Saturday, February 05, 2022

Blood Supplies in the U.S. Run Low as Covid-19 Limits Donations

Another reason, why a return to a fairly normal life like before the Covid-19 pandemic is urgent and long overdue!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"The Covid-19 pandemic put a dent in donations, because with fewer people commuting to workplaces and attending in-person classes and worship services, there went employer-, school- and church-hosted blood drives. Blood banks have typically relied heavily on older adults; an estimated 45% of donors are over age 50, according to the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies. But that age group, which is at greater risk for severe Covid-19 outcomes, may have been reluctant to participate in blood drives during the pandemic. Even so, demand for blood is rebounding as people resume non-urgent medical care. Shortages have forced some hospitals to space out procedures and cancel elective surgeries. More than half of the country’s community blood centers have no more than a two-day supply of blood, an industry group said; three or more days’ worth is the standard to operate normally."

Blood Supplies Run Low as Omicron Limits Donations - WSJ Hospitals space out, postpone procedures as blood-donation volumes remain below average

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