Tuesday, July 02, 2019

On The Idiom: To Pull The Trigger

Posted: 7/2/2019

Sometimes in your life one finds himself or herself in a critical situation (perhaps a life or death decision) where the positive outcome depends very much on your personal very own decision and it will make all the difference, but you are facing strong opposition, you have to muster a lot of courage, you have to overcome serious self doubt, you might risk or endanger your own life, you may suffer lifelong regret or self doubt, and whatnot. Hopefully, these situations are very or extremely infrequent in one’s life!

In that critical moment or situation, will you have what it takes to pull the trigger? It’s all about individualism and individual consciousness. When it comes down to you alone will you have the courage to do the right thing?

I believe, perhaps very mistakenly, there is no equivalent expression e.g. in the German or Chinese language. Worse, German translation omit this specific meaning of the idiom! Could this be another example American Exceptionalism?

Another American english expression is trigger happy, but this expression is about something very different!

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