Sunday, September 15, 2024

The legacy of the 46th U.S. President!

The lifelong habitual liar and senile, demented, and corrupt 46th President did not miss any opportunity to go down as one of the worst U.S. Presidents.

The reckless First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, is probably most responsible for her husband being and staying in the White House. Her daily indulgence is shocking!

He concealed and covered up his health condition while campaigning for office and in office. He was unfit to become president. His chosen VP is unfit as well!

He stayed in office despite being obviously unfit! His early resignation for health reasons would have saved him his grace. By setting such an example for all the world to see,  he had a chance to go down in history as a great U.S. President. He blew it to become part of American Exceptionalism and to make the Founding Fathers and Mothers smile!

His administration was lined with weirdos and inept members like Mayorkas, Buttegieg, Blinken.

He smothered domestic fossil fuel production in the U.S. from day one! How stupid!

He left the southern border unprotected for millions of illegal immigrants to invade! Why Texas or Arizona did not close the border on their own is strange! Why the GOP did not impeach much earlier is inexcusable!

He depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for no good reason!

He implemented so many massive student loan forgiveness schemes in violation of a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
And so on!

His legacy will be reprehensible! He is a prime example why term limits for all Members of the U.S. Congress is such an important reform!

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