Thursday, June 30, 2022

Johns Hopkins University: The Road to serfdom to Prevent 500K traffic Deaths a Year around the world

A frequently observed pattern: Under the guise of public health mix a hodge podge of data, stir it well to create the largest possible shock effect, make some outlandish claims, and come up with some authoritarian solutions!

Absolute public health must rule above everything else according to these demagogues!

E.g. the demand for lowering speed limits must be directed at high income countries as low and middle income countries likely do not enforce speed limits as much!

"... The majority of traffic deaths are preventable, and simple road safety interventions like lowering speed limits could save nearly 540,000 lives worldwide every year, Forbes reports, highlighting a series published in The Lancet yesterday.
~25% to 40% of road deaths annually could be prevented by targeting speeding, drunk driving and helmet and seat-belt wearing in 185 countries, according to a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed studies.
Nearly 1.4 million people die from traffic injuries each year; another ~50 million suffer injuries.

More than 90% of those deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. And deaths continue to climb in low-income countries, while “progress in high-income countries has slowed over the past decade,” says Adnan Hyder, a global health professor at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, who led the series. ..."

Global Health NOW: The Road to Prevent ~500K Deaths a Year; Monkeypox Entering New Territory? and Taking on Torture: The Updated Istanbul Protocol

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