Friday, September 13, 2024

U.S. Navy to commission first sub designed for both men and women sailors

What does this cost the taxpayer? What will actually be changed?

Unfortunately, the article does not say how many female soldiers currently serve on submarines. According to Google Search: "As of August 2024, 730 women are serving on submarines in the US Navy, including officers and sailors. They are assigned to 19 nuclear-powered attack boats and 19 ballistic-missile and guided-missile submarines. The U.S. Navy's submarine force has about 22,000 active duty personnel."

What about transgender people?

"The Navy is slated to commission its very first Virginia-class submarine designed for a fully gender-integrated crew on Saturday.

A submarine designed and built for both genders has been a long time coming. The New Jersey is entering the fleet roughly 14 years after then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates ended the ban on women serving on subs in 2010.

Female officers did not join the submarine force until 2011, and such roles only opened up to enlisted sailors in 2015. ..."

Navy to commission first sub designed for both men and women sailors

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