Friday, September 27, 2024

Yale University: How to dismantle the mass incarceration system in the US built in over 30 years in over three thousand counties

Is this celebrity professor one of those leniency justice propagandists who believe criminals are angels and they wrongly incarcerated!

Yale U spews Black propaganda and demagoguery! This professor seems to be obsessed with Black! What a nutty professor!

"When James Forman Jr. was clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor many years ago, she encouraged him to go to work for the Department of Justice or a national civil rights organization. No, he told her, he wanted to work as a public defender so he could represent poor people facing criminal charges there in Washington, D.C.

When O’Connor asked why, he explained that he saw it as “the unfinished work of the civil rights movement.” It was 1994, the tail end of a long tough-on-crime era, and the share of the nation’s prison population who were Black was approaching 50%. ...

Forman wrote in his 2018 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America.” 
Now the J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law at Yale Law School ...

Mass incarceration was built bit by bit, law by law, choice by choice, over generations, across our 50 states, Washington, D.C., the territories, and over three thousand counties,” they write in their introduction. “It will have to be dismantled the same way.” ..."

How to dismantle the mass incarceration system | YaleNews

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