Saturday, September 28, 2024

A new Cold War: Pentagon confirms a 'new class' of Chinese nuclear sub sank pierside

We are back in another Cold War! How will it end this time! Younger generations should be very concerned!

The rivalry between the new superpowers China and India intensifies!

"The Pentagon has confirmed the submarine that sank pierside at a Wuhan shipyard is a “new class” of nuclear vessels being developed by the Chinese navy. ...

The submarine’s sinking was first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, which credited Tom Shugart, a former US Navy submariner and currently an associate at the Center for a New American Security, a DC think tank, with spotting unusual activity at the shipyard in satellite imagery. ...

The majority of China’s current submarine fleet is non-nuclear powered, but is known to operate at least six nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and six nuclear-powered attack submarines, according to the Congressional Research Service ..."

Pentagon confirms a 'new class' of Chinese nuclear sub sank pierside - Breaking Defense "The analyst credited with initially spotting the sub said its location signals a "significant expansion" of China's capacity for nuclear submarine production."

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