Friday, September 13, 2024

Guns remain leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens according to an elite university. Really!

How often has this propaganda and demagoguery been repeated over the decades!

First of all, guns do not kill, but humans, who pull the trigger, do!

Very conspicuous as usual:
  1. No distinction between crime or criminal related deaths and other deaths
  2. To count suicides among among gun deaths is very dubious
  3. Why there is a "disproportionate impact" on black children also deserves to be separately analyzed more carefully and ought to be addressed
"... The annual report's major focus this year is on gun deaths among children ages 1 to 17. In the U.S., gun death rates in this age group have increased by 106% since 2013 and have been the leading cause of death among this group since 2020. ...

The report also illuminates the disproportionate impact of gun deaths among Black children and teens. In 2022, in the 1 to 17 age group, Black children and teens had a gun death rate 18 times higher than that of white children in the same age group. The gun homicide rate among Black children and teens rose 5.6% from 2021 to 2022. The rate of gun suicide among Black older teens and emerging adults, ages 15 to 19, rose sharply—24% year-over-year—surpassing the gun suicide rate among white teens in that age range for the first time. ..."

Guns remain leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens | Hub "For the third consecutive year, firearms killed more young people than any other cause, including car crashes and cancer, and disproportionately affected people of color"

Fast facts indeed! Maybe too fast!

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