Friday, July 19, 2019

Diatoms And The Global Warming Hoax

Posted: 7/19/2019

If you had any doubts that the Global Warming Hoax (a.k.a. Climate Change) is the greatest hoax/scam perpetrated on humans in several generations, here is more evidence.

Diatoms (a.k.a. brown algae) generate about “20% of the Earth’s Oxygen” (S1, S2) and they store huge amounts of carbon dioxide. “They are responsible for 40 percent of the organic carbon produced in the world's oceans each year” (S2). At the end of their lives, they sink to the ocean’s floor. Despite the critical functions of diatoms, little has been known about their life cycle and their health to this day. Apparently, there are “thousands of different kinds of diatoms” (S2) and, I guess, we still know very little about them.

There is still so much, we do not know! Any pretense of knowledge is a false sense of superiority! We still live in the Dark Ages! The superstitions of the Medieval era did not end with the Renaissance or Enlightenment!

Sources (S):

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