Saturday, November 23, 2019

Xinjiang revelations a blow to Beijing’s credibility and Xi’s leadership

This was perhaps this week's (47th) biggest and most surprising news! Why are there so few leakers when it comes to authoritarian or totalitarian regimes in this world? Unlike western countries, where political secrets usually have a very short lifespan, dictatorships seem to get away many times for years, sometimes for decades, before they are revealed to the public. Let me guess! Is it that leakers under dictatorships do not tend to survive for very long including severe threats to members of their families?

Xinjiang revelations a blow to Beijing’s credibility and Xi’s leadership | The Strategist: The most obvious impact of the New York Times’ publication of excerpts from a trove of documents outlining Beijing’s persecution and mass detention of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities is that the Chinese leadership can ...

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