Thursday, June 30, 2022

Big Government witch hunt against Facebook in the name of political correctness

Another egregious overreach by Big Government! When Big Government micromanages businesses! Political correctness and government censorship combined! Disturbing!

"The United States government compelled Meta to revise its ad-placement system to deliver ads for housing to members regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. The company is voluntarily rebalancing its distribution of ads for credit and employment as well. ...
The company now allows advertisers to define the eligible audience for an ad based on variables like location, interests, and online activity but not age, sex, race, or ethnicity. ...
Meta will report the algorithm’s results every four months to the U.S. Justice Department and a third party nominated by the company and approved by the government. ... The update is part of a settlement between Meta and the U.S. Justice Department, which found that the company had violated laws against discrimination in housing. Meta also agreed to terminate a different system that was intended to enforce a more even distribution of ads but was found to have the opposite effect. It will pay a fine of $115,054, the maximum penalty under the law.  ..."

Facebook/Meta responded:
"... We will be introducing a new method designed to make sure the audience that ends up seeing a housing ad more closely reflects the eligible targeted audience for that ad. It will focus on a few key demographics: age, gender and estimated race or ethnicity. ...
HUD’s concerns focused on housing ads, but we also plan to use this method for employment and credit ads. These changes build on the significant progress we’ve already made to advance non-discrimination and fairness in our ads system. ...
designed to make sure the audience that ends up seeing a housing ad more closely reflects the eligible targeted audience for that ad. ..."

Expanding Our Work on Ads Fairness | Meta

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