Monday, November 29, 2021

On Emerging Cross-lingual Structure in Pretrained Language Models

Recommendable! Interesting results!

From the abstract:
"We study the problem of multilingual masked language modeling, i.e. the training of a single model on concatenated text from multiple languages, and present a detailed study of several factors that influence why these models are so effective for cross-lingual transfer. We show, contrary to what was previously hypothesized, that transfer is possible even when there is no shared vocabulary across the monolingual corpora and also when the text comes from very different domains. The only requirement is that there are some shared parameters in the top layers of the multi-lingual encoder. To better understand this result, we also show that representations from independently trained models in different languages can be aligned post-hoc quite effectively, strongly suggesting that, much like for non-contextual word embeddings, there are universal latent symmetries in the learned embedding spaces. For multilingual masked language modeling, these symmetries seem to be automatically discovered and aligned during the joint training process."

From the body:
"... Multilingual language models such as mBERT and XLM  enable effective cross-lingual transfer — it is possible to learn a model from supervised data in one language and apply it to another with no additional training. Recent work has shown that transfer is effective for a wide range of tasks ...
we discover that language universal representations emerge in pretrained models without the requirement of any shared vocabulary or domain similarity, and even when only a subset of the parameters in the joint encoder are shared. ...
By sharing parameters alone, pretraining learns to map similar words and sentences to similar hidden representations. To better understand these effects, we also analyze multiple monolingual BERT models trained independently. We find that monolingual models trained in different languages learn representations that align with each other surprisingly well, even though they have no shared parameters ...
This type of emergent language universality has interesting theoretical and practical implications. ..."

[1911.01464] Emerging Cross-lingual Structure in Pretrained Language Models (open access)

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