Friday, September 27, 2024

Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets − new study from Cornell U and Rutgers U and others. Really!

This annoying and tiresome nonsense of systemic racism obsession by U.S. professors! Another piece of pseudoscience!

The headline of this article by these professors is already a lie! The tickets were not at all unbiased as they document in their research (see below). Shame on these professors!

This propaganda and demagoguery was even published in the prestigious PNAS!

Notice again the ideology and indoctrination of Black spelled with a capital B. These researchers also use White as if to show equity!

The PNAS research article clearly states that speed camera enforcement also confirmed that black drivers are disproportionally cited! Are the cameras racist or are they placed with racist intent?

No explanation provided why traffic stops surged!
"... Meanwhile, traffic stops have surged in Chicago, rising from less than 200,000 in 2016 to over 570,000 in 2023. And much like stop and frisk, police disproportionately stop Black drivers in Chicago, according to our latest study examining racial bias in traffic enforcement. ..."

So what! What if more black drivers find it cool to drive fast or prefer certain roads to drive fast? And so on ...
" ... Our findings show that when speed cameras are doing the ticketing, the proportion of tickets issued to Black and white drivers aligns closely with their respective share of roadway users. With human enforcement, in contrast, police officers stop Black drivers at a rate that far outstrips their presence on the road. ...

How many of the police officers involved are black or Hispanic? Were the black drivers perhaps more noticeable in their driving behavior or perhaps more risky drivers that caught the attention of police officers?
"... For instance, on roads where half of drivers are Black, Black drivers receive approximately 54% of automated camera citations. However, they make up about 70% of police stops. ..."

From the significance and abstract:
This study pioneers in mapping the racial composition of roads. Our findings highlight a disproportionate rate of citations for moving violations among Black drivers through both speed camera enforcement but more so via police stops, challenging the neutrality of police traffic stops and suggesting a racial bias in enforcement practices. This research underscores the need for a more equitable traffic enforcement system and opens avenues for future investigations into the biases ingrained in traffic stop locations and camera placements.
This paper exploits the potential of Global Positioning System datasets sourced from mobile phones to estimate the racial composition of road users, leveraging data from their respective Census block group. The racial composition data encompasses approximately 46 million trips in the Chicago metropolitan region. The research focuses on the relationship between camera tickets and racial composition of drivers vs. police stops for traffic citations and the racial composition in these locations. Black drivers exhibit a higher likelihood of being ticketed by automated speed cameras and of being stopped for moving violations on roads, irrespective of the proportion of White drivers present. The research observes that this correlation attenuates as the proportion of White drivers on the road increases. The citation rate measured by cameras better matches the racial composition of road users on the links with cameras than do stops by police officers. This study therefore presents an important contribution to understanding racial disparities in moving violation stops, with implications for policy interventions and social justice reforms."

Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets − new study from Chicago

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