Monday, September 30, 2024

By 2030, data centers in the U.S. may use up 9% or more of electricity and then there is the rest of the world

We need a lot more power generation going forward! Unfortunately, this is old news regurgitated by the WSJ

There is not enough e.g. wind power available after the whole world turns into a doldrums! And wind power is anything but clean and it is an environmental disaster!!!

"The percentage of U.S. electricity that could be used by data centers by 2030, according to the Electric Power Research Institute. Tech companies scouring the country for electricity to power artificial intelligence are increasingly finding there is a waiting list as utilities worry about expanding the overburdened grid."

"... According to a new study released today [5/29/2024] by EPRI, data centers could consume up to 9% of U.S. electricity generation by 2030—more than double the amount currently used. This could create regional supply challenges, among other issues.

AI queries require approximately ten times the electricity of traditional internet searches and the generation of original music, photos, and videos requires much more. With 5.3 billion internet users, rapid adoption of these new tools could increase power demands substantially. ..."

The Wall Street Journal What's news

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