Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Mosquito Defense System For Your Home?

Posted: 7/24/2019

An Iron Dome like defense for your home?
And this development coincides with recent reports of successful eradication of mosquito sites.

Poor mosquitoes! Soon the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will have to add the mosquito to its Red List of endangered species

However, on reviewing the article about this device a bit closer you find out:
  1. It only locates, but does not kill
  2. Once it identifies a flying insect (not just mosquitoes), it directs a low-powered laser beam at the bug’s location. Lots of false alarms!
  3. Only detects mosquitoes (or other insects) on the ceiling or near the ceiling

In the end this device with its current very limited capabilities is a joke! Much more hype than utility

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