Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Equal Pay rules in Europe Make No Sense in the Real World

Equal pay rules are a dangerous interference in the economy by Big Government! It is socialism! 

Equal pay is a form of government price controls! It is socialism!

Men watch out in the battle of the sexes in the age of gender equality!

"Are employers finally waking up to the absurdities of British equality laws? A recent tribunal ruled that Next, the high street retailer, had underpaid its predominantly female retail staff compared with its mostly male warehouse workers. ...
The company now faces a potential £30 million-plus back-pay bill. ...

Warehouse roles are more physically demanding, with unsociable hours and fewer perks, meaning that companies often must offer higher wages to attract staff. ...

Yet since the European Union’s equal pay directive, employers must pay workers equally for jobs deemed to be of “equal value” or justify why they can’t. ..."

Whatever Next? Equal Pay Ruling Makes No Sense in the Real World | Cato Institute "In the real world, pay is affected by the subjective preferences and availability of workers, not simply by objective job characteristics."

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