Monday, September 30, 2024

First US indoor vertical farm opens, to produce 4 million pounds of with peak-season flavor strawberries year-round with no pesticides

Good news! Welcome the future of agriculture! Way to go! The many benefits are mind boggling!

"... the "world's first farm to grow indoor, vertically farmed berries at scale" opening in Richmond, VA. ...

The Plenty Richmond Farm is designed to produce more than four million pounds (1.8M kg) of strawberries grown indoors vertically in 30-ft-tall (9-m) towers, using up less than 40,000 square feet – or less than a single acre.  ...

With temperature, light and humidity controlled across 12 growing 'rooms,' pollination of plants has also been engineered to be more efficient than bees. ...

“The Plenty Richmond Farm is the culmination of 200 research trials over the past six years to perfect growing strawberries with consistent peak-season flavor indoors year-round. ...” ...

The Richmond farm uses 97% less land and up to 90% less water than conventional farming, eradicates the use of pesticides, and the controlled environment and shorter supply chain will also lower pathogenic risk to crops. ..."

First US indoor vertical farm opens, to produce 4M lb of food year-round

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