Saturday, July 20, 2019

Without LPCAT1 Multiple Types Of Tumors Cannot Survive

Posted: 7/20/2019

Are we finally closing in to defeat cancer! Yes we are! Here is more evidence! Cancer is history!

“[DNA sequencing] Complementary biochemical and biophysical perspectives of cancer point toward profound shifts in nutrient uptake and utilization that propel tumor growth and major changes in the structure of the plasma membrane of tumor cells.” (S3; emphasis added)
The more targets, the better the offensive! 

We should have very powerful cocktails or other therapies (e.g. immunotherapies) in 10-20 years that will make the eradication of cancer possible. We may also opt to change some genetic code to prevent cancer! Not to mention that our diagnostic tools are getting so much better like liquid biopsy of blood etc.

Sources (S):

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