Sunday, July 14, 2019

Will His Tough Talk Hurt Trump's Reelection?

Posted: 7/14/2019

President Trump’s policies and actions regarding the massive illegal immigration across the southern border of the United States could significantly reduce his reelection chances in 2020 if he does not tread carefully.

Tough talk or pushing buttons can be very tricky business in politics! Hope, Trump is a virtuoso in this respect!

His latest tweet suggesting that certain U.S. Representatives of the Dimocratic Party ought to go back where they came from could very well be over the top. I am afraid, Trump was too honest and will be deliberately misunderstood. However, Trump certainly has a point that to wonder what those constantly griping so called “progressive” representatives have done to help the countries they originated from! We will see whether the silent majority shares his opinion at the ballot box in 2020.

“I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!” this sentence is a classic Trump remark! Love his irony! Pelosi would perhaps indeed be very happy if these loudmouths are gone and give her less trouble and their departure would improve overall Dimocratic Party election results in 2020.

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