Thursday, September 05, 2024

Biden administration announces major actions to tackle Russian efforts to influence 2024 election

Let's not forget that Putin the Terrible is a former KGB agent (once stationed in communist Germany)!

Of course, CNN could not fail to mention that these propaganda efforts aimed to "boost the candidacy of Donald Trump". Laughable!

"The Biden administration announced a sweeping set of actions to tackle a major Russian government-backed effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election on Wednesday, including unveiling criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctions on 10 individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains.

At Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direction, three Russian companies used fake profiles to promote false narratives on social media, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement. Internal documents produced by one of those Russian companies show one of the goals of the propaganda effort was to boost the candidacy of Donald Trump or whoever emerged as the Republican nominee for president, according to an FBI affidavit. ..."

Biden administration announces major actions to tackle Russian efforts to influence 2024 election | CNN Politics

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