Explaining the U.S. Constitution, balance of power, and elections and the masterful craft behind it.

The Accidental Genius of the Electoral College - Foundation for Economic Education: Thanks to some inadvertant voting rules imposed by the framers, America will hopefully never have to experience again the unusual, dangerous degree of political power exercised by President Roosevelt

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

BBC - The Birth of British Music: Mendelssohn The Prophet

Very recommendable!

The rise of Vladimir Putin (extended cut)

Why the freaking heck is this documentary in Russian language with English subtitles? DW is a German public broadcast service run by SED (former east German communist party) chancellor Merkel!

The 2nd Amendment Under Attack in Virginia

Scary! The crazy Dimocrats again!

Medication for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Why is THAILAND the WORLD LEADER in HDD manufacturing?


Gregor MacGregor: The Most Successful Conman in History

Recommendable! I wonder how Gregor MacGregor compares to his fellow Scotsman John Law?

Doctors perform historic surgery with aid of virtual reality

Good news! Amazing stuff! Stunning!

"It wasn’t going to be easy to remove a brain tumor threatening the life of 2-year-old [boy]. Experts at several US hospitals weren’t even sure it was possible.
But [boy]’s tumor was removed, piece by piece, in a groundbreaking endonasal surgery lasting nearly 18 hours. ...
It was a historic surgery. Neurosurgeons at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital of Stanford University had never done this procedure on a child so young.
They felt confident enough to try the risky surgery because they were able to rehearse it to perfection using the Surgical Theater system developed by former Israel Air Force officers ...
Surgical Theater began in 2010 with the idea of giving neurosurgeons the ability to prepare for specific surgeries the way fighter pilots prepare for specific missions.
Today, the virtual reality visualization platform is in 15 leading US hospitals, such as New York University, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Houston Methodist, George Washington University, Mount Sinai, Stanford and Children’s National Hospital."

Doctors perform historic surgery with aid of virtual reality - ISRAEL21c: VR system developed by former Israeli fighter pilots helps neurosurgeons rehearse difficult procedures and show the patient what will happen.

Here is the link to the company behind Surgical Theater: LET'S WALK INSIDE YOUR BRAIN

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

President Reagan Meeting with British Prime Minister Thatcher on Novembe...

I did not know that Governor Reagan met with Thatcher in 1977 in London for the first time!

Rarely in history do great minds meet, but with Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Karol Józef Wojtyła (better known as Pope John Paul II), and Mikhail Gorbachev such a great moment happened!

Evita and Juan Perón: Argentina’s Power Couple


Isabel Peron was not the first female elected leader of a Western country! It was Golda Meir if not somebody else!

Doppelmörder Jens Söring in Frankfurt gelandet

Sehr bizarr wie hier ein Doppelmörder gefeiert wird!

Man wird auch daran erinnert:
“On 7 July 1989, the European Court of Human Rights agreed with this assessment and ruled in Soering v United Kingdom that extradition to countries where the accused faces the death row phenomenon is unlawful.”
Mit dem Brexit wird sich dies hoffentlich auch erledigt haben! Die Entscheidung des European Court of Human Rights war dubios!

Doppelmörder Jens Söring in Frankfurt gelandet: Nach mehr als 30 Jahren Haft in den Vereinigten Staaten ist der verurteilte Doppelmörder Jens Söring am Dienstag am Frankfurter Flughafen...

US contact lens company buys Israeli smartphone eye test company

Good news! Perhaps, now vision tests from your smartphone will become more widely available and cheaper!

US contact lens co buys Israeli eye test co 6over6 for $100m - Globes: Online contact lens retailer 1-800 Contacts is buying the company which enables users to perform their own vision test.

Prions clog cell traffic in brains with neurodegenerative diseases

Good news!

How long have prions been investigated? At least since 1982. What took so long?

"Prion clumps disrupt outbound traffic [in axons], causing kinesin-1 and mitochondria to jump the microtubule tracks in the swollen sections, the researchers discovered. Microtubules may be bent or broken in those spots. Mitochondria movement back toward the cell body wasn’t impaired, perhaps because dynein is better at avoiding obstacles than kinesin-1"

Prions clog cell traffic in brains with neurodegenerative diseases | Science News: Prions may derail cargo moving inside brain cells, perhaps contributing to cell death in prion diseases.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Schumer throws down impeachment trial proposal

Trump has already exposed Schumer as a senile and immature politician! Schumer should resign and enjoy his final years with his grand children so should Pelosi!

President Reagan's Remarks Welcoming British Prime Minister Thatcher on ...

Two like minded giants of late 20th century history! The personification of the special relationship between the U.S. and the UK

Real News Insights with Andrew Pollack

If you want to know why Trump will win easily reelection in 2020, this is one reason!

No Grounds for Impeachment—Larry Elder on Trump Derangement Syndrome

Recommendable! Larry explains e.g. very well the relations between black Americans and American Jews!

POLAND, the next HURRICANE of the EU?

Simon Whistler screwed up big time here! He has no clue about Poland and the Polish people! His biased and myopic views are obvious!

