Monday, September 30, 2024

FBI to pay more than $22 million in a class-actin lawsuit settlement to 34 female recruits who claimed sexual harassment and hostile work environment at the Quantico training academy . Really!

This settlement is most likely seriously rotten!

I am not familiar with the details of these cases, but I have a strong suspicion the FBI under the demented, senile, and corrupt 46th President very quickly capitulated instead of going to trial so that the public would learn more about the truth and the accused would be able to defend themselves.

What a wonderful way to quickly make money for women and their lawyers! Just claim sexual harassment! Men everywhere are sexually driven beasts and are guilty anyway!

Men watch out in the battle of the sexes! If you look at a woman it is sexual harassment or creating a hostile work environment!

Where all of these cases genuine and substantiated? What was was the evidence? 34 women is a very large number of victims that by itself raises huge doubts and suspicions!

Hopefully, this judge will take a serious look at these cases!
"... The settlement is still subject to approval by a federal judge. But if the payout is approved, it would be among the largest lawsuit settlements in the history of the FBI, the wire service also reports. ..."

Besides money, these women are offered:
"In the settlement announced Monday, the FBI would offer the plaintiffs an opportunity to continue training toward becoming agents and “guaranteed placement,” for those who pass, in one of their top three preferred field offices, the Associated Press also reports."

More strange things:
"The suit follows sexual misconduct claims against several senior FBI officials, who were identified in an Associated Press investigation and who quietly left the bureau with full benefits even after allegations against them were substantiated"

"... Filed in 2019, the lawsuit contends that female recruits had been subjected to a hostile working environment in which they were judged more harshly than their male peers and “excessively targeted for correction and dismissal in tactical situations for perceived lack of judgment” and subjective “suitability” criteria. ...
One of the women said she was admonished to “smile more” and subjected to repeated sexual advances. Another said that an instructor leered at her and stared at her chest, “sometimes while licking his lips.” ..."

FBI to pay more than $22 million to 34 women who claimed sexual harassment at training academy | Just The News

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