Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Doctors perform historic surgery with aid of virtual reality

Good news! Amazing stuff! Stunning!

"It wasn’t going to be easy to remove a brain tumor threatening the life of 2-year-old [boy]. Experts at several US hospitals weren’t even sure it was possible.
But [boy]’s tumor was removed, piece by piece, in a groundbreaking endonasal surgery lasting nearly 18 hours. ...
It was a historic surgery. Neurosurgeons at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital of Stanford University had never done this procedure on a child so young.
They felt confident enough to try the risky surgery because they were able to rehearse it to perfection using the Surgical Theater system developed by former Israel Air Force officers ...
Surgical Theater began in 2010 with the idea of giving neurosurgeons the ability to prepare for specific surgeries the way fighter pilots prepare for specific missions.
Today, the virtual reality visualization platform is in 15 leading US hospitals, such as New York University, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Houston Methodist, George Washington University, Mount Sinai, Stanford and Children’s National Hospital."

Doctors perform historic surgery with aid of virtual reality - ISRAEL21c: VR system developed by former Israeli fighter pilots helps neurosurgeons rehearse difficult procedures and show the patient what will happen.

Here is the link to the company behind Surgical Theater: LET'S WALK INSIDE YOUR BRAIN

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