Saturday, September 07, 2024

Canadian provincial school smartphone restrictions for students don’t go far enough. Really!

To restrict smartphone usage of school children seems to be again the topic du jour! Here is one example!

This article is based on medieval superstition and alchemy!

Smartphones could improve education and didactic!

Did we not go through this rubbish when TV sets became very affordable and widespread in the 1960s! I do remember! As belonging to this generation, I think most of us growing up during this time turned out fine despite spending hours and days in front of TV set. 😊

Like we have successfully integrated computers/video technology etc. into K-12 education, we ought to be able to do the same with smartphones as well!

"Thanks to the [Prince Edward Island] government’s new smartphone restrictions, when students return to school next week they’ll have less time with their phones. But while the restrictions are a step in the right direction, they don’t go nearly far enough. ...
And the evidence of the negative effects is mounting. Unlike adults, kids and teenagers do not have fully formed prefrontal cortexes, which predisposes them to increased anxiety and lack of focus.

According to one study, the typical teenager receives 237 smartphone notifications per day—about 15 per hour. Another study found it takes kids 20 minutes to regain focus after just one distraction. ..."

P.E.I. school smartphone restrictions don’t go far enough | Fraser Institute

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