Monday, September 30, 2024

More evidence how rogue and unlawful the 46th President has been!

Beside being a lifelong pathological and serial liar and senile, demented and corrupt, the 46th President engaged in all sorts of rogue and unlawful activities.

The 46th President certainly tried to transform the U.S. into a banana republic!

Just a few examples that come to mind:
  1. The massive illegal immigration across the southern border
  2. The enormous depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  3. The unprecedented and repeated acts of massive student loan forgiveness in violation of a U.S. Supreme Court decision
Anyway, here is another rogue activity:
"The Goldwater Institute filed a petition in the U.S. Supreme Court this month challenging the Biden Administration’s unlawful removal of several members from Boards of Visitors, which oversee America’s military academies. These boards are responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of West Point, the Naval Academy, and the Air Force Academy, and providing recommendations for Congress and the president. By law, board members are given three-year terms and cannot be removed by the president. Despite this, President Biden fired several Trump-appointed board members and introduced “subcommittees” to take over many of the boards’ responsibilities. These changes violate federal law."

American Freedom Network Monthly Litigation Roundup

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