Monday, September 02, 2024

Chinese product imitation: Flattery or a serious competitive challenge for Israel

Recommendable! A very serious subject!

The debate over whether Communist China supports copying/imitating successful Western products by violating intellectual property and/or disregarding existing patent protections is very old. Unfair competition?

Is changing from hardware to software or more customer/other services or more heavy and relentless investment in research & development, innovation, customization a solution or an option to stay ahead of Chinese competition? Certainly demanding!

What about import restrictions when there is a strong suspicion supported by data of a Chinese imitation product?

"... Maytronics is just one example of an Israeli company that has developed a winning product, grown, and achieved a substantial slice of a global market, only to find competition from China (among other factors) hurting its business and its share price. ..."

Companies on a winner, till the Chinese came along - Globes "How can an innovative Israeli company (Maytronics, SolarEdge) cope when a Chinese competitor produces something much cheaper and almost as good?"

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