Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Google fires activist Rebecca Rivers and 3 others

Good news! Bravo Google! So this so called activist may have used company resources to organize this (extreme leftist) political protest among colleagues perhaps during her work time?

"Rivers, a software engineer who worked at Google offices in Boulder, Colorado, created and circulated a petition among Google employees calling for the company to stay away from contracts with federal agencies putting kids in cages like Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)" 
Kids in cages is a far leftist propaganda to stir up emotions!

"... but one employee was placed on leave for allegedly accessing and sharing need-to-know documents, and another placed on administrative leave for viewing and tracking calendars of members of Community Platforms, HR, and Comms teams
You wonder at what people this was aimed at? Conservatives?

Google fires activist Rebecca Rivers and 3 others | VentureBeat: Google terminated 4 employees today including Rebecca Rivers, who opposed Google taking contracts from federal agencies that detain migrant children.

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