Monday, September 30, 2024

The new Cold War in the Arctic Ocean by Russia and China

Did the Cold War really end around 1990 or was it only transformed?

As long as dictatorships like Russia, China, and Iran are still around the Cold War is not over!

Natural resources and new trade routes are beckoning.

"Nestled high above the Arctic Circle, the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is home to hundreds of polar bears and boasts prime views of the Northern Lights. Now the territory of fewer than 3,000 people is emerging as a front line in Russia and China’s attempts to dominate the Arctic’s trade routes and expand their military presence in the region. Svalbard—a collection of mountains, glaciers and fjords about the size of West Virginia—has an unusual status. A treaty signed in 1920 granted the Norwegians sovereignty but allowed signatory states, including the Soviet Union, to exploit resources and conduct research. But in recent years, this quirk has provided a way for Moscow and Beijing to strengthen their foothold in the Arctic as tensions with the West worsened over the invasion of Ukraine, unsettling Norway and its allies in NATO."

The Wall Street Journal What's news

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