Saturday, September 21, 2019

Finally Some Legal Action Against Snowden

Posted: 9/21/2019

The Trump Administration has to be applauded and praised for taking action against this arrogant, fugitive, dangerous and irresponsible traitor Edward Snowden. It is about time that something is done! 

“Exiled former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden has been hit with a civil lawsuit from the Justice Department over the publication of his new book, titled, "Permanent Record," and the feds want to seize all the money the notorious [traitor]'s memoir rakes in.” (S1; emphasis added)

If you need one proof that Putin the Terrible is what he is then it is his government granting asylum (whether officially or de facto) to this traitor. Had Snowden been a traitor of Russian secrets, he would be long dead!

Sources (S):

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