Sunday, March 26, 2023

Semantic Scholar Annoyances

About a week ago or so I noticed that Semantic Scholar also introduced tests whether a user is a robot or not!

The test itself is cleverly designed and may not easily be cracked by robots, because e.g. it involves moving a slider to match up parts of a picture or to drop a point on a picture in a certain position. In so far SS may succeeded.

However, their new test is more annoying than the one used by Google Scholar for a long time.

I have been using SS for several years now always with the same user account. I consider myself to be a very heavy and frequent user of SS. Almost every day I use SS to look up information etc.

Had they done some usage analysis on my account it would have probably shown that it is much more likely that a human than a robot is using it most of the time if not all the time. Most likely SS failed to do that!

E.g. today [3/26/2023], I was prompted twice within about 15 minutes to confirm that I am a human! A robot may take this in stride, I don't!

Very annoying!!!! So dilettante by SS!

P.S. Just emailed AllenAI and Semantic Scholar about this unpleasant and ridiculous test! 😊

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