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Very recommendable! Bravo to the citizens of Bolivia! May we finally see mature democracies evolve in Latin America!

James Comey Lied!

Much bigger and much more sophisticated than Watergate!

Scientists hope to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria by targeting their ‘alarm proteins’

Recommendable! Seems to be an interesting new approach!

"Here, we identify a single protein (LiaX) that senses antimicrobial molecules and regulates changes in CM [cell membrane] phospholipid architecture. We show that LiaX-mediated modulation of antibiotic and AMP resistance affects virulence during infection caused by a recalcitrant hospital pathogen. Targeting this response in multidrug-resistant organisms may be a therapeutic intervention to restore susceptibility to cell envelope-targeting antibiotics and increase the ability of the immune system to clear pathogens"

Scientists hope to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria by targeting their ‘alarm proteins’ | Science | AAAS: Future treatments could hijack the microbes’ communication systems

Antimicrobial sensing coupled with cell membrane remodeling mediates antibiotic resistance and virulence in Enterococcus faecalis

Earth, Wind & Fire - Reasons (Official Music Video)

One of their many best songs! EWF!

Kool & The Gang - Let's Go Dancing (Ooh, La, La, La) (Official Music Video)

Get your dancing shoes ...

Kool & The Gang - Take My Heart (Official Music Video)

Down memory lane!

Saturday, December 14, 2019


Down memory lane!

DeBarge - Rhythm Of The Night (Official Music Video)

Down memory lane!

News - Millions of Dollars in Fraudulent Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Claims Revealed

Government subsidies for the affluent! What a bad joke!

For leased vehicles, lessee and lessor both took advantage of the same tax subsidy amount quasi doubling it. Nice!

Generally speaking, government subsidies to individuals or businesses are rarely a good idea and most of the times are a waste of taxpayer money!

News - Millions of Dollars in Fraudulent Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Claims Revealed | Heartland Institute: The Internal Revenue Service wrongly granted $73.8 million of electric vehicle tax credits for 16,510 tax returns that made fraudulent or mistaken claims for the credits between 2014 and 2018.

What Are Your Options For Cognitive Enhancement?

Very recommendable! Food for thought!

It is only a matter of time when human brain computer interfaces become available. Do some drugs indeed significantly improve creativity or have positive life altering properties when consumed in reasonable, modest doses and regimens?

What Are Your Options For Cognitive Enhancement? IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum

Friday, December 13, 2019

BBC - The Birth of British Music: Haydn The Celebrity

Highly recommendable!

Yuriy Lutsenko says Yovanovitch perjured herself before C...

If this is corroborated, then more indictments against the swamp should follow!

Das Duell der Super-Handelspartner (CH v. DE)

Die Wirtschaft der Schweiz kann sehr wohl ohne die EU auskommen. Leider haben die ansonsten sehr besonnen Schweizer den schweren Fehler begangen im Laufe der Jahre viel zu viel ihrer Souveränität aufzugeben in ihren Abkommen mit der EU und leider auch mit den USA (z.B. Bankgeheimnis).

Als nächstes ein Freihandelsabkommen mit der UK? Aber bitte doch!

Das Duell der Super-Handelspartner | Avenir Suisse: Deutschland ist der bedeutendste Warenhandelspartner der Schweiz. Die dominante Position unseres Nachbarn wird jedoch durch die USA herausgefordert.

Jeremy Corbyn says he'll step down as Britain's Labour Party leader after resounding defeat

I truly admire British politicians for their willingness to resign in face of grave mistakes or election defeat! Unlike e.g. German chancellor Merkel who clings on to her job no matter what goes wrong or how poorly her party comes out in elections!

Jeremy Corbyn says he'll step down as Britain's Labour Party leader after resounding defeat - Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Many British Jews breathed a sigh of relief after the party suffered its worst loss since 1935.

U.S. should recognize American Samoans as citizens according to a federal judge in Utah

What are American Samoans doing in the Mormon state of Utah? Were it for Mormon missionaries in the Pacific Ocean?

"[islanders] whose connections to the state [Utah] date to the late 1800s, when missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint took the faith's message to the Pacific"
Amazing stuff!

U.S. should recognize American Samoans as citizens, judge says - The Salt Lake Tribune

U.S. releases first photos of 'sophisticated Iranian weapons' seized en route to Yemen

Very concerning!

U.S. releases first photos of 'sophisticated Iranian weapons' seized en route to Yemen - Iran - Haaretz.com (12/8/2019)

US suspects Iran is behind increasingly sophisticated rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq

This could mean a very serious escalation in the conflict between U.S. and Iran.

"The U.S. military believes that the attacks were carried out by Iranian-backed groups inside Iraq, according to U.S. officials. Iran invests $150 million annually financing and arming its terror proxies in Iraq. In addition to more sophisticated attacks on U.S.-Iraq facilities, the Iranian regime is smuggling ballistic into Iraq missiles that could strike Jerusalem from Baghdad and could endanger American troops."

