Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A girl’s TikTok “makeup” video went viral for discussing the Uighur crisis

Labels: human ingenuity, censorship, Chinese communist party

Posted: 11/27/2019

Human ingenuity beats/trumps totalitarian censorship anytime! Kudos to this 17 year old heroine!

“A smart bit of bait-and-switch that got past the moderators shows how the app is growing up. But it also raises questions about censorship on the Chinese-owned platform.

What happened?: 17-year-old Feroza Aziz snuck political commentary about Uighur detentions into a purported makeup video. She started by talking about eyelash curling, spent about 30 seconds telling viewers to find out “what’s happening in China, how they’re getting concentration camps, throwing innocent Muslims in there” then goes back to talking about eyelashes again in the final seconds.

Why all the subterfuge?: Aziz bookending a video with eyelash-curling tips was designed to circumvent TikTok’s strict moderation.

Has Aziz been banned?: Unclear. Aziz’s TikTok page is still up, but the video has been taken down. She alleged in a tweet that her account had been shut down for a month because of the Uighur video. TikTok says the ban was for an earlier video.

Bigger picture: It all shows how the app is growing up and fast becoming a major political tool. But it will also fuel fears over Chinese censorship seeping into the West. Read the full story.”

Sources (S):

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