Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Covid-19: When the cure has been much worse than the disease

SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 will go down in history a fine example for government failure on a very large scale. Or was it a convenient excuse for governments to exploit this pandemic for political ends like Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion?

The one size fits all draconian measures that were imposed on the citizens for almost two years have turned this fairly harmless disease (compared to the plagues of the past) into a major calamity! Reason was largely replaced by panic and hysteria! Extreme government paternalism reigned in the name of total safety and security!

Latest by about March 2020, it was known that Covid-19 is fairly harmless to the general population, but dangerous to elderly and immune system compromised people.

Effective vaccines, more than a dozen from different sources, were quickly developed. Several medications were quickly available to treat infected and so on. 80-95% of all infected are either asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms. Most adolescents and young adults have little to fear and so on ...

Instead of focusing the efforts on the minority of the truly vulnerable among the population, everybody was treated the same miserable and ineffective way. Why? Perhaps, because ideologies of equality and equity etc. dominate!

The cure caused tremendous negative effects on hundreds of millions of people:

  1. Many more cases of obesity, depression, mental disorders, suicides, homicides, overdose deaths, domestic violence, child abuse, child self harm, and much more
  2. Millions of important, necessary medical treatments were postponed
  3. Millions of businesses closed
  4. Many millions of children were scared, delayed in their development etc. 
  5. Millions of children and teenagers are now subjected to vaccination although they least need it. They have been made guinea pigs to be injected with the very new vaccine, which is possibly more harmful to them than to adults
  6. Severe propaganda and demagoguery were used on a daily basis
  7. Individual liberty was restricted on a scale not seen in several decades
  8. And much, much more

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