Thursday, June 30, 2022

MIT: Tapping into the million-year geothermal energy source. Really!

They keep looking for renewable green energy everywhere!

I don't think this is a realistic source of energy on a large scale (e.g. serving millions of customers). How costly is this form of energy generation? How environmentally is it? What will be the damage to earth if scaled up? How many wholes need to be drilled and how deep?

This sounds more like a plea for government subsidies to finance a dubious energy source!

"... a research engineer in MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center, notes ... Using an approach he’s been working on for the last 14 years, he’s hoping it will be back online, completely carbon-free [???], within the decade. ...
The company plans to vaporize enough rock to create the world’s deepest holes and harvest geothermal energy at a scale that could satisfy human energy consumption for millions of years. They haven’t yet solved all the related engineering challenges, ... to begin harvesting energy from a pilot well by 2026.
... But Quaise’s drilling systems center around a microwave-emitting device called a gyrotron that has been used in research and manufacturing for decades.
“This will happen quickly once we solve the immediate engineering problems of transmitting a clean beam and having it operate at a high energy density without breakdown ..."

Tapping into the million-year energy source below our feet | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT spinout Quaise Energy is working to create geothermal wells made from the deepest holes in the world.

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