Thursday, March 16, 2023

CIFAR & gender equity: All for innovation and technology through gender quotas for equity-deserving groups

Gender quotas are about the opposite of gender equality! Unacceptable! Appalling!

Equity is a term of demagoguery!

In the battle of the sexes, men wake up!!!

A message from Elissa Strome, Executive Director, Pan-Canadian AI Strategy at CIFAR:
"... Setting targets was an important aspect of our strategy. As of this year, CIFAR and our partners at Canada’s National AI Institutes (Amii, Mila and the Vector Institute) have committed to ensuring that a minimum of 25% of Canada CIFAR AI Chairs identify as women or non-binary, and that, over the next five years, at least 40% of new Canada CIFAR AI Chair recruits and at least 30% of their trainees identify as members of equity-deserving groups. We see these targets as minimum starting points, with room for growth in the future. ..."

P.S. CIFAR is a well recognized and leading AI research institute! None other than Yoshua Bengio (a lefty) is the Program Co-Director, Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Learning in Machines & Brains, Pan-Canadian AI Strategy

International Women’s Day 2023: a call for innovation and technology for gender equality – CIFAR

Ms. Gender/Non-binary Quota! 

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