Sunday, June 26, 2022

Humans still live by too much fatalism, naivete, and anxiety in the 21st century

The significant decline in living by  Judeo/Greco/Roman/Christian moral values (such as honesty, humbleness, tolerance, non violence, respect for human dignity) and traditional religions in Western societies does not help either! This is a very serious and regrettable loss to individuals and civil society! Individual liberty and responsibility depend on it!

Why is indoctrination with obvious ideologies and deliberate misinformation still so successful in the 21st century?

All sorts of obvious propaganda and demagoguery is spread on a daily basis in Western societies by governments, politicians, intellectuals, academia, and science! Why is this still acceptable and possible in the 21st century?

How do you explain the widespread submissiveness of citizens to the draconian and far too long lasting measures resorted to by Western governments in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic? So much oppression by Big Government and government paternalism! Latest by around Summer 2020, it was so obvious that Covid-19 is fairly harmless. By August 2021, the first effective vaccine was approved and so on. 

How is it possible that what was once a legitimate civil rights issue, i.e. equal rights for homosexuals, has become a daily dominating cult and a regression to tribalism in Western societies under the acronym LGBTQ? Gender identity has become a new religion!

Another example: Why is it that e.g. an obvious scam like the Global Warming Hoax and Climate Change Religion is so successful for so long? Extreme environmentalism has gripped Western societies for several decades!

Then there is the daily propaganda and demagoguery of racism, white supremacy, and colonialism. This pure corrosive demagoguery is clearly aimed at polarizing and dividing Western societies. It is deliberate agitation to incite violence! 

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