Saturday, June 11, 2022

European Parliament: Right to safe and legal abortion must be safeguarded in the United States

How much do European taxpayers pay for such utter nonsense and interference in the internal affairs of another Western country?

What else does this pseudo parliament produce?

The parliament has a total of 705 seats, but only 555 MEPs voted for such a resolution. Are there no minimum voting requirements for resolutions that affect other Western countries?

"Following a plenary debate on Wednesday, MEPs adopted a resolution on Thursday [6/9/2022] by 364 votes in favour, 154 against and 37 abstentions reminding the United States Supreme Court that it is vital to uphold the landmark case of Roe v Wade (1973), which protects the right to abortion in the US Constitution. [???] ...
They urge US President Biden and his administration to ensure access to safe and legal abortion. MEPs reiterate their call on the Government of Texas to swiftly repeal Senate Bill 8 and call on several other US states with similar laws to bring their legislation in line with internationally protected women’s human rights. ..."

Right to safe and legal abortion must be safeguarded, MEPs demand | News | European Parliament

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