Sunday, September 15, 2024

Israel's industry of medical video games and apps

You would think a country at war and surrounded by enemies could be good at that!

"... Develop for me an application that will teach doctors how to do a laryngoscopy.' I worked on it over a few weekends and uploaded a game to the app store. After two years my father asked how many people had downloaded it and it turned out that about 100,000 doctors had played it. We accidentally developed one of the most popular doctor training games to date. ...

Over time, Level Ex expanded its arsenal of mobile games. So, for example, the company developed types of card games and strategic board games in which doctors must arrive at a clear diagnosis within a few moves, with examination cards in their hands, some of which are more expensive than others. The games are based on real cases. ...

In 2020 Level Ex was acquired by German medical software and hardware technology company Brainlab for an undisclosed amount and it today operates as an independent company within Brainlab. ..."

"Israel can be in the forefront of medical gaming" - Globes "Level Ex founder and CEO Sam Glassenberg tells "Globes" about the growing industry of medical video games and apps to train and improve the performance of doctors."

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