Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Too shoot, heavily armed, 9 year old school students! What a coward!

This was again a very perverse mass shooting event! Honestly, I don't care about the gender of any person who commits such horrible and cowardly crimes!

Hopefully, the celebrity cult and tribalism of LGBTQ has reached its zenith! Human fads come and go! Faster would be better! It belongs on the dustbin of history!

Swift justice was served at the hands of the police officers in this case, who had to risk their lives to confront and stop this perpetrator!

Why did nobody stop this young woman (transgender man) before her crime! Did she really act totally alone? Who knew about her intentions? Who encouraged or incited her?

P.S. This was also in some sense a Me Too event in the age of gender equality! The dark side of gender equality! Again a woman with a gun perpetrating violent crimes heretofore rather associated with males!

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