Thursday, December 12, 2019

Israeli students find pesticide-free way to kill mosquitos

Seems to be quite a promising, novel way to kill mosquitos and perhaps even to control mosquito populations.

"a genetically engineered solution – have the males transfer to the females a specific type of bacteria that poisons mosquito larvae. ...   previous ... research had discovered bacteria in the mosquito’s gut called BTI. When activated, BTI produces a poison that only kills mosquito larvae ... tweaked the male mosquito’s gut microbiome to express BTI and then sent it off to find and mate with females. The females transfer the bacteria on the eggs, and when the larvae are born, most of them die. The remaining larvae eat the dead ones, and then die themselves"

Israeli students find pesticide-free way to kill mosquitos - ISRAEL21c: Ben Gurion University biologists have discovered that a bacteria in the gut of the mosquito can be activated to poison the larvae

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