Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Members Of The European Union Parliament Failed Again!

Posted: 7/16/2019  Updated: 7/19/2019

As if it was not already bad enough that the EU Parliament chose the scandalous and drunkard Jean-Claude Juncker last time to become the President of the EU Commission.

If again, the strategic thinking here was that a weak candidate is good for the power brokers of the EU like Germany or France. This could be a huge miscalculation!

What a charade! There was not even a rival candidate to choose from!

Although, the outcome of the vote was close, but the MEPs of 28 member countries failed their responsibility to dismiss this political horse trading about this most important post in the EU between France and Germany. The increasingly erratic chancellor Merkel pushed this one through, but what did she gain for that. 

Von der Leyen is a mediocre German politician and protege of Merkel whose most recent career as German defense minister was anything but stellar. The MEPs should have voted no!

Some of Von der Leyen’s policy proposals for the EU are awful e.g. EU wide minimum wage, Green Deal for Europe, first carbon neutral continent by 2050 and so on.  

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