US suspects Iran is behind increasingly sophisticated rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq - CNNPolitics (12/9/2019)

AIPAC E-News (12/13/2019)

Google Assistant can now interpret 44 languages on smartphones

Very impressive! Not only that Google Assistant will also help you to learn a new language!

Google Assistant can now interpret 44 languages on smartphones | VentureBeat: Google Assistant can now interpret up to 44 different languages on supported iOS and Android smartphones, Google announced.

Uber reported 97 fatal car accidents and 107 total deaths in the U.S. alone over two years

I find it a bit shocking that Uber had so many total deaths and fatal car accidents in the U.S.. The author of the article below tries to put the numbers in context by explaining  "This means that the risk of dying in a motor vehicle accident as of 2018 with Uber is 0.57 deaths per 100 million miles driven, while the national risk is 1.13 deaths per 100 million miles driven." Still, I do not find this comforting! I suspect that even 0.57 deaths per 100 million miles driven is too high for a professional service. The last thing you wish to happen as an Uber customer is to be become a victim in a fatal crash. 

Are perhaps Uber customers too complacent or too afraid to flag bad drivers? Where these Uber drivers involved in fatal car accidents under influence of something?

Uber's data revealed nearly 6,000 sexual assaults. Does that mean it's not safe?: Uber's first safety report revealed 107 deaths and nearly 6,000 sexual assaults over two years. But the rideshare service may still be safer than the alternatives.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Congratulations to Boris Johnson to win big the third referendum on Brexit!

It is now about 5:50 AM on 12/13/2019 in London, UK and the election results speak for themselves! 355 seats for Boris! Wow! Congratulations to the citizens of UK to make the right decision!
Will the terrible Brexit theater finally come to an end!
The third referendum (referendum, European parliament elections, and now British general elections) by the British people on Brexit is now over!

I am a bit surprised that Nigel Farage's Brexit party did so poorly (no seats, 9th ranked) this time in these elections. I suspect his voters opted for Boris Johnson!

Trump speaks at White House amid ongoing impeachment hearing

They may like me or not, but we get it done! (paraphrasing Trumps last words) This video is about paid family leave.

Hunter Biden may have to reveal full Burisma, China earnings in child support lawsuit

Is this poetic justice or a case of what goes around comes around? Truth is stranger than fiction!

The stripper was apparently a lot smarter than Hunter Biden!

Hunter Biden may have to reveal full Burisma, China earnings in child support lawsuit - TheBlaze

3 Harmful Ideas That Are Weakening My Generation Z

Highly recommendable!

3 Harmful Ideas That Are Weakening My Generation - Foundation for Economic Education: It’s a tough time for Generation Z. Depression and anxiety rates are skyrocketing and suicide rates are the highest ever. What's to account for this? The answer may lie in "three Great Untruths" that negatively impact the well-being of my generation.

Israeli students find pesticide-free way to kill mosquitos

Seems to be quite a promising, novel way to kill mosquitos and perhaps even to control mosquito populations.

"a genetically engineered solution – have the males transfer to the females a specific type of bacteria that poisons mosquito larvae. ...   previous ... research had discovered bacteria in the mosquito’s gut called BTI. When activated, BTI produces a poison that only kills mosquito larvae ... tweaked the male mosquito’s gut microbiome to express BTI and then sent it off to find and mate with females. The females transfer the bacteria on the eggs, and when the larvae are born, most of them die. The remaining larvae eat the dead ones, and then die themselves"

Israeli students find pesticide-free way to kill mosquitos - ISRAEL21c: Ben Gurion University biologists have discovered that a bacteria in the gut of the mosquito can be activated to poison the larvae

Fernfahrer sollen Ruhezeit nicht mehr im Lkw verbringen

Die spinnen mal wieder die Europäischen Politiker! Mehr wirtschafts- und unternehmensfeindliche, wettbewerbsverzerrende Vorschriften! Wenn Politiker keine Ahnung von privater, freier Marktwirtschaft haben braucht man sich nicht zu wundern! Mit aller Macht wollen die Politiker, dass andere Länder dem Brexit folgen!

Die typischen, üblichen, aber falschen Argumente stecken wieder mal dahinter: Lohndumping vom Osten; Ausbeutung der Fernfahrer, unfaire Wettbewerbsbedingungen usw.

Wahnsinnige, meist sehr bürokratische Lösungen:
  1. “bei längeren Auslandsaufenthalten sollen die Fahrer den sozialrechtlichen Bestimmungen des Aufenthaltslandes unterliegen”
  2. “Demnach sollen Lkw-Fahrer ihre gesetzlichen Ruhepausen nicht mehr im Fahrzeug verbringen dürfen” 
  3. “ihr Dienstplan soll regelmäßige Fahrten in die Heimat zulassen” 
  4. “Besonders die Vorgabe für Fernfahrer, einen elektronischen Fahrtenschreiber an Bord zu haben, sei zu begrüßen” Wer bezahlt das? Was soll diese Kontrolle!

Fernfahrer sollen Ruhezeit nicht mehr im Lkw verbringen